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Reviews for The Gold Puppet

By : Nerys
  • From patie268 on February 21, 2010
    I decided to read chapter 8, sice it's different here. This Sunday just felt too peaceful to me. It doesn't anymore. I think I should feel more than a little bit disturbed. I don't. And if I had gotten a drink before reading that chapter, I wouldn't even feel that little bit. What have you done to me? xD
    Hermione's new outfit was something I can't really comment on. I'm still imagining it. But the description sounded as if you put much thought into it. I can't comprehend how perfectly understandable every thing Voldemort did seemed to me. He's...philosophy on Muggleborns was just...perfectly understandable. No, it was not. I'm doing it again!
    I'm not surprised Hermione needed to take control after that kind of experience. And it wasn't even fully real...What a fantasy you write...
    That's how I wouldn't describe it.

    *To sum up this chapter: 'It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more. '
    I love Woody Allen if only for the fact I can quote him.
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  • From ANON - mel on February 21, 2010
    please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Lady Miya (my brother did something to my computer so now I can't log in. BAH! THIS IS WHY I MOVED FROM HOME!) on February 19, 2010
    Oooh, so they are off in Australia. Nice. Or just Hermione? :( Booo.
    Hehe and I don't think it was so bad for Hermione to go down on Tom... at least that is what we reader thinks ^^ And I think I have figured it out now... Hermione doesn't uses her brain because she is too hot for Tom ^^ You don't really think when you just want to shag someone senseless. At least not with the logical side of the brain, mehe.
    I like cup-Hermione's reasoning about why she acted like she acted, that explains even more her actions against Tom. I also like how she is ranting about how horrible Ron is. HE REALLY IS! I don't understand why Rowling let him have Hermione when he has been so mean to her in the past. You don't fall in love with someone when you are like thirteen and then marry. Well, not often anyway. And not when he has been so mean! He is a dolt. He should be together with another dolt and have a lot of stupid kids.
    "However, Riddle was not a valid substitute" - oh, he is more than a substitute. Hermione had never had anything she needed a substitute for. And Ron wasn't unfeeling like Tom. He just cared more about all his feelings and jealousy than he cared about Hermione, even if he told himself he cared and that everything was her fault. Tom will try very hard to be unfeeling and then prove by his actions that he feels something for her. MOHAHAHA!
    Haha, and Tom wouldn't look beautiful to her if she didn't find things inside him beautiful, like his love (or what you should call it) for knowledge. Okay, sure, some people look great on pictures, but ones they begin to talk, you just find them so ugly because they show they are so... mean and annoying.
    So see, she looooves him.
    "It was so nice to finally be able to talk to someone about magical theories, who actually had a rebuttal and didn't look at her with dropped jaws and their eyes set in a glassy, bored manner." - Heavens yes... I actually didn't think people like that existed before I came university. Well, when it comes to history obviously. And the sex after having a academical debate... yummy. Hermione and Tom will have soooo much sex. They have to. MAKE THEM HAVE SEX!
    Yees, work on a way to heal Ginny ^^
    "Slowly, she looked up, in a way people did in horror movies when the monster stood right in front of them and they hadn't noticed it before" - eh... have Ginny actually seen a horror movie? Or was that just a reference to us readers? Hm... it felt a bit misplaced somehow. I mean, I know that you are referring to Tom-as-Lewis, but still..
    Oooh, nice healer is helping Ginny not to take the drugs. Nice. And finally Ginny is acting reasonable. Don't let Tom pull you down again!
    Although, nice to hear Hermione means more to him than Ginny. Of course, that is quite obvious, but still :)
    Haha, so funny that Voldemort never considered the Weasleys a "real" threat. Not sure if I agree. They are many and some of them seem to be quite powerful, like Ginny, the twins and Bill (maybe Charlie too, with the dragons... not Ron and Percy, though, nor the parents). Although, they seem a bit reluctant to do any real damage so I guess that's why... they actually care about other people, I mean :)
    BOOO! Evil Tom doing that to Ginny. That so remindes me of what Wolfram&Hart did to Cordelia in the first sesaon of Angel, making her see all the sorrow in the world. Scary stuff :(
    Oooh, but cup-Hermione have found a way to save her? YAY! Can't wait to hear what she has planned. Got to be something nice. Hopefully, it will work again. I still feel for Ginny. More now when she is thinking again... or, well, she was thinking before Tom gave her that potion. Hm... Yeah, I hope she will be fine!
    Excellent chapter! Now I will go to bed. Tomorrow is another day of skiing! Today the cold effect was -42C. Isn't that just jolly? I actually have a frostbite (or what you call it) on my cheek. Looks like I've been in a fight... oh, well. G'night!
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  • From JaceDamian23 on February 19, 2010
    loved that chapter

    cant wait for more
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  • From JaceDamian23 on February 19, 2010
    But if you choke me, I'm going to haunt you for all eternity."

