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Reviews for Inamorato

By : Pheobi
  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 29, 2010
    so does this make old voldy a div?...or what...good thing they have hermoine around or they be lost...great chapter i can't what for the meeting on the more question is harry the dom in this relationship or draco?...great job^__^
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  • From ANON - moonlightblade on June 29, 2010
    I'm loving the story more and more. It's rare that I find a story that an author is devoted to detail, so thank-you so much! :) I'm eagerly awaiting your next chapter!
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on June 28, 2010
    Hey great chap, nicer length too. I caaaan't wait until Harry runs into Draco, :)
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  • From thyladyx on June 28, 2010
    you know that really wasnt much of a hint on what harry feeds on. perfumes come in thousands of smells. you really didnt narrow it down too much for us. and yet I am hooked. I must find out. cant wait for an update.
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  • From macropixi on June 28, 2010
    I just stumbled upon this story and I loved it!
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on June 28, 2010
    Great chap, I'm guessing Harry feeds off the smell of flowers? :)
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  • From ANON - qwerty on June 28, 2010
    Good chapter. I like learning about Harry bit by bit actually. It takes all the fun out of the mystery if it's solved in one chapter. With that said, don't go too slow lol!!
    Peri... I've never heard of that creature before. I wikipedia'ed Peri but there's only a short article on them. I know you're basing Harry off of this so you probably can't tell me too much without giving the story away, but you mind telling me where you got your info on Peris? I really love mythology so I would like to know more about them just for knowledge's sake. Thanks!
    Keep going!
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  • From ANON - Liz on June 28, 2010
    i only, just started reading your stroy...which has got me most intriged...i love myths and tales of the sureal creatures that have been created from dreams to the imagination of exhausted traverals that believe they have seen a demon or angel...sorry off track...but please update soon...and please make that the whole mate thing believable if that's wat you're working towards...
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 28, 2010
    i think i understand know it sounds more like pheromones or what some call food trail pheromones mixed with magic but again i could be off...but using smell to feed is freaking cool i haven't heard that one before...i can't wait to see harry's reaction to draco....and vise versa...great job...i need more thanxz 4 sharing i wish i could write like you.
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  • From lpnighmare on June 28, 2010
    lol, just realized my mistake.
    I meant chapter 2 & 3 :P
    I always forget to make sure the numbers arent different from the titles of the chapters
    oh and :D
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  • From lpnighmare on June 28, 2010
    "I'm a giant lab rat." that quote on its own made my day! :3
    Loved Chapter 3! sorry i didnt get to review that one. Thank you for chapter 3 btw
    and I loved Fleur in chapter 4 not many people actually portray her in such a good way I love it!
    Cant wait for more!
    I will be waiting semi patiently :p (honestly I wont be very patient but I shall TRY!)

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  • From faithsdouble on June 28, 2010
    I'm really beginning to get into this story, but I have to say... I hate how short the chapters are. Is there anyway you could lengthen them?
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  • From ANON - Kiba on June 28, 2010
    Well that was interesting but a little short. Makes me wonder a lot about what he can do though...... how long before you decide hes going to try and use his wings... i figure him being a big flier on brooms that he might wanna try it at some point..... also while i have no idea what the creaure harry is it makes me wonder what his reponse to draco will be and draco to him :) anyway post soon! and make it a little longer!! pretty please!!!
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  • From NightLo on June 28, 2010
    ...would Harry able to connect with his mate through dreams? I am still waiting for his new powers to come up...(to be honest, I found the dream idea very confusing, I am not saying that is not great, still I want some peace of my own)
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  • From playmouse on June 28, 2010
    lol the wizard transportation is not the "flue" but the "floo" ^^

    good story

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