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Reviews for Inamorato

By : Pheobi
  • From WolfPup5683 on July 10, 2010
    Awesome story so far, thanks for posting, my email is
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  • From AngelNarcissa90 on July 09, 2010
    Really good so far. Can't wait for the rest.
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  • From ANON - CPHilly on July 09, 2010
    Love the story. I love Harry/Draco creature fics. Keep up the awesome work. I hope this is a story that gets finished as there are so many good ones that don't. Would LOVE to be on the mailing list. :)
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  • From BreathlessBliss on July 07, 2010
    Yay, another chapter! Oh really this is my favorite, I love a fiesty Harry. :] I'm glad your feeling better and I certaintly can't wait for what comes next! :] Oh and I totally noticed the use of the title, very good. hehe Well until your next chapter. Oh and by the way Blessing of the Sun has been updated I've got three chapters up not as fast as you get your chapters up but I'm trying. ;] ~Bliss
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  • From NightLo on July 07, 2010
    ...this is good, as I believe they need some long talks before their actual bonding ceremony to take they must learn and accep and embrace the similarities and differences...long term relationship is not only about love and lust, but also other important qualities such as acceptance and respect...
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  • From Silkylove on July 07, 2010
    wow i was so socked by the email update! That was the first one i got! Yay virgin harry! Loving this story. Draco better apologizes for being a douchebag, tho harry was a little mean for saying he might have diseases, but silly fights like that makes it more believable. Also is draco a virgin or not cause he said that he's not a slut since he didn't have sex with anyone or something along those lines. o.o Can't wait to see what happens next chapter!
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  • From Veira666 on July 06, 2010
    Leaving it at that is mean. I was really into it. Now I want to know what the outcome will be. Please write more and update ASAP!
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  • From thyladyx on July 06, 2010
    pfft...silly boys. I mean things are pretty much set, all thats left is the paperwork. why would they think they would be given their own suite to be seperated by different rooms? I'm sure most ppl in the situation wouldnt want them. I mean fate can't see fit to tie enemies together all the time right? Another great chapter glad your feeling better! cant wait for more!!! *walks away mumbling* stupid Draco nothing funny about being a virgin...had more important things to do *yells* LIKE SAVE YOUR ASS FROM VOLDY
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on July 06, 2010
    gald to see your back feeling better i hope...well there frist official fight or lovers spat as a couple that is so cute...i wonder who draco gave his virginity to or was he just bluffing....hmmm...he better go find his mate and make this better...great chapter...oh and btw i loved the password for the
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  • From erospandora on July 06, 2010
    Lol okay soooo
    WE ARE engaged to be bound..... (few moments latter) .... I HATE YOU GRRRR *Storms off*
    That was very amusing >
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  • From ANON - Kiba on July 06, 2010
    And the drama starts! i love drama!!!! hehehehe i totally forgot what chapter i last read so i had to read them all again ;p they were still as good as the first time :)
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  • From Silkylove on July 05, 2010
    Kay, so only started reading the story now but *squeal* I am loving it! It is soo cute. I can't wait for the other chapters!!! Keep up the good work!
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  • From hellangelhellina on July 04, 2010
    It's great so far, i'm loveing ron.
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  • From ANON - Moonlightblade on July 02, 2010
    Every chapter gets better and better! I was so happy to see your updates come by so quick! I hope your feeling okay :)
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on July 01, 2010
    Hey, so glad to be back reading your story, this story is coming along really well. As for how Harry can bottom with his wings, he can bottom from the top, then when he climaxes his wings can unfold and do that angel glowy thing. Now that would be a sight to see. Oh and it would be cool for them too hover as well, they can use chairs as well, standing with Harry's legs wrapped around Draco, then Draco can lean on a wall. I've got more if you want them, just ask. Can't wait to read what happens next :)
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