    "I'll get a Ghost Restraining Order."

    "I'll ignore it," Hermione deadpanned, while her hands massaged his balls.

    "They can en-enfoooorce," he moaned, "it."


    i loved this chapter guys. It was so hot and unexpected. I didn't expect her to just go there, suck him and leave LOL
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  • From ANON - hero_jaejoong on February 18, 2010
    another fabulous chapter ladies.... i must say that i actually kind of like your rendition of ginny weasly, more than (looking sideways for sign of die-hard rowlings fanS) Miss rowling's...this was a first, since i never like ginny weasly, ever! but your ginny was consistent with her character from the beginning and very believeable unlike some of the fanfictions portrayal of her, which would be either as a promiscuous back stabbing b****h or promiscuous friend, and she made me want someone to get her as far away from tom's very evil but nonetheless very attractive hands.

    one more thing... why isnt tom trying to find another way to be immortal again? or is he already immortal from making hermione a horcrux?

    ps:i have a tiny itty bitty winsie favour to ask.... i promised to send lots and lots of fanfictions cookies if you guys accept.. pretty please...with strawberry on haagen daz cream and cookies on top..
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  • From ANON - hero_jaejoong on February 15, 2010
    oh i absolutely love this chapter...i just love the way hermione gained the upper hand;p
    but i hope not for long... cuz if there is one thing i absolutely love about tom is having him on top...relationship-wise and most definitely guys know what i'm talking about...and dont pretend that you dont love it too....
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  • From ANON - ExSquared on February 14, 2010
    YuM Yum yum YUM yum yum yUm!!

    That was the bestest chapter I have AYVER read!!

    There is something so incredibly appealing about Voldemort relinquishing just a tiny bit of control, and the "please", and the bound wrists and the "bad boy" comments.... om nom nom. You two are genius, I cannot deny it any longer. I ahve read this fic from the posting of the first chapter, but I never got around to reviewing... but I could abstain any longer in the face of such a debauched dark lord.

    Too right Hermione get's all the fun!

    Brillian, brilliant fic. Can't wait for an update :) This is such an intriguing twist to the LVHG genre.

