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Reviews for Finding Severus

By : squigglesquared
  • From Annecia89 on March 08, 2015
    Sadly sweet & romantic
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  • From quantumOwl on October 11, 2010
    This is absolutely perfect. I loved it.
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  • From stepmnstr on July 27, 2010
    this is absolutly lovely. the losing the finding the everything.

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  • From darkness100 on January 22, 2010
    very beautifully written! a little slow paced but that isn't always a bad thing. keep up the good work!
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  • From Danyealle on January 11, 2010
    Bloody brilliant! I loved it. Quite romantic and one of my favorite pairings. Great job!
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  • From Kobanya on August 31, 2009
    This was really good. I liked that it wasn't just SnapexHarry, but HarryxSnape too. One thing though: you kinda copied the entire story twice so after the first FIN it starts all over again. XD
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  • From MorganaWhite on August 31, 2009
    That was absolutely beautiful!

    Anyway, just to let you know, you posted the story thrice. You might want to change it because it looks like the story has over 60 000 words and it's the reason I postponed reading it - it was too long to read it in one go. If I knew it was not that long I would read it a lot sooner.

    Hope to see more of your snarries in the future! This one was great! Thanks for sharing it!

    Take care,

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  • From CodyMThomas on August 31, 2009
    this was a really great story, I serious;y couldn't stop reading it once I started. but I think you should know that for some reason it posted the whole thing three times in a row. might want to fix that, it makes the story look a LOT longer than it is.
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  • From LadyZombie on August 30, 2009
    I'm only halfway through this but I like! I'll finish it up tomorrow, then will leave another review.
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