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Reviews for The Long-Desired

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From on July 19, 2009
    Oh gosh, I can't help but think Draco's just done something terrible! Didn't Harry say any hesitation or pause could be fatal? I have the sneaking suspicion that being forced to stop the magic could be fatal as well :O

    And even if everything turns out alright this will only push Harry further from Draco! How could he ever submit to Draco if he knows there's a way to end the bond but Draco won't allow it? GAH I see no happy ending here D:

    I'm dying for more! I can't wait to see how you'll whip up a magic result to this utter fiasco!
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  • From JtheChosen1 on July 19, 2009
    OMG is Harry going to have WINGS!?!?!?!?! O man, great writing! I couldn't stop reading!!!
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  • From on July 15, 2009
    Yes, I'm in agreement. Though I've never truely taken a dip in the vampire fan fiction world, from the summaries I've read of those stories they don't seem very intriguing. Also nice to know your story isn't likely to just end in death ;)

    Hmm, funny Draco didn't detect Harry's lies in this chapter. Would you say that's because he was blinded by other happier emotions or because Harry wasn't technically lying, rather just acting? Or something else all together, perhaps? Speaking of his happy emtions, I really enjoyed Draco's carefree behavior after he left Harry. The explination of freedom was a good insight to Draco's alien thought process.

    Poor Harry's every attempt to find his own freedom fails. I wonder what's in the trunk :O Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 15, 2009
    about #3...

    Why do I get the feeling that Draco and Harry's ''relationship'' is a 'yes & no'
    and 'right & wrong' type of relationship?

    Meaning...YES, the pleasure would weaken Harry's resolve towards Draco, but NO,
    Draco wouldn't abuse such vulnerability [mistrust] in Harry, especially if he
    wants to 'keep' Harry and not have him feel threatened.

    Harry is RIGHT, Draco does want a bond, but WRONG in thinking Draco wants to
    enslave him. At this point, it might feel like possession, but only because
    of the fact, Harry keeps resisting Draco and providing such temptation that
    Draco CAN'T resist.

    But, I feel there might be a compromise somewhere in there, where Draco can
    have his Long-Desired AND source of 'blood' [food] and Hopefully Harry can
    still have his freedom.
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  • From thrnbrooke on July 15, 2009
    Soooo need chapter 4!!! Harry would dabble in the Dark Arts to get out of this? Oh Harry!
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on July 15, 2009
    Harry won't accep the tructh, but then again it's still not very pleasant. A life attached to someone who smells like death.
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  • From JtheChosen1 on July 15, 2009
    Yep, Harry is starting to see the light, in that he is re-connecting with his friends! Now as for Malfoy....well, I want him to get his mate, but Harry certainly isn't going to give in!Keep up the great work!
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  • From JtheChosen1 on July 13, 2009
    Harry's losing his mind....and you're doing a superb job of writing it! Great work!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 12, 2009

    You know what I'm SO glad you said that about writing a story.

    It REALLY got to me, how some of these new writers would do the ''If you want an
    update, you HAVE to review.'' Hell, most of the time I wouldn't...

    If you believe in your story so much, then relying on a review shouldn't
    affect whether or not you should continue.

    Then again, I suspected that most of those writers were too young to be here anyway.
    Not that young writers can't do a good, solid story without being needy for reviews.
    Onto the review...

    Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, OH boy...if Denial was
    a lesson, Harry would pass the test.

    Looks like our dear, 'boy wonder' is skipping merrily along into Nuttsville.
    Hope he doesn't wind up having a permanent resident [I know he doesn't, but
    I'm doing a slight commentary].

    I'm surprised by the matureness of Draco, but are they not...20 years old now?

    So, SOMEone should be displaying a type of maturity, even though I suspect
    Draco's cross into the darker side kind of helped a bit.

    Anyway, are you looking forward to the New HP movie? Personally, I can't wait
    for the long-anticipated bathroom duel between Harry & Draco. :-)

    I can live w/o the so called romances.
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  • From InuyoukaiMei on July 12, 2009
    I'm glad Draco has an ally in all this. Even if he has forever it still must be tiring to go up against Harry's thick skull without using force!

    Will Hermione have a pivotal role in getting them together or will Draco keep coaxing Harry?

    Gah... you probably won't answer that... T_T

    Keep being amazing!
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  • From thrnbrooke on July 12, 2009
    Soooo need chapter 3!!!
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  • From on July 11, 2009
    I've tried another first with you. Reading Incandescence was my first dip in the HP world after the last book. Now, reading Mongoose, Viper and now The Long-Desired, is my first dip into the HP vampire world. Again, I haven't been disappointed! I love how dark and realistic you've written this. How it's taking a long time for Harry to give in (if he'll even give in at all). How Draco retains his arrogance and smugness and superiority even as he grows to care for Harry. And how you've still managed to incorperate the bits we all long for (smut among other things) without creating unaccounted for bumps in the story.

    I'm particularly interested in all the vampire lore and histories you've written. I'm not a very big vampire fan so I don't know what's usual and what's original in your vampire characteristics. The Long-Desired bond I assume is your own spin on the vampire mate theory? Did you also come up with vampire Gets and Sires? I was intrigued by that; by the nest and how the master vampire controls it. Also very interesting was the way you described a new vampire having multiple masters and as a result, becoming something resembling a vegetable. Your own idea as well, I believe?

    I can't wait to read more! It's fascinating how Draco and Hermione seem to be working together, even though I don't think they realize it. I'm anxious to find out how Ron will react to it all. I hope you update soon! :)
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  • From hieisdragoness18 on July 11, 2009
    *shakes head* poor harry
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  • From orpiment99 on July 07, 2009
    Yes! I've been looking forward to the last installment. I can't wait to see what you have in store for them.
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  • From JtheChosen1 on July 07, 2009
    Just read Mongoose, Viper and now this! Great work! Truly a unique idea, so good job there!
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