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Reviews for Siege Mentality

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Mangacat on February 12, 2009
    Yep interesting, I knew that Draco was doing it himself and I at once suspected Blacks acting up (because those people are JUST predestined that way...) ah well, it's still not clear why Harry would be a beast of claws and teeth and how the people really died, if not in a accidental force of energy creating rifts (which would explain the relocation) ok, now, what's more?
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  • From ANON - Delfina on February 12, 2009
    This story just keep getting more and more intresting i'm glad that you decided to go with the black family line instead of the malfoy. and your right Harry does think of Draco as a Malfoy to much and not a black. it seems that Draco is now starting to think about what's going on and now that Harry's there to help things are bound to get more intresting. i think that its cute that Draco thinks the monster has not only stolen harry's voice but also his personality. i wonder what draco's grandmother did to him when she was speaking to him it seems that she was the one that cast the curse or spell on him. but i wonder why she would do that. i cant wait for the next update.
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  • From hieisdragoness18 on February 12, 2009
    well at least they're on the right track
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  • From ANON - Fallen_angel1129 on February 12, 2009
    IM BACK!!! lol remember me? sorry lifes busy, but i needed a fix and i found very much liking this story, cant wait to see where your wonderful mind takes it!
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  • From AkumuSutaRaito on February 11, 2009
    Hm. For some reason I got the idea that Harry and Draco had a bit of a fling before he left, a bit of a casual thing. But maybe I was just seeing Harry's want for something like that? I dunno. But anyway, another great chapter. I'm very much endeared by this oddly fragile, a bit barmy Draco. But I have to wonder, has Draco seen all of the Aurors sent as these creatures too? That would explain why he thought he was being chased. Or was something actually chasing him? Can't wait to find out.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on February 11, 2009
    about #4...

    Okay, this may sound a bit silly, but I need a mental picture.

    What kind a beast is Draco visualizing? Something huge and furry like a Wookie?
    *makes noise like Chewbacca...that is if I could*
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  • From ANON - Word_Slave on February 11, 2009
    I really really liked this chapter. It was very clear and I loved the interaction between harry and draco... god they are both so oblivious and so in love. Can't wait!
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  • From callistianstar on February 11, 2009
    I'm so glad that things are working out so far. Yes, this chapter definitely helped understand Draco's perception better though I hope Harry is able to ask Draco how exactly he defines Harry, other than the claws. It is sad that Draco's been kept in such a state of fear that he's been doing this largely to himself for so long, but I'm glad to see he's still Draco, even insulting the "creature" for having Harry's attention span and also recognizing that he may have hurt the other aurors (although with his "wild magic" it wouldn't be his fault") So far, I'm thinking that the spell he used to see the Malfoy line, that one of them may have given him this ability, this wild magic. I like the idea of that magic in any case. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - DTDY on February 11, 2009
    I really like the new update. Now that we know where it is from maybe harry can find it.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on February 10, 2009
    about #3...

    Ooo...a mystery! Now that I'm REALLY getting into it, it's starting to have that
    'real' feel of a mystery, which is something I noticed you're real good at mah'
    dear! That AND tha' freakin' horror...*shudders*

    A. Okay, I can see how Draco's wild magic could be causing his constant trip into
    the different Twilight Zones. BUT, it could be possible that he is dragging creatures
    with him from those Twilight Zones...

    ...or he's mistaking human beings for creatures and unintentionally killing them.

    Hmmm....oh well, just a theory.

    B. Now, I'm assuming you've read the 6th book of HP? Even if you haven't I want
    your opinion, do you believe that it was TOO cliched to have Harry hook-up with
    Ginny? Do you believe that he should have....died?

    Personally, I was all for the boy dying a hero's death.

    Also, did you feel it was COMPLETELY out of left-field to have Dumbledore gay? I
    was like, where in tha' hell did THAT come from????

    It was like her last 2 books were designed to make them interesting for the movies,
    because I couldn't get into her first 2 books [I preferred the movies] they just
    seemed like they were lacking something.

    Though I admit there are some things in her books I would have liked to have seen
    onscreen, like S.P.E.W. :-)

    ...and with that I end this long review.
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  • From AkumuSutaRaito on February 10, 2009
    That ending was truly evil. Now I'm going to be thinking of this story obsessively until the next chapter is posted! But I really like where it is going and I can't wait to read more. Thanks for writing ^_^
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  • From AkumuSutaRaito on February 10, 2009
    Another great chapter that has just the right amount of suspense and hints at Draco's curse. I really liked the fact that Harry and Draco already have a bit of a history (romantically at least) in this story, it makes things a bit easier. *off to the next chapter*
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  • From AkumuSutaRaito on February 10, 2009
    Really awesome start, can't wait to read the other chapters. It's like this story was made for me, bottom Draco and a possible hurt/comfort aspect. Really interesting.
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  • From delfina87 on February 09, 2009
    oh my gosh you've got to update, i wonder what's harry going to do. it seemed that he expected for it to be a challange to locate Draco and now that hes found him Draco thinks that he's one of the creatures that's attacking him and now they managed to steal Harry's voice and talk to him. i didnt expect for the problem to be linked with wild magic. that was an intresting twist i wonder how Draco managed to get ahold of wild magic. you wrote that harry had studied the malfoy line maybe its the black line. hmmm. i dont know but please please update soon. i'm dying in suspense.
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  • From Mangacat on February 09, 2009
    MWAHwhawhwahwa... very interesting, so, Draco might be wunderkind and Harry gets choked, why do I think that's unbelievably funny??
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