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Reviews for The Third Time is a Charm

By : ladyedgecombe
  • From BirdieBlythe on February 12, 2010
    Love, love, LOVE this story!! It definitely gives me waff.
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on February 09, 2010
    Yay, So glad you are better, missed this story, thanks:)
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  • From ANON - water on February 06, 2010
    I read this at last night, I was thinking *yeah, it's that good* about it and found out that you're BIAS when it comes to the damn traitorous weasly family. I mean, I'll GIVE you the examples!

    First off, YOU, yourself, even STATED that, IN every universal/timeline, the family in ONE WAY or another has STOLEN, TAKE MONEY or something along the lines of HP inheritance, either by "MARRIAGE" or whatever and in the END, "THAT" family is ALWAYS about money somehow.. You even said that the other members of the WW society, no-matter whom it is, is the same, etc even Harry's damn autnt and uncle, YET, YOU have a DOUBLE STANDARD when it comes to this particular TRAITOROUS family..I mean, I don't get why you wrote it like that..I mean, I know you MUST really like the damn family if you're willing to write the CLICHE, FUCK-UP 'FORGIVE/FORGET' story device..Its just pathetic..Its contradicting to whatever you said in the beginning and along the way..I mean, Harry doesn't even have the backbone and GUTS to do something about it and JUST ups and say, oh, "I'll give them another chance" etc..Well, that damn beeca anyways.. That's so not GOOD writing there and honestly, Harry should've SAID NO, but you make him so weak when it comes to his foes!!!

    You're GIVING HP'Z MONEY away to that damn family without REASON!! THIS IS ONE MAJOR bias/FAVORITISM that is just outright staggering and shitty!!

    WHAT's WRONG with you?? I mean, do you find being BETRAYED ok and just forgive and forget and PLeASE, don't use the SAME exuse OVER and OVER about it NOT being the SAME family etc, becuz IN EVERY time line, it's the same..STOLEN or USED or DIES HP and then the money is STOLEN or USED by that family..I don't see how this particular timeline is ANY DIFFERENT just becuz one again, HP GIVE HIS MONEY away to that family, so they COULD STAY LOYAL?? WHAT kind does that say about that particular family..NOMATTER if it's NOT the SAME family, they've ALWAYS had the INTENTION, THIS is WHAT YOU'RE NOT GETTING!! It's not write..I mean, at least the MALFOYS and REG BLACK are doing everything for THEIR FAMILY/CHILDREN and MOTHER ETC, not MONEY!! I don't see what they've done wrong..

    That family TOOK ADVANTAGE of an ORPHAN and I DON'T see how you can just use the cliche 'forgive/forget' plot device..It's honestly stupid and this IS ONE of the MAJOR disapointments to this wonderful story..Its so refreshingly different..

    Well, the other thing I'm pissed at is, the whole power boost..It's like STOLEN power from HP/Severus..Not theirs to take and I don't know if I'm seeing a trend or whatever when it comes to this story but, Taking or stealing in whatever form is NOT ok!

    I just wanted to give you a DETAIL explanation as to what I think of this story so far; and WHY?!

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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    WOW.. All this time and STILL*LOL* no little HP..I wonder what role he'll play, if there's going to be two extra sons of HP??

    Are you actually going to take that LONG to write the BIRTH or whatever and WILL HP be rescued?? I sure hope so.

    The pace of the story is a bit slow but still a good story..JUST PISSED off about that traitoius family and knowitall whore!

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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    WHY ARE you giving PPL FREE UPBOOST to their powers??? That's just NOT right!! It's NOT THEIRS to keep..Argh..It's pissing me off.
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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    Those fairies for some reason reminds me of 'Sleeping Beauty'?? The one that got her finger pricked, I think.

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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    I'm disgusted again by how you JUST 'FORGIVE/FORGET' when it comes to those traitors..Using the excuse of it being ANOTHER timeline is not ok and honestly, they would've eventually BETRAYED HP anyways, plus that knowitall whore!

    I mean, do you LIKE them that MUCH to just 'LET' the damn family off! It's so fucked up!! I mean, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU..This story is soooooooooooooo good, but just this FACT alone is..ARgh!!!

    Why make them RICHER..I mean, do you have no MORALS when it comes to being BETRAYED and just forgiving..ARghhh!!!
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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    You know..I have to say, I hate Sirius in this story and James, not so far behide. What an idiot..This has to be the first or second story that has me NOT liking Sirius and that's a VERY HARD thing to do..Unlikely, more like it.

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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    Never crazy about Tonks. I'm surprise that Salazer Slytherin is ALIVE and is going to be with Becca??
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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    I'm disappointed that YOU'RE just going to 'FORGIVE/FORGOT' thet damn traitious weslady family!! That's SO not GOOD WRITING..It's cliche and it's very, very disappoiting..I mean, c'mon..You did so well before NOW, you're just going to say, HEY, they were "POOR and MISUNDERSTOOD"..Its still NOT an EXCUSE and YOU'RE giving them one, in this timeline..WTF is that?? Paying them too..Haven't the fucked up family stolen ENOUGH from HP??

    I mean, I don't believe there ISN'T another needy wizarding family out there that needs help..Her her is disgusting and I'm so revolted by this chapter.
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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    I have to say..I am speechless..This story is amazing..!! Why do you abandon it..My god, it's sooo good!
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  • From ANON - water on February 05, 2010
    WOW!! The first chapter is indeed interesting..Very good.
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  • From tryhonesty326 on January 22, 2010
    Wow, okay, I finally got caught up! I started reading this two weeks ago. I love this so much, and I've got to say that I'm really impressed. If it was me writing this I would probably have a million wandering story lines. I love the way you keep everything together and don't leave a question unanswered for long without a reason. :) I'm totally hooked and I can't wait to read more!
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  • From ANON - Shadowwolf03 on January 18, 2010
    Always a captivating chapter or three since my last visit. I wish I was a true Fan-atic rather than just a casual reader and occasional reviewer. I hope that you continue to write despite the absence of continuous praise from those who read but don't always review or rate your story. The Third Time is a Charm holds a special place in my favorite stories/authors. Your in company with Josephine Darcey author of 'The Marriage Stone' a Harry Potter/Severus fan fiction and Terri Botta author of 'The Lucky Ones' an Inuyasha fan fiction. The quality of your storyline is epic in nature.

    Thank you once again for writing and sharing your story.
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  • From ANON - nari-chan on January 18, 2010
    great work as usual . i liked the chapter on harry and snapes counter parts im interested to find out what they plan on doing to help Becca ?
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