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Reviews for Twisted Faerie Tales

By : Digitallace
  • From Juana13 on January 18, 2010
    Wow great start. I actually feel bad for lucius, and that's pretty new for me.
    Can't wait to read more! Looking forward to how Harry and Draco are going to meet.
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  • From Briarrows69 on January 18, 2010
    Glad to see more of this!
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  • From DevilnBlue on January 17, 2010
    I love each and every last story that you did for these fairy tales. It seemed authentic enough to fit both in the HP world and the fairy tale by weaving them together with the disney version and the grimmes version. Each story fascinated and captivated me for a different reason and even though I prefer harry/draco to draco/harry I still wouldn't have change anything in it.

    You have such a creative way of writing that you make the reader want to cheer for the hero or heroes and even fear for their well-being even though most know by now how these beloved classics end. I loved the concept of adding Fenrir as the evil wolf who gobbles up the granny and waits to gobble up the grandson. The idea of 'Prince Charming' being a rock and roll band and Sirius Black the fairy godfather since he already was the godfather. How Harry was cursed to become a merman for revenge and found love in the unlikeliest of places. A sleeping draught gone awry that developed into sleeping beauty and the seven weasleys was simply adorable.

    I laughed my ass off when Ginny walked in on Draco and Harry after they 'did the deed' and she called Draco a sick bastard. My eyes filled with tears and I wheezed from laughter, unable to read anymore before I calmed myself down and started laughing all over agian. You are one sick, twisted, some-kind-of-wonderful author, to make a joke like screwing with a dead body and make it so freaking hilarious. Like who does that? Rush into some stranger's home and declare they can't burry Harry because they were supposed to get married... but they were never engaged... and they never met before but it's predestined so-to-speak so it's okay.

    Even Draco threatening to put Harry to sleep again and slipping the ring on his finger was hilarious. How the hell Harry managed to have a conversation with Draco in his head without dying when he found out that Draco really did like him had me worrying and giggling. Like I mean really it's pointless to know a guy loves you if you die before rescuing him. Then I almost wanted to be Dumbledore over the head for stealing Harry away to fight Voldermont in the little mermaid story when he freaking already had to deal with his tail like drying out and nearly dying. Like yeah... let's go make sure you really die this time. The old bat pissed me off but Snape catching the two on the roof was priceless. The whole 'can I keep you' in little red riding hood had me going awwwww while Uncle Vernon doing something so underhanded as only letting Harry only go to the after party so Dudley could go but not to the concert was so Dursley of him that I wanted Hagrid to pop out of nowhere to give them all tails.

    I just love every little twist that you seem to put to the stories and I don't think my review would ever be effiecent enough to tell you how much I appreciate ever last effort and thought you put into these words. But I'm going to try and I hope if you update this story anytime soon you'd please let me know... if not that's okay... I'll try finding this story again for sure cause I love it this much even if I discovered it two days ago. XP

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  • From ANON - Anonymous on January 09, 2010
    Hansel and Gretal!! Can't you just see Umbridge in the oven? Lol.fluttery and
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 07, 2010
    Can't wait for the next one!!!
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  • From Juana13 on January 07, 2010
    haha just had a thought...I'm watching Pocahantas with my little nephew...would you consider writing a version of that?
    I know that this started out just being Fairy/Faerie Tales, so I'm glad that you've had an open mind and have done Disney movies too. : ) Maybe I should write a Harry/Draco version of a disney movie.... : )
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  • From Juana13 on January 07, 2010
    Oh this was such a brilliant ending!! Absolutely loved it! Looking forward to Rapunzel : )
    I'm also looking forward to all of the stories you mentioned that you might write after Rapunzel. Just curious, would you ever consider doing Aladdin? I dunno, Harry rubbed a lamp and let loose a Genie, and then tried to impress Draco or something... Just a thought.
    Anyway, looking forward to your next update!! Cannot wait! : )
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  • From ANON - SilverLion on January 07, 2010
    Hmmm....maybe a version of Aladdin (if someone hasn't already mentioned it. Perhaps some Anthropomorphic (Furries) of Harry and Draco for the Lion King? Hmmm....
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  • From ANON - SilverLion on January 05, 2010
    GO LEXIE GO! This story just keeps getting better and better. I hope to have that story for you finished soon.
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 04, 2010
    I sooooo sooooo need part 4!!!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 04, 2010
    about #12...

    I liked your Snow White, but my fav. will always
    be Lil' Red Ridin' Hood. :-)

    By the way, have you heard of Rose Red & Snow White?
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  • From Juana13 on January 04, 2010
    Yay!! Harry's alive again! Gosh, I'm so happy now. Thank you for brightening my day : )
    I love your New Years resolution, by the way. Mine is to try and get out of my writer's block and start writing again.
    Well I hope you upload the next chapter soon. I am so loving this story, and I can't wait for more!!
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  • From SoriaUndead on January 04, 2010
    I've never liked Snow White as much as I do now ^_^
    My resolution is to go to another country as I've never left this one T_T
    What kind of book are you writing? o_O
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  • From ANON - polka dot on January 04, 2010
    I don't make new year's resolutions but I need to get a full time job this year, that' pretty much a necessity.
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  • From Toddy on January 03, 2010
    You did very well - looking forward to the next part.
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