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Reviews for Wand Light

By : stacygalore
  • From ANON - Lauren St. Louis on June 07, 2009
    Holy CRAP! That was a cliffhanger! I need more! Much much more of the snogging and the cocksucking.

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  • From Juana13 on May 06, 2009
    oh god you absolutely HAVE to update soon!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!
    this is such a wonderful fic, i cannot even begin to describe how wonderful it is to read!!!!
    i cant wait for the next chapter, i'm so impatient!!!
    please update soon!
    i wanna know what happens next!!!
    i sssssssssoooooooooooooo look forward to it!!! : )
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  • From ANON - Saturn on April 27, 2009
    DAMN that is HOTT! :D mmm.
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  • From ANON - ThePinkLady on April 17, 2009
    Nice cliffy there! Mean, but good, can't wait to read the next installment. Have you considered posting this in one of the specific harry/draco sites? A lot more people tend to read those...
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  • From TipperannTaylor on March 20, 2009
    OMG!! Im loving this story. I lkie how its like twilight, but your not just replacing the characters and keeping the same synerio. Keep it up you've got a fan!!!
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  • From Jerrillith on March 10, 2009
    This is a very cool story. Keep up the good work, I look forward to much more.
    Thanks, Lady Jerrillith
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  • From ANON - The PinkLady on March 08, 2009
    I like VampireDraco, he's actually more convincing than Edward, the mood swings in particular are very entertainig... Great stuff, keep writing!
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  • From ANON - Sara Maxine on February 09, 2009
    Your turn, so...
    I like it.
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  • From ANON - melissa on February 03, 2009
    i think this is a really good concept!!!! ;D i am seeing the Twillight movie on friday, but have read the book. Have you considered also posting the story in the Harry Potter section under Harry/draco? i think it will get more reveiws and that ;D

    but really can't wait to see what happens next, i like that it is not totally as Twillight, makes it more exciting ;D haha.

    keep up the good work!
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  • From maegerakawaii on January 23, 2009
    OMG I loved this chapter. I can't wait for the next one. I just hope Malfoy isn't responsible for Katie's disappearance and if he is I hope it isn't anything bad.
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  • From gorgeousbowneyes on January 23, 2009
    Draco didnt kill her!!!!!!!!! The bad vampires did. Not sure who they are in the HP world though. I just wanna know why Draco was having sex with Katie though. Edward doesn't with anyone in Twilight ...? Maybe just another plot twist to your story then.

    Great work so far, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it, keep the updates coming!
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  • From gorgeousbowneyes on January 23, 2009
    I haven't read this yet, but I just wanted to say, I've just come home from seeing Twilight for the third time, which is surprisingly more times than I've seen any of the same Harry Potter movies in the cinema. And I was and still am listening to Bella's Lullaby. I logged on to AFF and started looking through the recent stuff and saw this and I was like .... woah, that could be absolutely perfect!!! So now I'm off to read and see what I think.

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  • From on January 18, 2009
    Seeing as i'm a huge fan of both Harry Potter and Twilight... obviously i love this story. Keep it up!

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  • From ANON - MewMew2 on January 11, 2009
    Very interesting. I commend you for doing such an excellent job in 'transferring' the situations of Twilight (Bella and Edward's meeting), into comparable and likely situations that would occur at Hogwarts. My only question, who will play the part of Jacob? Please update once more when you get the chance, this looks to be the makings of an excellent story!
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  • From maegerakawaii on January 10, 2009
    This definitely has caught my attention. I like it a lot since I'm a fan of both Harry Potter and Twilight. I hope this continues because I would definitely continue reading it. Thank you for the update.
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