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Reviews for Practicing Liars

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - ZukoRocks30 on January 17, 2010
    This is hands down the best Severitus story I have read! I think you capture their reactions and the length of time for both Harry and Snape to come to terms with the truth very well. I have also liked the development of the relationship between Harry and Draco--not too fast, but not too slow. I also like it that Harry seems the more independent of the two (at least so far). There are far too many H/D stories out there that put Draco as the more "dominant" (for lack of a better word) in the relationship.
    Thank you for such a delightful story! I always check for updates of this story to see what happens next! Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - PG on January 17, 2010
    OHDEARSWEETMERLIN.... I love you. And this story! I've been following it since chapter one, but this is the first time I review - I NEVER review stories. However, this one is too brilliant not to get a review and Snape's reactions in this chapter was just so adorable, in lack of a better word. Can't wait to read more (so give me some fast, cause I need my fix!)!

    Oh and a side note; normally, it takes writers like three weeks to update, and in many cases it feels like three days, just because they weren't memorable enough. However, this particular fic, being updated every third day, feels like three years (or centuries) since I got an update, as much as I go and obsess about it. I'm as addicted to this as I am to chocolate! I feel like chaining you to the computer to get constant updates. Alas, that is sadly illegal, not to mention the fact I have no idea where you live, so you won't need to look over your shoulders. xD

    Also, one can tell you're quite intelligent, judging by your characterisation and in-depth thought patterns. It's quite refreshing! And I have to know; are you a psychology student or are you a psychology student? Or a psychologist? I've been reading psychology for three years and my teacher's been a psychologist for 37 years, and I doubt even she could write such in-depth and not to mention stick with a character and develop them so thouroughly!

    And did you know this fic's link is on 13 different "HIGHLY recommended fics"-lists? Not to mention all the people who've got you on their author-recs! You're on mine too. ;)

    Please update within this century! (meaning preferably within ten minutes, or even better, seconds, but I'll TRY to be patient and not climb the walls and chew off my arms)
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  • From ANON - Mia on January 14, 2010
    Absolutely fantastic chapter. Makes me anxious for more.

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  • From thrnbrooke on January 14, 2010
    Soooo need chapter 32!!!
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  • From ANON - k lave demo on January 13, 2010
    just keeps getting better. i bet draco's really happy with things on his end. also i'm gald you gave your perspective on why harry didn't do as well at Hogwarts as i think he couldv'e done. it makes a lot of sense. also BANZAI! i'm really happy with this update. more please. til next time. viva la vida!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 13, 2010
    about #32...

    1. Something you mentioned in the beginning made me realize, are
    you going to do more dueling in the classroom or are you through
    with that?

    2. You know, too bad Severus & Harry didn't realize their relations
    3 years ago, I can just SEE the grey hairs Severus would have gotten
    if he had known about the 'adventures' Harry had gotten into. :-)

    Too bad, you don't have much time to do a short story like that
    where Severus gets caught up in Harry's misadventures, I'd think
    that would be funny! :-)

    3. I liked the connection they had even though it was brief, I'd
    hate to think how tainted it would become when Ron finds out, because
    THEN the other 2 will want to stick their noses into crap they have
    no business being in, I don't care if they are Harry's friends.

    nuff said...
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  • From ANON - polka dot on January 13, 2010
    hmm I thought that maybe Snape knew Harry was with his Aunt Petunia or at least guessed as much.
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  • From serenagold on January 13, 2010
    Aww.. make outs and heart to hearts.

    This chapter is just plain awesome. :D
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  • From MewMew218 on January 13, 2010
    The song "put one foot in front of the other" comes to mind when I read this chapter. Thank you for updating once more, great job wording on Snape's explanation of his relationship with Lilly Evens. I like how you had him describe her well, but not in that 'she was an Angel without fault' sort of way.
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  • From HeartStar on January 12, 2010
    But Now that I think about it if it was the world destruction or my child I think I would choose my child because I don't thinkI would like a world that would take my child away. But this is coming from a woman with no children but if I had one I wouldn't want to give she or he up for anything.
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  • From HeartStar on January 12, 2010
    Oh I didn't think about that I thought only in the world was they knew it not completly destroyed I like the interaction Severous is tring. I lllook forward to the next chapter.
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  • From MewMew218 on January 11, 2010
    Trust. Thank you for updating once more, please do so again when you have the chance.
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 11, 2010
    Look at how far they've come!!! I sooooo need chapter 32!!!
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  • From serenagold on January 11, 2010
    Harry's learning to trust Snape more and more and Draco seems to be successfully wedging himself closer and closer into Harry's heart. Looks like everything's coming up roses. I just hope the entwining potion works.

    Keep up teh good work!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 10, 2010

    Okay, I'm reading it..and seeing it. Harry HAS accepted Severus
    as his father, he just hasn't realized it conciously yet. Everything
    seems to be a 'maybe' & 'possibly' with him right now.

    ..and once again, I'm loving the father/son interaction! I almost
    feel we should at LEAST see a hug from the both of them once
    the story winds down.

    Well, for Severus' sake at least...

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