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Reviews for Chosen Chains

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From tyree on July 27, 2010
    OMG!!!! Normally I dont read s&m shit....however I should have known that if I did it would be written by you....I know I've told you in the past but you are the master of your domain...your simply awesome...I love your writting... And this fic right here is the fing really the shit. Can I be on you mailing list if you have one.....Again your awesome keep up the great work.(Not that it would be hard for you)
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  • From ANON - Dochken on July 27, 2010
    Ah ! One word. Slepnir.
    Love your riddles. and this story. do continue, please.
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  • From ANON - W on July 27, 2010
    *fans herself*
    God, that was really intense! You really let us see what Draco saw, feel what Harry felt... I've never read a story that pushed this topic to an extreme like this! Of course, there are other D/s stories out there and some are also very good. But they are never this personal or emotional! To read this... for me each chapter is like waking up from a dream when it's over. And it also is draining because of the highly emotional matter...
    Sorry, I really tried, but it's hard to put in words what this story does to me...
    Thanks for it, though!
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  • From NightLo on July 27, 2010
    ...would Draco and Harry finally enter a master/slave relationship or something similar? But that would involve huge trust building, would they able to build something like that in the end?

    And I finally understand the argument between Harry and Hermione, even the reason of acting like this may not be healthy, but it is not an illness of liking being ordered around as long as Harry understands and accepts and chooses the choice with his own free will...
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  • From myniephoenix on July 26, 2010
    I love you much! Thanks for the update. Made my day.
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  • From ANON - EarlyDawn on July 26, 2010
    My words still stand true. Your work just keeps getting better!!! I don't know how you do it!!! You are one of those authors that come around very rarely and take the world by storm. I absolutely love your work!!! It was really interesting to see into Harry's brain during the experience. I don't really know what to say after that. My mind is still reeling over the complete perfection of your story!! Can't wait for your next update!!!
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  • From ANON - polka dot on July 26, 2010
    yeah Harry's fucked up. Really he's just too far in the closet and now I feel sorry for Ron and Hermione
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  • From MaskedLily on July 22, 2010
    So it's defiitly been a while since I've gotten the chance to read any of your stories and I missed them a lot. This one is yet another masterpiece that has dragged me in utterly and completely. I love the strong powerful Harry and the way that you portray how his powers manifest thenselves. Absolutely brilliant and amazing!! I shall definitly be waiting eagerly for the next chapter. =)
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  • From NightLo on July 15, 2010
    Just wondering what tasks would they face....and would that bring the two closer? BTW, will Harry talk with Severus and Dumbledore about his problem?
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  • From ANON - red713 on July 15, 2010
    Thanks for the new chapter - it was great! I love the little scenes of 'Draco v. The Goop'. The image of the serious and collected Slytherin weilding sheild and steel like some twisted version of a muggle circus lion-tamer is both humorous in its absurdity and poiniant in its symbolic reflection of Draco and Harry's relationship. That scene's light-hearted tone provides a nice contrast to Harry's angsty loneliness.

    Can't wait for the next chapter. :-)
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  • From ANON - EarlyDawn on July 13, 2010
    I was ridiculously happy to see how long this chapter was. It meant I got to read more of it!!! I don't know how it happens, but every time I read your story it gets better. Which is amazing cause you only have 3 chapters up!!! I love that you incorporated riddles into the story. It is exactly something that Albus and Severus would've done. I love Ron and Hermione as characters, but I kinda hope that Harry doesn't forgive them or least not for a really long time yet. They have no right to dictate what Harry needs to heal and feel better. Just because they don't understand it, doesn't give them the right. Well, now that my mini rant is over, I must say, please keep up the phenomenal work and I will be anxiously awaiting your next update.
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  • From ANON - polka dot on July 12, 2010
    well they would be fools to hand it over after all that work. They should decide on their first demand and hold it hostage until they got a binding promise
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  • From ANON - Lara on July 12, 2010
    First off I'd like to tell you that you are by far my favorite Harry/Draco author. I didn't even realize that some of my favorite stories, such as Changing the Guard, were written by you, and the moment I found out, I think I actually jumped for joy. I've never so consistantly loved everything one author has written. Usually writers start repeating themselve, especially in the Harry Potter world. Storylines are too similar to be interesting and the character development falls off after a while. But you continuously produce new ideas, unique story lines, and in depth character development. Draco and Harry are never the same Draco and Harry from story to story, unless it happens to be a sequel. And even then the characters continue to grow and change with the story lines.
    Okay, now that I've praised you in general, I'd like to talk about Chosen Chains in particular. I love the idea of Harry's sexual appetites being somewhat unconventional. I love how powerful he is. I love how Draco has matured, but not to the point of being a completely different person. I love the way the Wizarding World seems to be reacting to the end of the war, even though it's in a prejudiced way. It seems realistic. I love how Ron and Hermione are so in character. They want to be the perfect Trio again; Hermione thinks she knows everything and Ron is as unaccepting as ever. I'm very seriously looking forward to reading more of this story, and of all your other stories. I haven't quite read them all yet, but I'm getting very close.
    I'll sign as a devoted fan,
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  • From EarlyDawn on July 05, 2010
    DAMN!!!! And I thought your story couldn't get any better - well, I was wrong. So wrong!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 03, 2010
    You know, I love it that in your stories you manage to make both Draco and Harry powerfull, despite their D/s relationship. That's quite a rare scenario to find in fanfics.

    This story started very promising, you always know how to write good plot. ;D Though I'm very dissapointed that Hermione and Ron (especially Hermione, she does have a Muggle heritage and I always saw Muggles more receptive regarding these issues than wizards) aren't able to understand Harry's need to be freed of all the presurre and responsabilities, if only for a short while. Or at least, that why I think he wants to have that kind of sexual relationship. And if it keeps him sane and calm ( or as calm as Harry can be, anyway) and it doesn't harm anyone, why should it be a problem? People find release in many ways, some drink, some smoke, some shop; Harry likes to be dominated. They really should be more open-minded.

    Anyway, I'm sorry for the long review, but their attitude seems like a classical case where people just don't want to understand D/s relationship, which really upsets me. Don't get me wrong, I am not critisizing your story here in any way, just how common that behaviour is in society. This is a great story and I can't wait for the next update. ;]
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