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Reviews for Of Unicorns and Men

By : lolafalola
  • From KisaraP on June 22, 2012
    Wow! This was sooo sweet! This is the first Harry/Scorpius story I've ever read! I'm so impressed! They were sooo adorable together!

    I would love it though, if you added another chapter or epilogue, where we get to see Draco's reaction to the fact that his son (Scorpius) is in a 'relationship' with thee Harry Potter! Oh! I would so so so love that! I would also love to see Draco opening the Daily Prophet when the whole 'Unicorn Scandal' was publicly announced and the fact that Harry and Scorpius had just had sex!

    Oh, and then I kinda had a question. I thought that Unicorns were only comfortable around Virgins. Maybe I'm wrong, it's been a while since I've read the books. But if that's correct, do you think the Unicorns were so comfortable around Scorpius that it didn't matter to them that he wasn't a Virgin anymore? What about Harry? I'm surprised that a Unicorn even touched him, cuz Harry hadn't been a Virgin either.

    I would also like to know what Harry's kids' reactions will be to Scorpius. I wonder if James and/or Albus will be mean to him or nice to him. Hmmm...

    Again, thank you so so so much! Awesome Story! I'm now a fan of this pairing because of you and your awesome story!
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  • From RRW on September 16, 2009
    You know, this story is just WOW! I must say that I will forever look for Harry/Scorpius pairings after reading your well written tale.
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  • From RRW on September 13, 2009
    Man this is EXCELLENT and boy was that scene HOT!!!!!
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  • From hufflepuff1967 on September 12, 2009
    I love this story. It is well written and I hope you keep it up. As far as the flame you received from Cella, ignore her. Not every story is going to be everyone's cup of tea. Her review is truly one of the most ignorant I have ever read. Keep writing this story. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.
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  • From PantiesAreOverrated on September 11, 2009
    your a good writer but, it's really sad that you just had to add politics and global warming to your story. I don't want to read about that shit. A good writer makes their story so it's relatible to all viewers, and some of us have different views than you and really don't care what yours are.
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  • From MystressXOXO on September 08, 2009
    Oh, yay! I love this story so much! Now I've got a better place, as opposed to the other one, to read and enjoy it! You're the whole reason this ship opened up to me! Love it!! =^;^=
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