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Reviews for Providence

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - MewMew2 on May 03, 2009
    Thank you for updating once more, excellent job as usual. Loved the debate in general. Please update again when you have the chance.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 02, 2009
    about #14...

    you know, if I had Draco's quick keen mind...I would be cutting a LOT of arrogant people to the quick, especially managers who don't deserve respect. Of course,
    doing it in a way they wouldn't know they were being put down...until much later.


    Also, Draco sure does remind me of a peacock trying to show off for its mate, which
    he is...'Look at me, see how I shine!'

    By the way, hasn't Hermione forgot about...FREEDOM of CHOICE or has she become
    blinded by her self-righteous crusade, without thinking about what it is that
    others want???

    Even though, they are creatures...of the intelligent sort, of course.

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  • From ANON - butterpie on May 02, 2009
    Another nice one, especially since Draco managed to play off Hermione's emotions rather nicely. After all to win so easily would dull the victory for either of them. Harry is a major part of this debate despite his attempts to remain neutral. I look forward to Harry finding what Draco's reaction is to where their having dinner soon, lol! I think Draco has finally gotten a clue that this is one person who will not be coerced into his way of doing things. In fact I bet Draco needs someone like Harry to tell him off when he gets out of hand. Bravo to you for this fine tale of yours, and keeping me coming back for more. So please continue.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 30, 2009
    about #13...

    As ''short'' as this chapter seemed, I got the impression that Draco WAS trying
    to impress Harry with his words, hope it doesn't backfire on him.

    By the way, from what I've seen of your stories so far & regarding this chapter
    you haven't done a story on Draco trying to get Harry's attention [in a funny way]that wasn't a one-shot, at least as far as I've seen.
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 27, 2009
    Soooo need chapter 14!!! I loved Draco's responses to Hermione!
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  • From pretender on April 26, 2009
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  • From ANON - MewMew2 on April 26, 2009
    Excellent. I can't wait for the continuation of the debate between Hermione and Draco. I'm sure that the ending will reveal a few traits of his to Harry that should be fairly enlightening. Thank you for posting.
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  • From ANON - butterpie on April 26, 2009
    Hermione knows how hard Harry's life has been in the past, and wants to protect her friend, who is more like a brother to her, but sometimes you have to learn when its time to step aside and just hope for the best. In spite of all he's endured Harry is a survivor, and has learned when to follow his instincts, and when to turn to his friends, if only for moral support and understanding. Draco has difficult times ahead if she manages to put a wedge between them, but Harry needs to see for himself just how much Draco is committed to their budding relationship. Near the end of this chapter Draco actually strengthened his position with Harry and Hermione by allowing his vunerable side to show through, as that gave testament to his struggle to surmount his past history with them and the world in general. Harry wanted to see if Draco was sincere in his new found beliefs, but how much more satisfying to be part of that process as his life partner at his side. Draco is finally beginning to understand just how much of rut he was in before Harry entered his life, and now is finding that going beyond his previous comfort zone can make the everyday experiences renewed and invigorating again. Its a pure pleasure to read this wonderous tale of yours. You are a master storyteller, and have me yearning for more, so please continue.
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  • From ANON - js on April 26, 2009
    I like seeing this side of Draco. I hope he is worthy of Harry's love.
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 23, 2009
    Soooo need chapter 13!!! I love the way they "listen" to each other.
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  • From ANON - butterpie on April 23, 2009
    I actually took the time to play some harp music as I read during the part of them being so close together in the music room, even as the first bondaries were set and almost crossed before they parted once more. Clearly you have a gift for wording an image that is fully enjoyed by this reader. Thank you. It is also a pleasure to view a turning point in their relationship as they are finally coming together as equals. Both will find life much more fullfilling that way, as each has gifts within themselves worth a lifetime of sharing together. I look forward to your next chapter, so please continue.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 22, 2009
    about #12...

    Damn, as soon as I review #11, here you go with #12. :-)

    1. I meant to mention this, I noticed the titles of each chapter seem to be in
    the Past tense, is there a reason...will there be a Present tense?

    2. I, FINALLY, noticed that in this story the view of ''celebrity status'' seems
    to be in reverse. Instead of the awe, admiration and narrow-minded observation
    that Harry gets from others, he is applying it towards Draco in a sense.

    That is, seeing Draco in one perspective, when there is another one Harry had
    never considered until he began hanging around him.

    3. Why do I get the feeling that your next story will deal with 'race relations?
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  • From Juana13 on April 22, 2009
    awww you updated! so awesome! loved the dancing! so HHHOOOOTTTT!!! hahahaha
    cant wait for the next update.
    wonder what you'll write next. will harry have another test for draco??
    looking forward to the next chapter! : )
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 22, 2009
    about #11....

    1. Wow! O_O

    I like this! This is what gets my imagination going, a challenge between two
    strong minded individuals...can one take the time to give up their beliefs/hangups enough to show that they are willing to be with the other???

    Who knows...Stay Tuned!!! :-)

    2. Blood & Beliefs...true, there are some things in Draco's character that are turnoffs or just hard to ignore since he continues to see things a certain way because of what he was taught. The same way there are stereotypes that viewed in different races towards other races..and seen as the ''gospel truth'' because
    no one takes the time to ''see'' differently.

    I guess it would be hard to get into THAT frame of mind...and try to stay true
    to the character.

    But, that's a WHOLE different subject I won't get into.

    3. NOW, Draco looking ''hungry like a wolf'' towards Harry is anticipation at its finest...and once again you leave us hanging, one would think you have discovered
    the appeal of cliffhangers.

    For shame...*shakes finger*

    4. I was thinking of emailing you, because I got a few questions and don't want
    to ask them here....that would take up take space here.
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  • From Juana13 on April 22, 2009
    oh this chapter was so utterly awesome : )
    cant wait for "the game to begin"!!!
    wonder what draco's going to do next.... a smut scene in the making soon...? lol
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