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Reviews for Inamorato

By : Pheobi
  • From elfqueen114 on June 30, 2010
    Exciting story, I can't wait until the two of them are alone! This is a very interesting plot keep it going you're doing a great job!
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  • From themaidenlyra on June 30, 2010
    oh my i hope you update soon this is a realy awsome story so far and i would love to read more

    all my love The Maiden Lyra
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  • From ANON - puck on June 30, 2010
    I'm enjoying your story quite a bit! Thanks for the speedy updates! It's always nice to see an author having fun! :)
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  • From ANON - Catstaff on June 30, 2010
    An interesting twist on the creature fic... I'm liking this one a lot thus far, and very much looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.

    With regards to your comment about not seeing Harry lying on his back with the wings, it's perfectly possible. I've owned and even bred budgies and other birds for years, and I've known some of them to occasionally lie on their backs in order to play with a toy with their beaks and both feet. Now granted, I'm making a bit of a guess here as to exactly how and where Harry's wings are attached based on my knowledge of budgie anatomy, but it seems to me he should be able to bring them -slightly- forward around his torso with the result of making them lay very flat against his back and shoulders, yet with the greater portion of the wings being out to the sides rather than directly under his body... gah, it's hard to explain coherently. But if a bird can lie on its back, I believe Harry can, too.

    Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to more of this story. Happy writing!
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 30, 2010
    that was just to cute at the end...and i just love a snarky far as the air act what ever works for you is great and please don't rush i love the pace of your story and i feel that waiting for it to come naturaly is the best...great job.

    i understand the whole top draco thing now and think your right he would have to be awfully powerful to attract such a powerful creture such as harry...thanxz for the update and the understanding.^__^
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  • From macropixi on June 30, 2010
    Okay, that was just a lot of fun. I think I want updates on this story.
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  • From KienaBeana on June 30, 2010
    Thank you for your LURVELY updates! I am quite enjoying this fic, and I have to say that reading the comments at the top of the page about reviews made me laugh. I don't think you're a review whore, I think that people forget what it feels like to be appreciated so they quit appreciating others. That's sad :( But anyhoo and enough about that! I do enjoy seeing your updates and can't wait for more! Give your bunnies a carrot for me so that they will help you out! Hope you are still having fun!~K
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  • From ANON - Death's Mistress on June 30, 2010
    Hey! This is a great story! Feeding on perfume? That is imaginative. Is Malfoy Harry's mate? That would make sense with him jumping and licking him and all. I hope you keep going and update soon.
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  • From NightLo on June 30, 2010
    Just wondering would ALL students in Hogwarts wear perfumes so as a chance?
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  • From ANON - justmine25 on June 30, 2010
    lol I didn't say ur fic was a crack fic I was saying I like those as well haha - anyways great update I like the way he pounced on Draco and was flirting w/o actually being in control shoot makes me wanna smell Draco myself lol
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  • From ANON - ZukoRocks30 on June 30, 2010
    How fun! To come up with your own new magical creature! I love the idea that Harry feeds off of something unusual--exotic perfumes! What a hoot! However, I think Harry smells some sort of pheromone or something inherent specifically to Draco because I bet Draco is his mate--which is something none of the books tell about Peri! Anyway, this is a fun story! Looking forward to more installments! :-)
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  • From ANON - grace on June 30, 2010
    Just wanted to let you know that I loved Harry's ambush of Draco and Draco's reaction.
    Thank you for putting a smile on my face today after a bad day! Can't wait till the next chapter, I'm more intrigued as I kept reading.
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  • From ANON - Addiena_Saffir on June 30, 2010
    that was an evil cliffie. Loved all your new chappies. The scene were draco and harry first meet after the inheritance was funny, although Draco was a lot more civil and nice than i would think he'd be. Loved how harry pounced on him in the classroom pity they were interrupted. and if we may vote, i vote for bottom!Harry. And he doesn't HAVE to be on his back lol draco could take him up against the wall, on all fours, harry could be on top like he was when he pounced on draco......if you want him in the missionary position you could have him kind of flying? or some sort of anti-gravity/suspension spell? I'm sure you'll figure it out and make it great. Can't wait for the next update.
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  • From ANON - galaxybaby on June 30, 2010
    YAY! More story! As always, wonderful, can't wait to see what's coming next.
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  • From thyladyx on June 30, 2010
    wow, how the hell did I miss three chapters?!? You superauthor you...thanks for the clarification about the smell thing. I figured it'd be more specific than that. I loved the first meeting and the second was even better!!! I'm loving this fic so far and cant wait for sorry someone ratted you out to the admin. they were sucky and obviously have never read things by you before or your authors notes this time. I think its perfectly reasonable to not waste your time updating where your not being appreciated. plus look how well it works. you have 7 chapters out and over 70 reviews I've read fics with 15+ chapter and about that same amount....and I'm not even talking crap fics. anyway cant wait for an update!!
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