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Reviews for A Dark Time For The Light

By : squigglesquared
  • From Annecia89 on November 25, 2014
    I absolutely loved it all the way through!!
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  • From Annecia89 on November 23, 2014
    I'm only on Chapter 47, but this is fucking brilliant!!
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  • From AyaChan2006 on June 22, 2013
    i love this only just got to read it as i have many stories i wished to far this has to be one of my absolute favourites
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  • From RavenJewel on February 04, 2010
    I really loved this story, but I'm so confused... Suddenly they have a place to do magic this said bunker and alice's place has magic as well? But you never explain how, when, or why? I would LOVE an answer to this as it just seems as if there is one chapter missing from the story!
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  • From evanone on December 01, 2009
    I want to ask if two of your chapters 34 & 40 should look like this, or are they like ch 46?
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  • From thrnbrooke on November 27, 2009
    Fantastic story!!!!!
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  • From Laminoid on November 02, 2009
    Loving it! However, could you check chapter...46 I think it is? The chapter about the Bunker being infiltrated by not there. There is a paragraph or two about H/D but that is it. Thanks so much, I am really enjoying reading this!
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  • From bekkieclaire on October 30, 2009
    Wow, i had almost given up on the dm/hp fan fic. this is a really engaging fic, very gritty.could'nt stop reading cant wait for more!

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