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Reviews for Inamorato

By : Pheobi
  • From ANON - Addiena_Saffir on June 28, 2010
    oh oh it's getting good. I can't wait to see what changes and gifts you've given harry. And i'm so happy you've put up 3 chapters in as many days. Hope you can keep it up purely for my selfish reason of wanting to know what is going to happen next.
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  • From ANON - galaxybaby on June 28, 2010
    LOL!!! Missing wings but seeing a scar! Priceless. Again, can't wait to see where you are going next.
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  • From ANON - Addiena_Saffir on June 28, 2010
    very nice and intriguing beginning. i hope i enjoy the next chapter as much and i hope it's longer. hehehheh
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  • From ANON - nichole fairchild on June 28, 2010
    more more more lol :)
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on June 28, 2010
    Hey great chap, my guess is that Harry now eats fruit, vegetables, and sweet natural stuff. I'd love to know when you update again, I think I'm hooked lol.
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  • From ANON - Bliss_09 on June 28, 2010
    FallenAngel, I'm also quiet fascinated with all things myhtological and legendary, fey being one of my favorites. I just love that there are so many different types through out mythology and folk lore alike but for the most part they all have similarities, even being from vastly different regions of the world.... but moving on to the story. I just love your Dumbledore, absolutly spot on. Even though he appeared for only a short cameo I like how well you've managed to portray him. Even though this story isn't canon personally I like those stories better that stay true to the characters... anyways I'm rambling, basically major love for Inamorato and can't wait to read more! :] ~Bliss P.S speaking of Dumbledore my captcha= 'fully candies' hehehe ironic.
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  • From ANON - moonlightblade on June 28, 2010
    Love your story! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 28, 2010
    wow i love harry's friends reaction to his transformation...i wish my friend were that have such a very interesting outlook on the things you write so that makes it hard for me to guess what food he eats but here goes nothing i am going to say aaaahhhhh magic and not just like sex magic but all magic or if he's any thing like elfs (which i don't think he is being so original and all) i would say fresh fruits and sweets...well atleast i tried...another great job and i just can't wait for more.
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  • From thyladyx on June 27, 2010
    yea I figured as much but it never hurts to ask. Thanks for explaining the title. I like strange words sometimes too. Can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - Kiba on June 27, 2010
    This it turning out to be very promising i cant wait to see were this will go. It has a nice pace to it not to fast not to slow which makes it nice
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  • From ANON - Nichole Fairchild on June 27, 2010
    Wow, you really have amazing talent :) This is the first peice I have read and it makes me wanna go back and read all the rest leading up to it! And of course continue on to read the rest as well. Looking forward to your next post :)
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on June 27, 2010
    i really love your description of harry's is so hard to find original or different creature fics and yours surely fits the bill, so i just can't wait to read more...great job and thanxz for the update and email notification.
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  • From ANON - tamikolee on June 27, 2010
    Hey, love the story so far, I love creature fics :)
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  • From NightLo on June 27, 2010
    Hum...just wondering apart from appearance, what powers do Harry possess now?
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  • From ANON - galaxybaby on June 27, 2010
    Wow, if I was Harry, I would soooo be freaking out about now. I wonder how dumbledore is going to react to the scar being gone...
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