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Reviews for Practicing Liars

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - polka dot on March 09, 2010
    No SEX! But he defeated the Dark Lord, that's gotta warrant a little reward for Harry.
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  • From serenagold on March 08, 2010
    Awww.. father/son bonding at its best.
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  • From ANON - jacob on March 08, 2010
    damn! it was so touching and heart-wrenching when harry finally called severus 'dad'. excellent story(:
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  • From ANON - DTDY on March 08, 2010
    YES!!! He called him Dad. When I first read it I jumped up and just screamed about how awesome that was.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 07, 2010
    about #48...

    1. You know, I said it once and I'll SAY it again..I can't STAND
    Ginny Weasel, not in the books and the movies AND I feel it was
    cliched the way the series ended, I still would have preferred if
    Harry had either passed away OR found someone else different,
    instead of it being SO freaking obvious. I even felt Hermione
    could have found a better boyfriend/husband.

    Does that make sense?

    2. "I
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  • From Madamdragon on March 06, 2010
    HE SAID DAD!!!! OHHHH! THAT IS TOOO SWEET! OMG! U need to update. do they both get their happy ever after and does the story continue from here? O Please Update!
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  • From ANON - polka dot on March 06, 2010
    Oh the sappy ending. Hopefully Draco will show up next and we'll have a smutty ending too.hehehe
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  • From ANON - Ganesha on March 06, 2010
    That scene was even more heartfelt than what I could have ever imagined! I think you should do a small input with that scene through Snape's perspective as well, because, well, I would KILL to read that. Okay, maybe not kill, but shower you with chocolate or something! ;) I'm glad you chose to extend the fic a bit, although I would like it to go on forever, just for the extra brilliance it puts in my everyday life. Excellent writing!
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  • From ANON - k lave demo on March 06, 2010
    so KAWAII! and there's the moment i've been waiting for. best chapter hands down. i loved that moment because it conveyed so much about harry had accpeted snape and because i think it'll help heal harry's fears of rejection even if it doesn't completely go away. it is a shame snape didn't get the letter and i knew harry would regret it. sigh still it was worth it to read harry calling snape dad. thank you so much! i have a feeling snape kind of did harry a favor by staving off ginny. draco may have gotten jealous. til next time. ja ne!
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  • From ANON - Ganesha on March 06, 2010
    I love this story and this chapter! However, I think, if you intend to end this soon, you need to let Harry tell Snape how he found out about their relation. Otherwise, that is a loose thread. Wouldn't it make a perfect scene if they have a heart to heart talk in the hospital wing when Harry wakes up, and Harry tells him and recieves forgiveness? I realize you might feel this is unnecessary, but it is as of now a loose thread that you should deal with. Still, thank you for an amazing story and for a wonderful thing to read these part few months! I really don't understand how you have time to update every third day, though I'm very happy you do.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 05, 2010
    about #47....

    1. The world is worth saving, because The world was individuals..
    -This is kind of hard for me to explain, but...for one brief second, you
    made me realize that the world is more than nameless faces, people you
    just pass by on the street. There are people who laugh, cry, fret, rage,
    act stupid, act silly, SAY stupid things, keep to themselves, feel inadequate, ...etc. People who will have differences than you either for good or ill
    or what-not...

    BUT, for that one brief second, if someone asked to save the world, I would

    Kind of gives me a clue on how Jesus felt and I apologize in advance if your
    religious beliefs are different and I offend you.

    2. okay....NOW, does everyone find out about Harry & Severus???
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  • From LadyofClunn on March 04, 2010
    Ah haa!

    Snape is getting interested. Finally he aknowledges that Harry is not completely talent-free.

    All those secrets are hard on Harry.

    Great job!!
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  • From ANON - KienaBeana on March 04, 2010
    So. I got a little bit teary eyed because I thought that this was the last chapter, but then I read your review and I am unbelievably happy that you aren't going to end it right there. I mean, I know that there can't be that many chapters after this one but it still makes me feel better, and frankly I am fighting a rather nasty cold right now so anything that makes me feel even a little bit better I am more than excited about. Anyways, I have to say that I loved this chapter and I am really glad that you didn't go crazy and over do it, I have read some authors that do. I loved the battle, and I loved the end of Dumbledore (I am really glad that it didn't turn out to be him stabbing Harry in the back!) and I really enjoyed the scene of Draco and Blaise. I am glad that even (some) Slytherins know that real power needs friends and loved one to support it. It was all very classy and wll done. Great job, looking forward to more! ~K
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  • From LadyofClunn on March 04, 2010
    What a bleak outlook for the start of the year!

    Makes me want to hug Harry a lot...

    Great chapter!
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  • From LadyofClunn on March 04, 2010
    Oh, poor Harry!

    That is quite a shock. A less-than-saintly mother and Snape for a father. I imagine that will make Potions lessons ever more painful.

    Great start!
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