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Reviews for Break Me Down

By : KendalPotterMalfoy
  • From lpnighmare on June 13, 2010
    OHH!! i wanna see how draco reacts!!!
    NO FAIR not a nice clifffyy!

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  • From HeartStar on May 29, 2010
    oh tell me you are still writing this I want to see where you take it.
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  • From ryuchan001 on May 01, 2010
    Amber should have another eye color in my opinion. Harry's eye color will seem less special if others have it too... maybe amber eyes, lol. but i like this story... it's interesting a bit.
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  • From Elphaba on April 30, 2010
    Interesting. Sorry no time to review longer one next time!
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  • From Elvira on April 30, 2010
    Is Theo getting Hermione?

    Poor Hary? Are the dads going to be different fathers for each of same? Hmmmm...How is Draco going to react? I hope Severus isn't mean here!

    Update soon!!
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  • From Juana13 on April 29, 2010
    Very interesting. I feel really bad for Harry for being raped, and now he's preggers!!! I'm glad he's so happy though. :)
    so when does Draco enter this story, hmm??
    can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 27, 2010
    Poor Harry!!! How awful!!!
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  • From myniephoenix on April 21, 2010
    Pretty good for a first go at this. Excellent teaser first chapter.
    Don't make us wait long for more.
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  • From LadyArtemis112 on April 20, 2010
    Looks like its going to be a great story! I eagerly await your next update.

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  • From Elphaba on April 20, 2010
    Interesting, I Like it, poor Harry
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