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Reviews for The Masked Lady

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From ANON - bournespeed on April 06, 2009
    yeh, lovely story. Had me in hysterics at the end there.
    patiently awaiting your next story. Lucky you, I'd love to be knee deep in Snape!!!!!!!!

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  • From Lyndie578 on April 06, 2009
    Wonderfully gooey wrap-up! I'm so glad you gave Lucius mostly daughters. It is so refreshing! Usually, muses inspire Lucius to sire sons (I guess because they view sons as a sign of virilty), but he's so precious with daughters. Great turn to free Draco. Thank you for sharing this engaging and entertaining Lumione piece. Cheers!
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  • From ANON - Mary on April 06, 2009
    Loved the whole story. I am now eagerly anticipating your next story as I've reread most of your stories over again. I prefer the ones with the Slytherins myself. I wouldn't mind another Draco/Hermoine story.
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  • From ANON - Lyss on April 06, 2009
    I loved it....that was hilarious!
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  • From ANON - trizfores on April 06, 2009
    wonderful story! as always, loved it. poor lucius, having to let go of his little girls eventually. it's like that for fathers everywhere. can't wait for your next story. sshg!
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  • From ANON - doodle on April 06, 2009
    Well done! Thanks for the ride.
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  • From smmz79 on April 06, 2009
    Ha HA HA HA HA i laughed from beginning to the end that was great... i could just see draco and harry watching the scene in front of them and hermione throws things when she is angry omg thats great... loved it i love the passion that you wrote in this fic.... fabulous job.... i absolutely can not wait for the next fic from you sg it will be brilliant
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  • From ANON - VoraciousReader on April 06, 2009
    Why would he need a convent? If Lucius can scare an auror with a mere implication of going 'death eater' on him, imagine how terrified a teenage wizard would be to show up for a date with a Malfoy daughter. Rather like dating the daughter of a mafia Don, I'd think. And then there's the thought of what the third part of the Golden Trio would do to him--he might end up as a garden bench or something. Loved the epilogue, hon.
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  • From margaritama on April 05, 2009
    There were so many damn funny lines in this chapter and I could totally see the comedic touches especially as the two ladies fought: the scorecards, the passing of cigars, etc. But Draco's comments had to take the cake, my favorite: "ignoring Draco
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  • From BillsBedroom on April 05, 2009
    Great ass kicking!! Though I have to say that the score cards were hysterical! I can not wait for the LENGTHY epilogue (as promised) Also eagerly waiting for your next Lucius and Hermione story. There just aren't that many of them out there, and you write them so wonderfully!
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  • From margaritama on April 05, 2009
    Hope you are feeling better darling.

    I don't know how I missed chapter 19 so my apologies on not reviewing. Dear goodness, the flexible comment had me laughing so hard I almost choked. And Lucius nearly blurting out his feelings was so lovely and tender. Sigh, Hermione, what a man.

    Now, the boys have been held up and perhaps Hermione will come back to hex the day.
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  • From ANON - Aundree'a on April 05, 2009
    I KNEW IT!!! Haahaaa!!! Astoria got the crap beat out of her, and it was well deserved!!! Yay!! I loved it!! Can't wait for the epilouge!!
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  • From acidqueen on April 04, 2009
    I can just see Lucius now, locking his daughters away, never to see the light of day...more than likely because there are man in the world that would do to them when he did to Hermione; either that, or considering what Hermione was like at Hogwarts, and what he's year at Hogwarts and any children of theirs would raise the damn castle to the ground. *Snigger* keep any children in a barrel until thier 18, feeding them through a little hole in the top, and check on them when they hit 18 to see if their ready to come out (Thats what my dad threated to do with me, i kid you not!)

    I am so happy that, now i have my interweb again i have re-discovered your fanfics, i honestly think that they are some of the best stuff written on this site! And i cringe at the thought of going back to my own story, knowing that it is no where near as good as yours. It was actually a little strange, maybe coz im sleepy, and got some powerful painkillers running through me at the moment, but my brain kinda switched off half way through reading, and it actually felt real...sort of like reading someones mind about thier life and their relationship, not a story.

    Gotta be honest here, this actually made me forget about the pain in my back...your stories are really great soon as the sun hits the horizon, i will get back on to the interweb and get in touch with the MHS and other health services, to inform them that they should replace pain meds with your stories. Think they'll except?

    I am so happy that when i did find this story a couple of hours ago, that chapter 20 was up, i dont think that i could have stood for not knowing who the copycat Masked Lady was, though, i did have a feeling that it was Draco's wife...i mean, there wasnt a huge number of characters to choose from (the only other idea i had was Ron in a dress, not so much because it was plausable, but i like the idea of Ron in a dress!)

    I ate this story up, and i am highly annoyed with myself that i didnt find it sooner...there is something nice about being with a story from the beginning; its terrible walking in close to the end, or after it has been written, it feels to much like the past. Whereas being with a story, checking to see if there is a new chapter up day after day, it kind of makes it feel just that little bit more real. I dont know, could just be me.

    I have always loved your stories, they are like water...or Cider, i cannot get enough of them. Actually, thinking on it, i dont think that i developed a true appreciation for Lucius Malfoy and all that he could be until i read started reading your stories, you gave him a whole new dimension that really works for him. His quick scathing wit and his sense of humour...damn it, why can i not be Hermione? Jump in to one of your stories and be with Lucius, just for a day.
    Its your fault im obbsessed with him now
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 04, 2009
    That.......was perfect!!! And I am nearly off the chair laughing at Draco's bold antics regarding the ogling of Hermione in front of Lucius. Not only has Hermione made Lucius happy but she's reunited father and son in a way no-one thought possible. :)
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  • From KellyJCR on April 04, 2009
    Wow great action scene(one of the best I have ever read.). I never would have expected to see a soft side to Draco. The fact that Astoria was his assailant I would have expected a huge blow-up from him. This really showed how much they have all changed for the better. Love the fact that Hermione finally gave in to Lucius. It was amazing what comes to light in extrodinary situations. I can't wait for the epilogue. Well done!!!!
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