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Reviews for Leader of Men

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Severus1snape on September 26, 2015
    Way too dark for my taste - well-written though
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  • From Juana13 on June 11, 2009
    One word----Awesome. Action, drama, death, sex...what more could you want? Unique plot. Loved this. Too bad about the characters' deaths, though. Didn't see Ron's comin'. And too bad for Hermione. I'd have thought that she would've been a loyal friend, but of course she has to have too much faith in creatures.
    And Harry was right in his thinking. I don't totally agree with how a cold bastard he was, but you're gonna change when you're fighting in a war like that. And of course, i absolutely loved the ending. Glad that Harry and Malfoy survived and would now escape their old life together.
    Loved this! Looking forward to more writings from you.

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  • From ANON - Regina on June 11, 2009
    This is a damned good story. I've seen 'dementor-is-the-enemy' fics, albeit rarely, but never like this. Though it wasn't as gut-wrenchingly painful as your notes made it seem, it certainly wasn't a happy story, but it was, of course, brilliant that way. I'd like to think that Draco dragged Harry out of country to live in wealth and infamy, teach him to feel again, and publish accounts of their fighting + how to defeat the escapees. And that Britain would regret being stupid and drivong out Harry's army, because I don't think I've ever heard anything like Dementors dying of old age, so they might just come back, hm? Anyway... lovely work. Just lovely.
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  • From callistianstar on June 10, 2009
    Kick ass, though I would have loved to see a fuller version of this. Hermione's role of course irritated me a bit, since she must have known about the massacre of the Weasleys, but I like that end bit where it certainly is easier for society to look at a "peace keeping" role like Hermione's with more favor than Harry's effective but chaotic actions. Draco's comment to Harry about Ron, and how he should die everyday, for Draco to enjoy a fuck like that...well, their whole relationship in this was appropriate somehow. Very interesting idea for a story. I can't imagine a war against the Dementor's like this. Honestly. Crazy stuff. Especially since you'd need to think of a happy memory for Expecto Patronum to work, and to be able to concentrate when your fellows to your left and right are losing their very souls... Intense story. Wonderful job.
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  • From airagorncharda on June 07, 2009
    I was incredibly impressed by this. It was VERY well written and I loved how hard and sharp it was. I want to be able to write in a way that shuts out all romanticism and depicts the harshness of reality, especially in sexual situations. You managed to do that almost flawlessly here.
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  • From sonykit on June 05, 2009
    wonderful mix of darkness and emotion. the underlying tones, especially with harry and draco, were beautifully written. characters were very consistent all through out the story. wonderfully written action scenes, with attention to detail that leaves the reader very much in a state of watching a movie.
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  • From FallenAngel1129 on June 05, 2009
    yes i liked this one very much, faves i think
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  • From ANON - Jesilyn on June 04, 2009
    This was excellent! I love a dark(ish) Harry, and a romance between the boys that is fueled by something gritty and harsh rather than more of the "we're perfect for each other; it's only our roles that kept us apart" stuff. That has it's place too, but... stuff like this is sooo much more like how I would imagine they would really get together if Jo wrote H/D into cannon, and it's nice to read something that isn't fluff, but isn't really angst, either.

    Sorry, I'm kinda crap at reviews. I'm one of those bad readers that's been reading in the fandom for.... 4? 5? years now, and has only reviewed about 10 times or so, but I've been reading several of your stories lately here and on Hex, and I think you are a wonderful writer and had to comment.
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  • From ANON - SamuraiSaaya on June 04, 2009
    Very very powerful one-shot. It shows you exactly how destructive war and fear can be. The fact that Harry was cold and distant really added to the feel of the story. The rough sex was perfect for this type of story.

    Fantasticly well done.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on June 04, 2009
    Wow! Where you were you hiding THIS little gem?

    This is definitely something different for this section that I can HONESTLY
    say I have NOT seen. The intensity, passion, single-mindedness to get the
    job done and no room for unnecessary [sappy] emotions.

    You done good, gurl!!! ;-)
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 04, 2009
    I sooooo loved this! Amazing story!!!
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