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Reviews for Dangerous games men will play

By : AGD
  • From countesszero on October 14, 2009
    the nice thing about ss/lm is that it's the only pairing where i don't care at all who is on top or on bottom. it's the only pairing where i can accept ss being dominant or top. - i like your sadism and hope there is more to come.
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  • From ANON - snarky_llama on October 09, 2009
    Oooh, interesting stuff! I like how you've brought Aberforth in to it, I'm also enjoying the stance which you've taken on Severus taking no crap from anyone any more.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on October 09, 2009
    Very cool chapter. Keep going
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  • From ANON - snarky_llama on October 07, 2009
    I am impressed and intruiged by this story. The chapters are somewhat short and your proof reading could do with a little touch up but the tone that you set and the overall impact of the story so far is very impressive. I'm hoping that you're going to continue with this, I am definitley interested in seeing where you're planning on taking these characters. I'm also dying to know what's so important for Lucius in the autumn! Well done and please keep going!
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  • From selfproclaimedbeauty05 on September 22, 2009
    Wow.......I love it. Very intersting. I hope you update soon. I am glad to be the first one to review. Plz keep the story going, my mouth is drooling for more.
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