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Reviews for Inamorato

By : Pheobi
  • From storylistener on June 29, 2010
    my email is and I would really like to be added to your mailing list. So far your story has intrigued me, being different from your typical "Harry-is-a-creature" stories. I also like the fact that you're telling me about a creature I've never heard about, even if you are twisting it to suit you. Wonderful Job and WRITE MORE SOON please!
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  • From ANON - moonlightblade on June 29, 2010
    I loved the Draco Harry scene. Cute! It was funny how weireded out Draco was by the whole sniffing the neck escapade lol. I have no idea what it was the Harry was smelling, maybe Draco's laundrey detergent haha. I'm sure you'll have something way more unique then my guess :)

    Wow.. your writing your own book! Cool :)
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  • From Kryssaira on June 29, 2010
    Wicked Cool!!! My guess is it's Draco's own "personal" scent. and NO she hasn't told me... in fact she hasn't decided what it is yet... well NOW she has(I'm posting this late i was running errands), but when she read me Chap 5. (sorry gang I'm Chap and 1/2 ahead of you all :D) She decided while i was gone, but hasn't told me so i'm allowed to post a guess. :D
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  • From lpnighmare on June 29, 2010
    it iissss DRACO! :P his shampoo? uhhhhh his soap?
    its his pheromones?

    that is what it is
    its the bunnies

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  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 29, 2010
    lol...lmao that was such a funny and very interesting chapter i loved it, and as far as old voldy being a div it would give a stronger reason as to why he hunts our poor harry and maybe explain alittle more about there background but like i said many times before i could be way off base here....and as far as what harry was smelling i am going to say maybe the soap that draco uses to wash himself with or his natural scent or how do you say uuuummmmm the emotions forming in his magic or just his magic.....i have read that magic can give off an aura maybe it can give off a scent to..and with each person being so differnt the more unique the scent....great job
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  • From ANON - SignoraE on June 29, 2010
    I'm guessing Draco's pheromones. Great original creature idea though!
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  • From ANON - justmine25 on June 29, 2010
    I love creature fics even the crack ones I really like where u are goin with this one so Draco's own personal scent huh so what is harry like gonna bound to him since his smell comes naturally?
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  • From PrincessLizzie on June 29, 2010
    Gahhh spell out your numbers, child! :K

    Other than that, piqued interest though I don't like creature fics. Blond!Harry... I'll have to pose a fic around that one... *bookmarks and wonders off pondering*
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  • From Kryssaira on June 29, 2010
    You've once again outdone yourself, and I'm thrilled and very proud to call you my daughter.
    I cant wait to see where your rabid plot bunnies take us, and the intrepid cast of your tale.
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  • From NightLo on June 29, 2010 finally we have a more clearer picture...just wondering would there be chaos and fights when others find out about Harry's change...BTW, would the press somehow know about this and create a greater chaos and fights? Would Dumbledore do somthing to prevent bad things from happening?
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  • From lpnighmare on June 29, 2010
    YAY for them Finally learning what he is!

    cant wait for the next chapppppyyy

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  • From ANON - Catty on June 29, 2010
    Interesting! I like it so far. Though it would be nice to learn more about your version of the Peris... please don't keep us in suspense too long! :)
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  • From ANON - galaxybaby on June 29, 2010
    YAY! Another update! The fact that Harry "eats" a scent is absolutely fascinating. I don't think I've seen any other story that has something like that, which is a big plus in my book. I love unique stories. Can't wait for the next update!
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  • From ANON - Bliss_09 on June 29, 2010
    Hello again! :] I must say I'm absolutly head of heels for this story right now. :) I loved the refrences to the Selki, theres a story of them that I'm particularly fond of. One of a sailor who see's one of these magnificent creatures sun bathing and thinks to capture it thinking it is a mermaid, anyways it's quiet tragic as most cautionary folk lore tends to be. Until next time. :] ~Bliss
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  • From ANON - Kiba on June 29, 2010
    okay wow my head kinda hurt with that explation lol im sure harrys did too but they do sound very interesting. must say the perfume thing is kinda weird but funny. So now my question is were you planing on having Draco as a creacure or just his normal wizard self? (sorry my spelling sucks)
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