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Reviews for Somewhere in the Middle

By : iampast1
  • From Sugarr310 on December 26, 2021

    I have now read this multiple times and I LOVE the way this is headed and I wish you would keep going!!! 

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  • From LadyRin on February 08, 2017

    Write more soon please.

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  • From ANON - Josie on November 05, 2016

    I can't believe it's been 7 years since the last update - it doesn't seem that long.

    Life has  a way of getting in the way of things and priorities change so I can appreciate why nothing has happened.

    This is one of my favorite stories and I will always come back to reading it. 

    I hope you are well and know that if you do decide to update this story I know that there will be others (like myself) who will welcome it as it will have been eagerly awaited.

    Lots of love


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  • From ANON - Amber on May 05, 2011
    This is amazing I love it and I hope there is more please update soon and I cannot wait to see who goes onto Hermione's side with her family and what happens with Ron when battles with Theo and Draco and I hope he picks a crappy second :) please let more soon
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  • From ANON - Amber on March 01, 2011
    I hope that you update this soon I love it it is really good
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  • From ANON - Rachel on June 02, 2010
    I love your story!! I really hope that you haven't lost your motivation and you finish it! PLEASE don't stop writing!!!!
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  • From voraciousreader on May 27, 2010
    No update in six months. that makes me sad. I really liked this very much and was eagerly looking forward to you finishing it. Well, best of luck with whatever you are doing, anyway.
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  • From jracklesfan77 on May 24, 2010
    I don't know if you're still writing this story (or if you've moved it to another archive and are updating there) but I hope you will continue to update here, and soon! I have thoroughly enjoyed this work of fan fiction. It's nice to see the "dark" side as something other than completely evil (even if I do enjoy the malfoys as deliciously dark :P - I have a thing for dark wizards, it seems!)

    The only nitpick I have with an otherwise wonderful tale is that while your fic appears to have been spell-checked, there is more to typos than that. You have quite a few words missing appropriate suffixes or using incorrect tenses. While it isn't as annoying as (what is considered typical) bad grammar and spelling, it does detract from the story somewhat.

    Nice work, though, and I look forward to an update!

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  • From ANON - Jenie on April 23, 2010
    I am really enjoying this story... I hope that you come out with another chapter in the near future! I'm dying to find out how Harry reacts to everyone... :)
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  • From ANON - Amy on March 27, 2010
    I really wish you would finish this. I read it so long ago, but there has been no update. Please finish this?
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  • From ANON - Josie on February 28, 2010
    I love this story. There's not that many out there where Dumbledore is the bad guy. Cant wait for the next chapter! xx
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  • From bloodyblond on January 28, 2010
    Wow. Really i don't think I can heap enough praise on this story without going overboard, so I felt that that one particular word summed it up quit nicely.
    This truly has to be one of the best fanfics I have ever read. And I don't just mean in a Hermione/Draco sense, but in the fandom as a whole. The plot is absolutely wonderful! I happen to be a huge fan of Dumbledore being the bad guy, and an evil Ron to boot? It's like having chocolate sauce AND sprinkles on my ice cream, my EXTREME dislike for Ron can be rather overpowering, so I hope you mess him up real good!
    I also enjoy the softer side of Slytherins. I've always liked that ensemble much more then the Order, and it's a pity more authors choose not to step out of canon and make these guys the good ones once in a while. And you've done at great job at that, not only making them likeable but giving believable backstories to their past actions was absolutely brilliant! You didn't just stick them out there, say they were the good guys and expect us to simply accept it. Every action was explained perfectly, and more important plausibly which is so rare a trait in many fanfics.
    And thank you for not changing Hermione to much. While I admit to liking Pureblood Hermione stories, I find it rather annoying that when her glamour drops (if that particular plot is used) she's suddenly this gorgeously waif-like, extremely stacked, blue-eyed, blond haired Pureblood. So the fact that you didn't go in this direction is extremely refreshing.
    I truly hope this story will be seen through to it's completion. I've come across so many wonderful stories that have been abandoned and sometimes the disappointment can be staggering. I pray that doesn't happen to this one, and look forward to more!

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  • From voraciousreader on December 17, 2009
    Um, Just wanted to know if you were going to continue this--I liked it very much and was hoping you weren't going to abandon it?
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  • From ANON - Amy on December 05, 2009
    Why no update?
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  • From kazfeist on October 28, 2009
    I, too, am glad for the update...I loved the training/dueling sequences. It seems your Hermione (like many others) is going to be a Fire Elemental. Interesting. :D
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