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Reviews for The Third Time is a Charm

By : ladyedgecombe
  • From CrazyPedantic on March 14, 2010
    Ho hum the wizard's dead the wicked wizard's dead. YAY!!! One evil lord down, one to go. Loved how you had everyone being so tense about the coming deaths of the Potters. They've taken the bodies to Doc, curious can't wait to see what you're going to do with them. And now Fumbles has possession of baby Harry, I guess this is when he is gonna brand him with that sex slave thing.

    Really looking forward to seeing baby Harry with the Princes. Can't wait for your next update. You rock :D *hugs*
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  • From kaasan on March 14, 2010
    Oh what a great chapter! Things are really starting to heat up now!! Keep up the wonderful writing, as I can hardly wait for the next installment of this terrific fic.
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  • From danawarner on March 13, 2010
    Curious as to what is up with the Potters' bodies.
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on March 13, 2010
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  • From CrazyPedantic on March 11, 2010
    ooooh good chapter. Things are starting to come along. Poor old Voldie's not having a good time is he? I like the way you have the real light side saving Order members, really interested in Fumbledork's reaction to that.... would be a good laugh.

    The birthday party was sweet. Loved the unicorn and the merry go round. Now there's three Harry's and Sev's. Could get really messy if they're not careful.

    Looking forward to your next update. :)
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  • From ANON - kim on March 11, 2010
    AHHH you done it again! You can take any scene and make a theme worthy of a whole book in and of itself! The time manipulation orchastrated thru these chapters, heck the whole story leads ones imagination to un-endless multitude of ideas! (Especially the newspaper from diff timelines) And the baby basilisk going to voldi...its not one of the 7 is it? (Please say noooo) sniffs...I there a way to save poor Nagini? (I get into trouble all the time for trying to save the copperheads around here) pouts LOL And Sirus? He was acting resposibly? Instead of trying to bypass the limits already charmed on the broom? GASPS the imaginary world just gave a hiccup! I LOVE it! I cant wait for next chappies!
    (Felt weird for Snape to be in room with multples, I bet Silver and Black really did!)
    Setting down 3 trays of brownies with extra chocolated shaving sprinkled over top.....Love ya! K
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  • From kaasan on March 10, 2010
    Great chapter! I really love the birthday party for Evan. What a surprise for Severus and Harry for Silver and Black to show up at the party. things are really starting to heat up and I am looking forward to the next installment of your wonderful fic! Keep up the fantastic writing!!
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  • From kaasan on March 07, 2010
    Wonderful chapter!! The meeting with Voldemort went quite well for Severus and Snape. Will Severus continue polyjuicing himself as Lucius for future meetings with Voldemort? Can hardly wait for Salazar to meet with Severus and Harry from Becca's timeline. Will he get their blessings as well? Keep up the great writing!!
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  • From Raie on March 07, 2010
    Oh what a tangled weave of excitement! I don,t know how you keep it all straight. Ole' Moldy surely has no idea what is in store for him...does he? I know that they keep saying that the Potters have to die but with so much else already changing, it would be nice if that could also change. *sigh but I bow to the author's muse of this wonderful writing. :)
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  • From dragonfly8605 on March 07, 2010
    I can not tell u how much I enjoy ur story. I've been reading Snarry a long time on almost every website I can find. I have not found another story that matches your skill level. I want to add your story to my recommended reading on my profile if that is alright with u. Once again ur story is amazing and I am so happy that u decided to start writting it and most importantly not abandoning it. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From CrazyPedantic on March 07, 2010
    Aw, poor Mouldyshorts is having a bad day. *cackles gleefully* Wonder what he wanted the 2 Squib kids for? Please let us know. Dumbledork's day isn't going so great either is it? LOL loved the whole Mouldy going psycho and Dorky writing inflammatory letters. Those viewing mirrors provide great entertainment.

    OMG Teddy is sooooo cute. Thanks for giving us a translation, Teddy speak was kinda hard to understand. The scene with Becca and the kids was really sweet. Liked it lots and lots. :D

    Well they've managed to cull the Death Eaters a bit more. Love how you are demolishing Mouldy's forces.

    Great Chapter and can't wait to see what you'll do with the attacks ahead. :)
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on March 06, 2010
    Brilliant, thankyou :)
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  • From kaasan on March 06, 2010
    Yet again, a great chapter. Now things are going to start heating up for our favorite people! Keep up the wonderful writing of this fantastic story!!
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  • From ANON - Stauneauge on March 01, 2010
    I really love your story! Finally something, not to be heard before. I'm just to chap. 52 in my reading, though I have looked at these last chapters too, because curiosity is a b...
    To have strong women a say in the fate of their children, squibs not looked down on, Little Winging undermined with whizardry - so many different new aspects on Harry-Potter-fanfiction, I'm excited. Thanks for thinking up this great story about my favorit pairing, Harry and Sev.
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  • From CrazyPedantic on March 01, 2010
    Wow. That battle scene was so cool. Loved how you did it. Great to see the trunks in working order and the way they all work so well together. Liked the way that they were coy with the two kids they saved, and getting Rita skeeter on their side was an unexpected move.

    The box. Wow again. Loved the memories and the way they told him not to trust Dumbledork. Would love to see what else that box holds (hint, hint?)

    You are so great! I love you (in a platonic you're so talented way) and worship at the feet of your writing skills.

    More please :)
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