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Reviews for You Know You Are Loved When A Gryffindor Loves You

By : squigglesquared
  • From Annecia89 on March 09, 2015
    I adored this story!!
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  • From ANON - Chandra Satana on January 22, 2015
    probably the 4th time ive read this story; that tells you how much i like it. ill see the title and say "what the heck why not!" so i appreciate ur hard work on this story. lots of thumbs up frpm me

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  • From Butterfly1993 on September 09, 2012
    Absoulatly ( hope its spelt right to tired to care) BRILLANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its my eyes are burning and im so tired but i just couldnt stop reading it. I LOVED HOW YOU BROUGHT SNAPE ACROSS XD Its a story im keeping cus i know ill reread it a dozen times and still get the giddy feeling i got the first time round xD im really sorry it ended =[
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  • From Nikillie on April 16, 2012
    The summary is really what sucked me in and I was loving this story until chapter 10. I understand it's a bit AU but the fact that all of a sudden Harry pops out the stereotypical "Gay speak" is driving me mad. Some people love it but it's an absolute no-no for me. I may skim through the rest of the chapters since there is a long ways to go but I find I cannot sit down to actually pay attention to the story anymore.

    I must ask though, why did you have Harry's speech become stereotypically gay?
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  • From Dhiana on May 11, 2011
    i have to say ... this story really brightend my day ... beeing sick it gave me a brilliant way to spend a otherwise dreary day ...

    very good story with good characteristics. loved ur harry...:D

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  • From EvilConcubine on December 31, 2010
    Very well written. I'm surprised there is not much comments.
    Thank you for sharing! I especially loved Ron/Draco story.

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  • From emeraldwheelz on December 01, 2009
    My god I cried like a freaking baby reading this stayed up basically all night for the past two days to finish reading it because I love stories were Severus becomes so human where someone loves him enough that it banishes away the dark things he's suffered in his life all in the name of the greater good. I also always find stories where Ginny/Hermione and Ron/Draco end up together really interesting. Keep up the good work
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  • From paganwoman on December 01, 2009
    Well Squigs, my love, it seems I'm your number one fan, since I've posted all the comments so far! Its nice to read someone who knows the gay community enough to write something this real. The festival makes me think of the annual Pride events in my city and the couples sound like people I know. I knew you couldn't leave well enough alone, there had to be a bit of angst somewhere, but I like the resolution and I LOVED the story. Can't wait for the next one. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Squigs, you rock.
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  • From paganwoman on November 30, 2009
    Just finished 25. Squig, you rock!!!
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  • From paganwoman on November 30, 2009
    Question, if they are in hiding, would it be a good idea for Harry to use his plastic? Or are we certain that no one in the DEs know how to track credit cards? Just wondering.
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