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Reviews for The Gilded Cage

By : ApollinaV
  • From ANON - Anon on June 23, 2009
    ok, IT'S BEEN A WEEK ALREADY..!!!!!!!!! POST MORE!!!!!!!! please...
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  • From voraciousreader on June 19, 2009
    I had to add this, though I don't normally review a chapter twice: I missed telling you that I LOVED IT when Tink kicked Jake and swiped his smokes! I could just see her climbing him like some kind of alien squirrel in a demented frenzy to get her fix! Secondlhy, now that he has learned to use mobile communications that don't involve feathers, he would make an excellent politcal columnist; the Wizengamot really needs an objective gadfly! Oh, and tell Rini that after reading her review, I too am now chanting 'Istanbul, not Constantinople...' Evil wench.
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  • From Robs on June 19, 2009
    OMG that chapter was utter genius! I love the way Severus just pretty much professed his love for Hermione to all the wedding guests. As obvious as it is that they are still in love with each other, they have issues they need to work through. Their little 'talk' I'm guessing. I am hanging on the edge of my seat (literally) for the next chapter!
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  • From Given2Fly on June 19, 2009
    I loved Severus' 'em a new one, baby! ^__^ Looking forward to the next chapter!!
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  • From Heidi191976 on June 19, 2009
    An excellent chapter. Looking forward to the next one.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 19, 2009
    Words cannot express enough how much I love this story. You deserve to be published.
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  • From DawnEB on June 19, 2009
    After nagging you because it was a few hours late last week, I find myself a day late in reading the latest chapter. And a very sighworthy chapter it was, whether in fond exasperation at their fretting beforehand or in pleasure as they came together on the dance floor.

    Jake and Draco? :)

    I'm happy for our favourite couple the end is in sight, but... you do have another one planned, right?
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  • From liagiba84 on June 19, 2009
    Wonderful as always! I can feel Severus and Hermione coming back together and it makes me so happy! And Tink is the funniest house elf (sorry, garden elf) I have ever read. And poor Draco, you caught my interest in the one sentence you devoted to him and now I want him to be okay too.
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  • From phoenixrhapsodyv3 on June 18, 2009
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh! OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod!!!!! Okay, first of all, that previous comment I made, I didn't mean it harshly! Not at all! I love your writing and your plot and your style and your characterizations and your delicate lemon flavoring that never quite yeilds a true fruit and... well you get the point. I just love it! but I was giggling the entire time that I typed that, so it was not meant to carry venom. I call my girlfriends little twats sometimes, it's affectionate. so, yeah, sorry!

    Secondly, I'm sorry for not reviewing the last chapter. I printed it up and took it to work to read because I am that addicted to your story.

    KUDOS KUDOS KUDOS! on this chapter it is brilliant and oh so poignant! I love it, and it was so touching. Billy and Ginny are an excellent match and ... hmm... Draco and Jake, huh? nice nice. I can't wait for more, More, MORE! Whoo-hoo!
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  • From alina290 on June 18, 2009
    This chapter has me all feeling nice and happy. I cannot wait for their talk. Severus sounding so human, so much feeling into his speech. Thank you so much for this one.
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  • From neelix on June 18, 2009
    Oh yes... now we're talking! That was sublime! I loved that she wouldn't let him go! Why would you, seriously?? So looking forward to the next chapter. It may need a celebratory glass of something, you know!
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  • From thewickedsister on June 17, 2009
    once a week is absolutely brilliant for updates ... unless the reader is used to waiting only as long as it takes for a page to load in for the next chapter.

    YAAAAY FINALLY. took the idiots long enough. humph. I sincerely hope they're not going to just 'talk'. fantastic chapter as usual.
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  • From Clairvoyant on June 17, 2009
    I loved this hopeful chapter. Severus is a hero, rescuing the damaged reputation of his wife. So happy to see you found a playmate for Jake. Happy ending for everyone in the wizarding world, eh?
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  • From katiekrm on June 17, 2009
    OMG, that was so romantic! Severus is such a stud. What a wonderful toast! Protect your woman! I love the part where he wants to nuzzle her neck just to hear Hermione laugh again. So sweet. I have to say that even though I have enjoyed many marriage law fics, I am always bothered when Hermione just gives into it and no one does anything about their basic freedoms being taken away! I mean the thought is always niggling in the back of my mind throughout marriage law fics and it takes some of the enjoyment away. In your fic, she finds a way around it, but I am so thankful for Severus' line about whoring their daughters. That is exactly what they're doing. Go Severus! I have thoroughly enjoyed your fic and am looking forward to more.
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  • From rini868 on June 17, 2009
    You're very welcome :D

    "But Severus had learned his lesson well. And he understood that in dealing with Hermione, a little humility on his part was in order."

    Ahhh. Good, he has learnt.

    A Christmas themed wedding? Bleh!

    I don't think any of Billy's relatives are going to be there... that's so sad.

    Whoa! Someone's addicted to cigaretts o_O

    Repopulating Wizarding Britain with redheads? Erm... okay...

    Poor Draco :(

    Draco and Jake? Awww! That means Draco's off the market.

    Yay! Nearly there!
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