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Reviews for The Journey Cycle: pt 3: Australia *pt 3 complete*

By : squigglesquared
  • From morningstorm70 on January 19, 2017

    Please email me when you start posting book 4 


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  • From ObsesiveReader on December 03, 2010
    Oh my god love these storiees when's the next one coming?
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  • From stepmnstr on October 17, 2010
    the underhills? so cool squigs. i want the next fortnight to go really really fast!!! good luck with your essay.
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  • From stepmnstr on October 10, 2010
    oooooooooooooh!!! more plot thickening!!!!hermione is going to do something really really stupid, isn't she? y'know i haven't reviewed this often for one wip in a very very long time.
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  • From bellathedark on October 06, 2010
    Heyla, sorry I haven't reviewed lately, I suck at it. Anyway, great last few chapters. The heart wrenching emotional gamut was such a rollercoaster ride. But life is like that sometimes, always full of ups and downs. I am glad that they are on the road to recovery. My heart was with Harry and the decision he had to make. That is one of the hardest ones to have to face and I hope that everyone will help through the feelings of guilt and remorse and the what ifs that come with that decision. It
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  • From stepmnstr on October 03, 2010
    such a nice interlude. *sigh* i just got back from a trip and you make me feel like i need to get away again. i like the fact that jed is having difficulties with the two sides of his esoteric life (Mason/Magical) and is trying to find a way to deal ethically with both. and sammy is more than a supportive sounding board, he's involved and trying to help his partner to find his balance. even the secondary couples are completely realized as people. one chapter and a longish review.

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  • From stepmnstr on September 27, 2010
    lovely, squigs,just lovely. the support of their circle of friends and family by choice, the new issues to consider along side the conspriacy, passed out minerva and the not quite restrained crush of hermione's...
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  • From bellathedark on September 21, 2010
    Just too heartbroken for words right now... sorry
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  • From stepmnstr on September 19, 2010
    ooooooooh more plot twisty thingieness. ouch miscarriages are hard to have hard to write and hard(for me) to read. very well writtten chapters my dear squigs. *sends you left over carrot cake*

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  • From bellathedark on September 13, 2010
    Right now there are no words to tell you how much I love you at this moment. I know that 'Mnstr adores conspiracy theorys, but I on the other hand have a huge guilty fave that has become more and more rare in fandom, mpreg! I can't say thank you enough for going ahead with the mpreg, I wasn't sure you would, let alone how you would go about it. Again, Thank you.
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  • From stepmnstr on September 12, 2010
    the conspiracy shall thicken with their waistlines, eh? wonderful chapter. full of both plot and emotion. i look forward to my weekly installments!

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  • From stepmnstr on September 05, 2010
    just one chapter you say but what a chapter! you thicken the plot, tighten their bond, drop the first hint of mpreg and leave me hanging off the cliff! i think that is going to be really cool when they realize just how tight that bond has become when all of their friends get to OZ. oh dear maybe i should put a spoiler alert on this review.

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  • From stepmnstr on August 29, 2010
    lovely chapters, squigs. just the perfect antedote for an emotionally charged evening. 'mnstr
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  • From Raie on August 23, 2010
    Loved these two chapters, as usual and DID NOT miss the pot smoking at all...hint hint. LOL Me Bad! Sorry about that...I'm not a prud it's just that since I need to be on so much pain killers and know how it feels to be "out of it" so to speak, I can't understand why people do it to themselves on purpose. OK off the soap box now. Just keep writting in your wonderful style!
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  • From stepmnstr on August 22, 2010
    i miss reviewing a chapter and you give me two!!! excellent as always my dear. i love the character building so much i didn't miss the conspiracy building.

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