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Reviews for Inamorato

By : Pheobi
  • From DeadbeatAngel on June 30, 2010
    Just finished the first chapter and I have to say I really like it and I expect it to a great read. keep up the awesome work
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  • From ANON - nawie on June 30, 2010
    I don't feel offended at all, I don't always review, but I don't mind being asked to. I really do enjoy your story though, so keep it up.
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  • From Raholea on June 30, 2010
    *pouts* cliffhanger...
    damned cliffie.... *sniffles*

    and has it only really been such a short time? sorry, my weekend was rather long to me, lol. but it IS 6 chapters. so it counts.

    on another note, no need to email me about updates, i check AFF at least once a day for updated ficcage. So no worries there, i may not review every time i read but i'll offer input if i have something to say. And feel free to check my stuff, i am more a Naruto writer, but i have a HP waiting in the wings. I can't write often, so i'm waiting to post until i have a good leg up on it. lol.

    Take care!
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  • From ANON - Kiba on June 29, 2010
    LOL Poor Draco must be out of his mind trying to figure out whats going on lol interesting at this point id think harry might decide subconsusly to start stalking Draco where ever he goes :p anyway so far so good its really interesting
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  • From ANON - qwerty on June 29, 2010
    So good! So Harry must be responding to Draco as a potential mate (?) Your story is really interesting and I'm loving every bit of it!
    Keep going!
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  • From ANON - Kurai on June 29, 2010
    Dang you evil evil woman.. you are making me respond because I want to see the next chapter and soon!
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  • From AstraDeclinant on June 29, 2010
    Ok I'm absolutely loving this story! I hope you have Harry tackle Draco like that again, but next time have him do it in the great hall or maybe potions class lmao
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  • From ANON - Sandra on June 29, 2010
    Great story, and I'm so happy that you update so frequently :D Please add me to your mailing list.
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  • From storylistener on June 29, 2010
    Wow that was quick! Thank you for adding me to your update list, it worked perfectly. I like how Harry tackled Draco. I also love Sev's reaction, very IC. GOOD JOB and WRITE MORE SOON (not that you seem to have any problems doing so, this is just to show I like it and want more ASAP)!
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 29, 2010
    *stands up and does happy dance* well i was right yayayayayayaany way i thought about having you give me some inside info but i think i would rather be surprised...what i want is a aerial sex act...i think this would solve your problem to as far as harry bieng on his back although i prefer a dom harry even though he is smaller he's stronger than draco and could be seen as the dom quite easily....but that is just a suggestion...great job oh and btw your plot bunnies have been leaving me emails and giving me hint that why i guess right....just kidding^__^

    do you write mpreg? because i think a beautiful half-peri/half-veela baby with harry's face blonde hair and mercury green swirl eyes would be quite adorable
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  • From capnknuckles on June 29, 2010
    Reviews are tricky things. I'm sure the fans of this fanfic (ME TOO!) really appreciate how fast you update this. It's a rather new breath of fresh air in a genre of creature Harry Potter fics. Nicely done. I think most importantly you should write and post your fics for your own pleasure to avoid any trouble, when requesting reviews. Reviews should just be bonus and complementary (excluding flames, but even including constructive criticism). Any reviews that legitimately offer criticism are most often helpful, and it's nice to even garner that. So I've taken no offense to any of your request for a certain amount of reviews, but I must admit I do get lazy when reviewing a fanfic, that I may enjoy immensely. I suppose your true measure of how popular this story is should come from the amount of 'hits' it receives. Well done! Can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - nichole fairchild on June 29, 2010
    I absolutly love these hun. Im so glad you gave me the link :) Im actually working on goin back and reading the rest of them as well! Cant wait to read more!!! xoxoxoxo
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  • From ANON - galaxybaby on June 29, 2010
    I have no idea what it is Harry is smelling, but I can't wait to find out! I love it when a story can capture my attention as much as yours has. It's wonderful!
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  • From Raholea on June 29, 2010
    *falls over laughing at draco/ harry interactions*

    ok, so i saw you start this a while ago, and being a creature fic, i was interested, but i like waiting to see if fics like this are worth my time- ie, more than one chapter, regular updates, etc.

    So i waited until the recent update.. and i'm impressed. I like what you're playing with and i like the supporting details. I just can't wait to see what else you've got in store for the loveable BWL. *huggles* good luck and hope you update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on June 29, 2010
    Hey, could Harry be smelling Dracos dorment Veela blood???????? Though he wasn't affected by Fluers, damn I'm stumped....It's Draco so it could be shampoo, bodywash ,moisturiser oooor Draco could have a real sweet tooth wich could make him just smell sweet lol. I can so see Harry being a pushy bottom in this story, it would be funny seeing Draco making sure he is the top and trying to keep control of situations. I am annoyed that I am away from my laptop for the next couple of days and will have to wait to read your next installment, I haven't been this excited about a story in a long time.
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