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Reviews for Practicing Liars

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - k lave demo on January 10, 2010
    you do seem to put a lot of emphasis on emotions. progress. at the moment i am loving that word. poor ron and hermione so left out. can't rally blame harry though. they bring it on themselves. back in contentment modo which means not much to say. til the next development. ciao!
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  • From racheldr on January 08, 2010
    I know this didn't happen in the book, and it may have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of your fiction (which i love so far by the way!) but Harry did have basilisk poisoning in second year, couldn't this have done something while he was unconscious?
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  • From SpearsTwlight on January 08, 2010
    Just wondering that when hermonie cast the horcrux spell would it not effect harry just as it effected the tiara?
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  • From HeartStar on January 08, 2010
    Oh I understand how they feel harry and albus but if it was me I would care I would probable do what I could and then save myself or if itwas my child save my child and skrew the world.. What would you do if it was yourself or your child on the line?
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 08, 2010
    Soooo need chapter 31!!!
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  • From ANON - MewMew2 on January 07, 2010
    Nicely done. Forgiveness for that sort of situation would certainly be a difficult thing to think about possible giving. You did an excellent job in portraying this aspect of Harry's ever changing relationship with Dumbledoor and the role he has in Harry's life. Thank you for updating once more.
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  • From ANON - k lave demo on January 07, 2010
    sigh... depressing update. i can see both harry's and dumbledores's point of view but dumbledore's way of going about it still wasn't right. and essentially i don't think anyone should be given up like a lamb to the slaughter unless there is truly no other way and then the person has to decide for themselves. others have no right to make the decision for them. also i really enjoy the progress being made with the relationships. i can't say this enough but i really enjoy the play of emotions, interactions and revelations that occur with your interpretation of the characters. the way you write it almost seems as if this might be the truly reality or a very possible alternative. your stories will always be enjoyable because of that. congrats u have successfully turned me to harry/draco though i still have a strong prefernce for harry/snape. til next time. chao!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 07, 2010
    about #30....

    1. Boy, that's some cold-heartedness right thar'...I don't care HOW much
    you would have grieved, you would have killed me anyway???

    Man, we would have fought like cats in that room! How would YOU
    have responded?

    2.Well, you can send it my way, but I really can
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  • From ANON - polka dot on January 07, 2010
    I do think Dumbledore's getting off a little easy but there's really not a punishment for being ready to kill someone. I do think Harry should tell Hermione and Ron so he can get a someone to deal with Dumbledore in his stead.
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  • From ANON - Sneakyfox on January 05, 2010
    That was the craziest battle scene ever! Well done!
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  • From ANON - MewMew2 on January 05, 2010
    Nicely done! I highly enjoyed the way you described the battle between the personification of the Dark Lord's spirit in the Horcurx and Harry: favorite scene so far. Please update once more when you have the chance, excellent job!
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 04, 2010
    I soooo soooo need chapter 30!!!
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  • From ANON - k lave demo on January 04, 2010
    Thanks. I understand that i don't always word things the best way. I admit that most of them aren't cliffhangers but when you're enjoying a story and find out you have to stop at a certain point til you can read it again it ends up feeling like a cliffhanger. Honestly,that last chapter had so much impact it felt like you stopped there on purpose. Your stories are that good. Anyways, enjoyed this chapter. Poor Sev. It's never easy to just stand back and watch ones child live their life. Finally, Harry has someone who doesn't harp on him all the time. Hermione and Ron rarely seem to understand that Harry just wants support sometimes without questions or going through a full scale interrogation. Interrogations in particular are very annoying. Til the next update. Viva la vida!
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  • From ANON - polka dot on January 04, 2010
    happy purring kitty and myself enjoyed the fight
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 04, 2010
    about #29...

    1. How ironic, I was going to ask you how Severus would have felt
    if he heard about the tale of how Harry fought the basilisk and
    saw the corpse for proud he would feel AND would
    you use that as a scene in the future.

    But, you used that scenario with the others.

    2. What's a Jarvey???

    3. The battle swelled and surged, fell and broke back in a storm
    of petals and fathers

    okay, I gotta say something, but your 'fathers' is missing an E. It's
    towards the end of the chapter. :-)

    4. All in all, I like the direction you are taking this story, also
    will we be seeing more action now? I didn't realize how much I missed it
    until I read this chapter.

    PS- I have this scenario I want to 'throw' your way, are you willing
    to see what I came up with THIS time? :-)
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