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  • From risotto on February 14, 2010
    Wow, here I come, and I see another fic! Weeeeeeeeee!
    Looking forward to the next update ( and Riddle's downfall haha)
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  • From ANON - mimi on February 13, 2010
    this seriously has to be the most epic chapter-ever! i was just thinking about how cool it would be to finally have a *scene* with hermione in power- ATLAST. there is just something so sexy about tom riddle begging- i mean he's usually so restrained and incontrol- seriously, i wonder how he's gona take this.... hehe, i bet torture will be involved. anyway, awesome twist :)
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  • From ANON - Elspethe on February 13, 2010
    Greatest. Chapter. EVER.
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  • From TheLadyMiya on February 13, 2010
    You are most welcome, ladies :D
    I really liked this chapter. I liked how Hermione took control over him and how he liked it. Mehe. Those thoughts Hermione has really shows that she is planning something and you get really excited to find out what it is, so when she takes his wand and bind him to the floor you are like HOLY CRAP! WAY TO GO HERMIONE!
    I'm also kind of wondering whether he will join her to Australia or not... hm...
    ""Thank Merlin he chose the wrong curse though," she commented, rolling her eyes. "You would think that after firing the Killing Curse at Harry for three times and it backfiring on him for three times, the git would've learnt to use something different. It's pretty obvious to anyone with half of a brain that it's not going to work. I mean, come on." She giggled. "Well, maybe he did get his brains fried in the cauldron during his resurrection, or,"
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  • From TheLadyMiya on February 08, 2010
    Oooh, so that's what Tom tells himself he really wants Hermione for... because she will be someone with power. Yeah.. I almost buy it ;)
    Haha, and now Hermione is laughing at him. Oh, he is so pissed. But I have to agree with Hermione... he was awfully much like her safe. And all she really has to do is to snoop around and find out whom that table belongs to. She is snoopy enough. But now I believe she is giving herself too much credit... Hermione hasn't suspected anything yet. Even if I hope that will change... Hm... she just doesn't seem to be using her brain so much. Ohh, I really hope cup-Hermione is right and Hermione starts seeing the connection...
    And yes, now Tom realises how stupid he is. MOHAHAH! (No, my Lord, I didn't mean you were stupid... I just... AAAAAARH!)
    Some time later...
    Okay... hm... I thought about a thing... why do they say "My Lord" to some of the females in Stargate? Oh, well..
    Back to the story, yeah, of course Tom can't stand to look ugly and dumb...
    Oooh, so now Tommy got a plan to keep Hermione from telling anyone.... good work, Cup-Hermione... couldn't just shut up and let the other you figure it out and expose Tom... although... if that had happened, there wouldn't be any more smut between the two of them... hm... How mean for Tom to keep her (and us) in the dark... But I'm guessing on some sort of kidnapping? :P
    However, I think Cup-Hermione is right, his arrogance will be his downfall ^^ I wonder what she is planning, hihi.
    Baah, Ron is such a coward... But I think they are both taking each other for granted... they really are an ill fit. Ugh, why do Mrs Weasley want Hermione for Ron so badly? They have nothing in common! Bah, I really hope she won't be interfering too much.. but of course she will... she we'll try to snare Hermione for Ron..
    Oh and now Hermione is leaving good! And Ron stands outside the door listing... that really shows how far apart they have got from each other... sad in a way...
    "No, he couldn't take her back again, and especially after how kind she was to Lavender" Good! Stay away from her!
    "The Mudblood had been kind enough to surrender herself to Lord Voldemort by arriving at his doorstep. How considerate of her." HAHAH! Yes, really, how considerate :D Ooh, this is looking so good I'm really looking forward to the next chapter :) YAY! Excellent work!

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  • From JaceDamian23 on February 05, 2010

    He felt a sharp pain on his head and realised he'd pulled on his roots a bit too harshly. Letting go of his hair before it would really be in his hand instead of on his head, he glared at the cup, which just peeked over the rim of his pocket. Its rubies twinkled in the light, taunting him. Blasted woman.

    Perhaps my other self had known her and that
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  • From JaceDamian23 on February 04, 2010

    She stumbled a couple of times, after which she tried in vain to shake off the high-heeled shoes. However, since she was no Cinderella, they remained firmly attached to her feet. So, she had no choice but to walk cautiously. She didn't fancy falling on her face.

    I love the cinderella reference

    Frightened, she took a step back and ... planted her heel right in the skirt's fabric. Panicking, her arms windmilled around as she tried to remain her balance and failed miserably. Looking like a complete idiot, she fell flat on her behind; her legs spread wide-eagle, though she did manage to break most of her fall with her hands. Completely red in her face and leaning on one elbow, Hermione adjusted the skirt, so she'd stop flashing him before she dared to glance in his direction.

    haha how embaressing.

    "Time for my price," he breathed, placing her on the bed.

    thats the second time you said price.....shouldn't it be prize?

    "Mmm..." He tilted his head. "Too bad." His hand moved just above where they were joined. "It made you dry," he commented like he was grading a badly written paper. "Soon," he promised, "you'll want me to Crucio you during intercourse. The curse alone will make you so wet, so horny; you will fuck whoever I put in front of you just to get a release. I will have you on your hands and knees, taking you like the dog you are. You will whore yourself out in every position available. And I will not grant you that release, Mudblood, until you have fully and utterly submitted yourself to me." He rubbed his finger over her clit and she cried out. "Look at that," he mocked at the moisture that dripped out of her. "One little touch of her master and the little Mudblood slut is ready to go again.

    great part

    Laughing, he caught her before she would have crashed to the floor. "You like that, don't you, you little Mudblood slut?" he hissed in her ear venomously. "And the best part of it, I can have it fuck you all day long while I am away, come home to have you wet, soar, and raw before me, and with a snap of my fingers, it will be gone and I can take its place instantaneously." He lowered her to the floor with her side against his chest, roaming his hands freely over her skin. "Or I can make it fuck you, while you pleasure me orally." He captured her mouth and French-kissed her thoroughly. His words, his kisses, his touches, and his device
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