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Reviews for The Journey Cycle: pt 3: Australia *pt 3 complete*

By : squigglesquared
  • From bellathedark on August 10, 2010
    Heyla, Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying part 3. 'Mnstr reminded me last night that I had not left a review yet. I love all the little details that you include; the little things that make a huge difference, like just how much sunlight would affect someone who is light sensitive. It helps to make things that much more believeable. I can't wait for more!

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  • From stepmnstr on August 08, 2010
    you just made my evening.
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  • From stepmnstr on August 02, 2010
    and the plot does thicken, indeed! so very very nicely,too. the amount of research that you have put into this series shows.
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  • From stepmnstr on July 25, 2010
    what an awesome beging to book three! i just mentioned to a friend that this rapidly becoming the best conspiracy theory fic ever! and i am the queen of conspiracy theories.

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