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Reviews for A Little Polishing

By : ronsmistress
  • From hpfanaddict on June 15, 2015
    I've read this before, as I was only really starting out reading 'HP-fanfiction'(back in March, I think?), technically I actually started reading it at 'new year's,' but I was still learning about it, and figuring stuff out; so?-anyways; I hadn't quite understood the art of reviewing back then, though I tried, I don't think I was successful. Which is why I was quite disappointed, to have not found my review for this story of your here!? So, this is a long time coming!!
    I LOVE this story!!! This was so memorable for me, that despite, the fact that I hadn't been a member, so I couldn't bookmark it, or, save it in any way; I tried to bookmark it online on my web-browser! Unfortunately
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  • From ANON - hpfan addict on February 27, 2015
    Thank you that was great and it made me feel great reading it-sigh;/ it's the kinda romance, a girl like me daydreams about, BTW bit would make s great film -you route something funny/charming/gloomy/stormy/honest/and realistic, -however I have one major issue
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  • From RogueMudblood on February 17, 2013

    First, I'm going to say that while it's a cliche plot device (Hermione gets a makeover and she and Draco fall in love), you actually do have an original way of presenting it.

    I'm going to highly recommend, however, that you read through the story. You have a lot of typos, some of which completely change the meaning of sentences.

    Now, my big issue is chapter six. I know you wanted to push them to have sex. And I realize that your Hermione is OOC and she doesn't have the strength of will that Rowling's Hermione does. But I honestly don't see any self-respecting woman coming into a room complaining about being seen only as an object for intercourse and then engaging in said activity with the person to whom she's complaining. Basically, he did the same thing Ron did, only there's no other woman involved for her to offend.

    I'm affronted, to be frank, that you chose to do that. You've completely obliterated the self-respect she was slowly gaining. She was learning to appreciate herself as a woman, a desirable female who could attract more than one male with her wiles. If it weren't for the fact that your Draco is completely OOC, I would expect him to turn the tables radically now and declare to her that he was grateful for the interlude, but their intrigue is at an end, and could she please be on her way.

    I'm certain that such an impact was not at all what you intended. It negates entirely the progress you had made toward building Hermione's self-confidence. Perhaps tweaking that section so that it not only doesn't come off as rushed, but reflects more of her attained self-image would help maintain the atmosphere of her respecting her own worth.
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  • From CafeAuLait on May 07, 2011
    This was a cute story.

    Thanks for sharing!
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  • From MotherDragon on February 11, 2011
    Very nice!!! Loved it!!!
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  • From OmenRequiem on January 05, 2011
    Oh, that just made my whole day!! I'm so glad I decided to skim through Draco/Hermione stories while I'm sick. It was fantastic!!! I love your Malfoys, Narcissa and Lucius always struck me as people who were 'cold' in public but very caring at home.
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  • From newtothis on October 04, 2010
    ron a far better man then draco, he just young and draco a jackass. but he can change and be the man his women wnats.
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  • From bloodyblond on January 31, 2010
    I absolutely love this story! I'm hard-pressed to decide which I like better, your Draco/Hermione, or your Severus/Hermione.. oh well lets just say I love them both equally. (Although I'll shamefully admit I have never read your Ron/Pansy, even though that seems to be your specialty, I really cannot stand Ron. So I'm sorry for that.)
    And although some may be against it, I LOVE the fact that you DON't incorporate the war or any of the angsty Pureblood crap (honestly if I wanted that I'd just read what J.K wrote) you make your stories light, fun, and more importantly enjoyable. I truly hope you consider putting out a few more in this pairing (or Severus and Hermione.. really I'm not picky!) Thanks so much!
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  • From nonentity on September 04, 2009
    Overall, the story's quite sweet--you don't rush the changes in her thoughts but you don't drag it out either. I like the resolution with Ron and Lavender and how she actually helps their relationship and is happy for Ron. Draco's reasoning for helping her doesn't quite ring true--it'd work in a parody but not in this fic. An extra dose of guilt among all the Malfoys motivating them would probably help.
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  • From kazfeist on June 25, 2009
    That was a sweet ending! :D
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  • From Robs on June 25, 2009
    I liked this story a lot! Wasn't to sure to begin with, but I do like reading stories where Ron is a jerk, because that is how I have always seen him. Draco was such a gentleman all the way through. I loved the ending was so sweet! Keep up the good work!
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  • From starrynite45 on June 25, 2009
    Wow, I really love it. It is simple yet well-written. Wonderful story that can take some pressure out of my throbbing head!
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  • From ginnylovesharry07 on June 24, 2009
    totally awsome story..........loved it.
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  • From SeayKat on June 24, 2009
    Alright, I'm just gonna say it, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....that was so cute! This was a great story! Very fun and light with some tasty little lemons thrown in for flavor :P Thanks for writing it!
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  • From dragongirl on June 24, 2009
    Sweet short but needs an epilogue or a sequel could you think about it?
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