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Reviews for Roman Holiday

By : Sparkykiki
  • From ANON - misty on August 26, 2012
    I'm really impressed with the research you are putting into these stories. I don't mind the Ron bashing a bit since he's written as a hero too often for my liking. I've never liked the epilogue in DH because it never made much since for Mione to end up with someone as stupid as Ron is. But I really like the direction you are taking this in! So guess we'll see you in Rio?
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  • From Recordkeeper on December 29, 2010
    i loved the first and the second. I just love charlie. i cant wait to read the next one!
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  • From CryingCinderella on March 22, 2010
    Hullo Again!

    I was waiting for ages to see if anything would ever come of this, and am most pleased to discover this little gem. I found it striking that you would lay such fashion trends to Rome rather than Paris, for when one thinks fashion one does not think Rome. Though you did pull it off rather well. Slightly repetitive on the "nondescript" buildings, though I know that trying to make each location something unique can be quite tiring. The moments of awe and adornment toward both St. Peter's roof and the Pantheon were quite pleasing to read, for a moment I felt myself revisiting those moments in my own travel log. There were some mild grammar bits here and there, but none that couldn't be fixed with a quick beta. (I know it's hard to find one these days) and they were mostly just little words where you had written "so" instead of "do" or pluralised something that hadn't meant to be or vice versa. Nothing so jarring that it was particularly memorable. Your style for breaking up the story into his/her/diary is not generally one that I enjoy, because I find it too disruptive to my train of thought when following the story- HOWEVER- I thought that your transitions were both abrupt enough and smooth enough respectively to effectively employ this plot device without causing me major headache. I often find when I read stories like this that jump around- regardless of whether or not they have a clearly indicated break like your do- that I become lost in what's happening or sidetracked with another part of the story. This was not a problem here and I am extremely pleased that you are able to master such a skill. The outfits were stunning but I wish there had been a picture of Ginny's wedding dress. The other atrocities that she tried on I could visualise quite clearly, however, the wedding dress seemed so simple that even when I tried to google image it nothing seemed like "the one" (I did enjoy seeing the picture of Hermione's dress before.) While I was a bit disheartened that we did not get any raunchy Charlie/Hermione in this installment of the series, you made up for it with the building tensions. I also felt like Charlie had had more planned for their evening- dashed by Hermione falling asleep of course- but that that went unmentioned. It seemed like there was a moment after he gazed down at her in the car where he was internalizing the rest of their night but we the readers never saw that. To me it just seemed like we skipped over a bit- for example if it were a movie, we would have seen them in the car, her sleeping, and the next scene was her at the flat. And us avid movie goers would be expecting the in-between bit to show up on the DVD bonus features under deleted scenes. Does that make sense or am I just rambling? Anyhow, it was a wonderful piece and I can't wait for the next bit. I must suggest, though, Sydney, Australia, where I hail from- I know people do not see the Romance in it- but it would be a lovely place to visit. So many unique exotic things to play around with, landmarks etc. And I have a feeling this series will land them in America at some point too. Keep up the excellent work and I look forward to reading more.
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  • From Tanya on March 14, 2010
    I'm so glad you continued this story on :) I really hope they end up together
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  • From blondpierogi on March 14, 2010
    ooh I am soo glad that you are making this a series. I really like this story. Paris.. Rome.. is Rio going to be the next place? Having them meet up at the carnival? May I suggest New York City or San Francisco (my favorite cities) if the story comes to America.
    Keep up the great work! I cannot wait to read more!!
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