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Reviews for Harry Potter and the Womb of Requirement NOW CODED

By : squigglesquared
  • From Annecia89 on November 30, 2014
    I loved it and again I'm surprised by the lack of reviews on your story!
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  • From tinkerbell1989 on November 10, 2013
    This is now my favorite Harry/Draco story! I love how you got them together :)
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  • From gossipgirl84 on February 11, 2013
    Ugh, Harry being on top is so old now. I am bored with him having control. I don't get the irony in it. I've read many, many stories of him being the one in control, on top and I don't enjoy it. Draco is more dominant and more in control. He has that way about him, yet people like it the other way around. Boring.
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  • From dgraymansorrowinvoked on November 09, 2011
    ok, i have been reading this for the past couple of days and i really liked it^.^ only things i would like to point out were that at some points u kinda switched the tenses up and went between 1st and 2nd person. you also could have been a bit more detailed in places, for instance when they were doing the bonding ritual between the ten, u said she told them she would have to take their blood, but never gave the details that she actually took it. u skiped to her and ginny doing it. there were other places more details would have been appreciated, but other than that i REALLY enjoyed this, your writing style had few mistakes and that is something to be proud of^.^ the only gramatical errors were the the tenses. i saw not many spelling errors, though once and a while i did notice that u had accidentaly forgoten a word, but that happens to all of us~~ either way i really LOVED your story, GREAAT JOB^.^
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  • From ladywolfinmt on December 10, 2009
    Wonderful story, good writing style. I loved how all the characters stayed true to their original characters and yet showed growth that was realistic. Thankyou very much for writing an adult story that also had a great plot.
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  • From MyaMalfoy on December 09, 2009
    OMG!!! I just found this story last night and I've read it all the way through! This was awesome, and I so wish there were another 50 chapters... but you tied up all the loose ends very well and made a great story! You should do a one-shot of Harry's pregnancy... just little snippets of the different trimesters. The birth, what her name would be! I'm sure we'd all love it!

    This is going in my permanent list of stories I will be re-reading! *tosses Harry and Draco plushies to autor* Thanks for the great story!
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  • From tisburylane on December 09, 2009
    Okay, so, to be honest, I was trolling when I found this fic, and at first I began skimming it hoping I would find something to post to WeepingCock on LJ...but soon enough, I was reading it for my sole enjoyment. You have a lot of potential as a writer, and your sex scenes are absolutely delicious! The only way I could have enjoyed this more is if it were an original piece rather than HP fanfiction. Have you considered writing your own novel? Fanfiction is a great exercise and a lot of fun, but when they get this long...I can't help but feel you're wasting your talent.

    Don't read that the wrong way! Notice: your talent. It's there, and you have a lot of it!

    The only two crits I have for you are pretty small ones. First, I noticed that sometimes after a question mark or exclamation point, you put a period, especially if it was dialogue (internal or otherwise)--aka, something like this "?." If you've ended with ? or ! you don't need a period after it. That's just silly. Second, you use a lot of the same phrases ("hard against her/his hip," "came deep inside," "lush" or "luscious" mouths). They're all great descriptions, and it's certainly better than thesaurus-abuse, but you could stand for a little more variety in some areas.

    I look forward to reading the rest of this story! No, for reals, my roommate has been making fun of me for spending all my time reading this fic instead of studying for next week's finals. I'm sure the ending won't be disappointing!
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  • From knj4k4 on December 07, 2009
    i got board after chapter 12. i may come back and read more...but i doubt it. Its not the story, that's good your writing is good and your plot is well thought out, its that i have a short attention span and since you posted all 33 in one setting..we'll just have to see.
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  • From paganwoman on December 07, 2009
    Squigs, you're back! Have read 2 Chapters so far and like it! Going out for ice cream, see you later!
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