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Reviews for Persistence

By : stacygalore
  • From noxlumen on December 09, 2009
    The chain smoking introvert thanks you for the story and the music list. You made me look up Suede on youtube. I lift my mocha to you in a salute and hope to see more from you soon.
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  • From ANON - Lauren St. Louis on December 06, 2009
    hawt AND sweet! Well done. I like how you made Draco give a bit, but still stay in control.

    Thanks for making my night!

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  • From HarryVik on December 03, 2009
    This is wonderful, please update soon can hardly wait.

    Bye for now.
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  • From ANON - Lauren St. Louis on December 03, 2009
    Beautiful, Stacy. You write so elegantly and beautifully. I love this story. I've never given a crap about Theodore Nott before, but now you've got me really feeling connected to him. *claps* Well done, well done. Looking forward to the rest.
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  • From ANON - Lauren St. Louis on December 03, 2009
    Oooh! I'm liking this very much so far, Stacy! Onward, to chapter 2!

    (and congrats for finishing it!)
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  • From smuglikesmirk on December 03, 2009
    Congrats on the finished product.
    I still love this story.
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