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Reviews for Inamorato

By : Pheobi
  • From NightLo on July 01, 2010 update so fast, and I really cannot catch up with you (being busy)...but many thanks for the effort you have put in this.

    Just wondering...with such fast development between the two, how does each other feel? And if they are really bonded, would it be different from a peri being held by a human because of stealing his or her feathered garments? Is there any rituals or habits of peri that we should know about?
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  • From ANON - ZukoRocks30 on July 01, 2010
    I loved their first kiss: just enough passion, but not too much. Thanks for another edition. Sorry you're not feeling well. Blessings on you for quick healing! :-)
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on July 01, 2010
    well frist off i am sorry to hear that your not feeling well i hope your health improves...on a another note i can't help it i like guessing and i can just picture this story playing out in my head like a movie when i read it i know crazy huh....i'm strange like that i can't help it....they are just to cute together my inner fangirl is all gigglely....and the smack harry gave ron with his wing was just to funny...great job and get better soon and if you need time off from writing take it and recover we will be here waiting on pins and needles when you come back...again great job.

    sorry about my spelling
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  • From BreathlessBliss on July 01, 2010
    Aw porista I'm sorry your sick, I hope you get better soon! I love this story... Poor niave Dumbledore I do hope you won't put the boys through to much... Well I don't know if you like orginial fics or not but I have a bright and shinny new one up if your ccurious. ;) sry shamless advertising but if you do like it feel free to shamlessly advertise in return on my reviews. :] Well I can't wait to see what happens next I feel like this is the calm before the storm. :] ~Breathless Bliss(formly Bliss_09)
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  • From thyladyx on July 01, 2010
    mhm yummy D/H action. you are such a great author, seriously, I'm so adding you to my favorites today. Can't wait to see their rooms! This fic is going so great so far and I anxiously await the next update.
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  • From erospandora on July 01, 2010
    hm so far its good quick to the point for sure i'M WONDERING IF THERE WILL BE ANY... (sorry caps) conflict anytime soon that you'll be doing?

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  • From AdolfNyxan on July 01, 2010
    ? Draco's a bit(read: alot) OOC isn't he? I mean considering that for the past I don't know six years of his life he's hated Harry and for the past 17 he's been raised to greatly dislike all things muggle and impure especially and beastly creatures like werewolves, its just a little(read: very) odd that he didn't bat an eye at the fact that his cousin married one. And I'm all for the forgive and forget aspect of the HD ship but I suppose I'd just like a bit more plausible explanation then oh you think I smell nice let me just adopt all your ideals and forget everything I ever learned from that other family. Not even a bit of internal struggle from either side on the fact that the day before they wouldn't have spit on the other person if their pants caught fire now they are happily jumping into marriage or worse a lifetime bond. Hell I'd even accept the cheesy soap opera amnesia theory over please tell me Harry just dreamed that Draco immediately agreed they should be married because Harry sniffed him. Or maybe he's got some horrible sniffing fetish that he thought would never be indulged until now and he's so happy his fantasy has been realized that he lost the plot...

    The first chapter was promising and the rest had a few kinks, but that last had a huge hole in it. It needs to be made sense of...think like Draco idealized dad wasting away in prison, now he's got a good hold over the guy that's rained on his parade for the last 6 years or rewrite his history I don't care which but don't insult the readers intelligence by saying a guy that's been an immature prat his whole life very suddenly grows up. They didn't have that bad meeting when they were on the train seperate and hate each other from afar alot of shit happened in between that. It wouldn't be just getting over a handshake. There are a lot more fist fights and hurtful words in between that, not to mention Sirius and Draco's father.

    You're giving us the what what what...but I'm asking you how and why are these things happening? "Cause I want Harry and Draco to be in lurves and for them to have the creature bond" well that doesn't quite fly. A unique creature fic probably applies more to the story than to just having a new creature, I mean this is pretty cliched next you'll be saying Ron hates Harry because he feels betrayed. 9 chapters and you've got Harry changed all sparkly and pretty on his birthday, Hermione knows everything, and Draco never hated Harry now they are in love. How is that different from any other Harry is a veela fic except it lacks what comes from the good ones which is at least one of them saying, "Um excuse me I don't like you and I don't care what genetic disorder your parents labored you with, but I'm not spending the rest of my life with someone I hardly know." Instead of this "Oh he smells nice and I know he was shit to us for the past 6 yrs but now he's taking up Hermione's houself campaign. He feels very deeply about them."

    Either way point is that whole "now I hate you, now I don't" stuff is a little immature...sorry Houdini I saw the coin behind your hand, you're not quite good enough to make it believable. That's not to say you couldn't be, but the point is when you write you need to think of your characters as people with thoughts and pasts not puppets who suddenly appear for the scene and then lay scattered on the floor until its their turn up again.
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  • From ANON - Jennifer on July 01, 2010
    I don't foresee a romantic liaison just yet, but I do see Draco talking Harry into trying out his wings.....
    Am I right?

    By the way, great story so far. I just read all that you had up before reviewing, I like to do review all chapters if I could, but since I just found this one, I read all that was up and caught up before reviewing.
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  • From ANON - ZukoRocks30 on July 01, 2010
    No worries that this was short. Quality, not quantity. :-) I think Draco is planning something that will give the two of them a little action--probably not all the way, but somewhere around the bases. ;-)
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  • From ANON - qwerty on July 01, 2010
    Loving this story. Favorite line from ch 8: "Hermione briefly wondered if perhaps he had CareBear DNA" I laughed SO HARD! And of course Draco has only one thing on his mind at the end of ch 9 lol.
    Keep going!
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  • From thyladyx on June 30, 2010
    well I dont know what he has planned but I'm hoping no one will get irrepairably damaged. nearly choked on my Mt Dew when I saw the care bear DNA thing. it was great.Good lord I am loving this fic soo much. this fic is like my happy time. cant wait for more!!!
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  • From ANON - Bliss_09 on June 30, 2010
    Dear merciful author I do apologize for not reviewing for the last couple chapters and I feel like the worst fan ever! :( I'd hope that I don't fall into the catagory of 'shadow reader'- although great terminology I'm jealous and might just borrow it with your permission of course?... Well now that I'm done groveling OMG, for lack of a better term, I absolutely loved chapter 7- Hilarous!!! When you say 'ether' do you mean as in the essence of power or life? Because I wasn't quiet clear on that... I'm hoping Draco's talking about some hot smexiness to come? Well until the next chapter. :] ~Bliss
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  • From lpnighmare on June 30, 2010
    thank you for brightening up my day today
    Ive had such a long day and i came home to this and it was wonderful!

    Cant wait for more

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  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 30, 2010
    aaawww how cute and so true...well i think that his little devilish smirk could be on of two things themm getting to know each other better(just a little kissing and talking)i don't think they ready for the main course but i could be wrong....or a little shock treatment for the school to see....just because draco likes to show off sometimes....great job
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  • From ANON - galaxybaby on June 30, 2010
    Nice! I love it when something manages to surprise me, it happens so rarely. Wonderful chapter, I can't wait to read the next one!
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