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Reviews for Providence

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Jan on April 20, 2009
    Interesting story, can't wait for chapter 12, hope it's soon ^_^

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  • From YanaYugi on April 20, 2009
    aww harry everyone likes having a possessive boyfriend
    lol.. ok maybe not everyone
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 20, 2009
    Soooo need chapter 12!!! I love the way Harry handled that!
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  • From ANON - butterpie on April 20, 2009
    This is an interesting take on these two both equals and yet unique individuals who are certainly worth more then a casual fling. The road ahead is certain to be bumpy, but the results will be worth the effort as they resolve their differences like any other couple. I am throughly enjoying your story, and count it among my favorites. Son please continue to do what you do best, and write on!
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  • From YamiBakura on April 19, 2009
    Chapter 11

    Yes, don't fall into the trap that I have. x3 Writing dozens of stories, but never finishing them. Or, leaving the fandom altogether and coming back two and a half years later, and finishing them then. Bad idea, I can promise you. ;;

    This chapter made me gwee. All I can think of is Pat Benatar's "Love is a Battlefield" >3
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  • From knj4k4 on April 19, 2009
    great chapter. Ron's reaction was spot on
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 18, 2009
    about #10...

    You don't have to respond....

    1. I think basically this was a filler chapter, soo...I'll tell you what I felt.
    I'm glad they were able to get a couple of things out the way, but I'm glad Draco wasn't trying to be overbearing just to get his way, but see where this might go. Also, I have to admit I like it when you end chapters on a sweet note.

    I think you're slowly getting a knack for it. :-)

    2. That comment about me seeing myself as Draco is deeply scary, considering that I write Harry a lot more easily.

    -hmm...well, it all depends on how you see Draco. Despite how he is portrayed in
    the books, it's his personality/character that you might be able relate to, not
    his ''mean'' way of doing things, I hesitate to say ''nasty''.

    For me, it would be his poise, bluntness, aloofness and analytical thinking of how
    to go about doing things. As for Harry, he WOULD be easier to write, since he is
    the do-gooder. All you have to do is write...what would be the right way of doing certain things and take it from there, that's just a POV statement.

    Anyway, any questions I have will be asked for next time.
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  • From YanaYugi on April 18, 2009
    yay i like possessive draco
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  • From ANON - Mizu,B on April 17, 2009
    This story is amazing. I have just spent the last hour devouring its chapters and giggling myself silly. I beg an update from you and wait for it with abated breath.

    (currently not logged into her account)
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  • From ANON - butterpie on April 17, 2009
    This looks promising, as they attempt to be patient with each other, even willing to try to start over again. I believe that they would make each other alot more than merely content. I look forward to your next chapter. Hopefully with some more zestful moments ahead. So by all means please continue!
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  • From YamiBakura on April 16, 2009
    Chapter 10

    Intoxicate the Sun already sounds like it's going to be fantastic. Aside from the fact that you're writing it, and based on your previous fanfics, which have all be among the best I've ever read, you're a brilliant writer, and just that tantalising little hint in the review comments about leading a revolution and with a name like Intoxicating the Sun, I know it's going to be wonderful.
    I honestly can't wait.

    This chapter has already slipped away from me, mostly due to circumstances that happened before I sat down to read it, so I can't recall anything particularly witty or intriguing that I wanted to pull out and comment upon, so I'm afraid you'll have to make do with a 'this chapter was fantastic, and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the next one.'
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 16, 2009
    I soooo need chapter 11!!! Harry agreed to date him? This I can't wait to read!!!
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  • From ANON - MewMew2 on April 16, 2009
    Excellent job. I really liked the tree reference at the end of this chapter. I found myself visualizing it clearly in my mind.
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  • From ANON - Word_Slave on April 14, 2009
    I laughed my ass off at your reply to a comment.... "yes because Harry is dumb." And that sums him up perfectly... and when he's pissed off he's even more dumb and he exacts vengeance like a
    loved it more please... more sex... ohhh love draco
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 13, 2009
    about #9...

    1. I'm coming to the conclusion that these recent ventures back into writing
    action scenes is a prerequisite for BIGger things in the future.

    2. Since I've been gone awhile, i.e. reading other stories, I forgot what I was
    kicking you for. :-)

    3. Speaking of stories, I MUST mention 3. These are blast from YOUR past, but I
    truly enjoyed ''Still Pools & Starlight [?]'', if any story could be a candidate for
    the ''Awww...'' factor, that story would be it. :-)

    Then, there's ''A Year's Temptation'', I have to applaud you, it's rare you can
    take the Veela theme and do something different with it, as a matter of fact
    there's one other story that did...but the author NEVER finished it, ''Veela Inheritance Problems'', damn good plot...that won't be finished.

    I think there was another one, but I can't think of it.

    4. Oh, remember I mentioned about you doing a Quidditch scene in a story that
    sounded like I was asking for 'play-by-play' action? Well, it was more of what you
    did in ''A. Y. T.'', the March or April chapter when Draco was trying to impress
    Harry with his Quidditch skills.

    The action with the bludgers & Beaters was something I was talking about. But, of course you would have to be in the mood to write something like that again. I hope
    you do someday...

    5. About this chapter, I think you had fun writing this, especially from Draco's
    POV, as a matter of fact, I am now truly convinced you see yourself in Draco
    personality-wise to a slight degree. :-)
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