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Reviews for "Woman" Series, HG/AW

By : Remarkable
  • From Koolgirl18 on October 23, 2011
    Yay! I love Arthur and Hermione smut. And I can't wait to see what Arthur does to make Lucius and Snape go away (and even though I'll miss their scenes, they shouldn't fuck with Arthur and Hermione's love). Or better yet, what Hermione does to make them go away.

    I know life is busy and updates a far and few in between but I am willing to wait. I hope things start to work out at home and that life become a little more stressful.

    Anywho, can't wait for the next chapter!

    Much Love
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  • From dragongirl on October 14, 2011
    I love it!
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  • From kylanSB on October 14, 2011
    very glad to see another update. i don't know if i like the snape and malfoy part more or author. they're all so wonderfully written. can't wait for next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Catstaff on October 13, 2011
    Glad to see you're still around and updating! And nice to see Hermione and Arthur reconciled, too. I'm still wondering what's up with those unicorns a few chapters back, lol! Anyway, looking forward to more from you, hopefully soon.
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  • From Koolgirl18 on July 21, 2011
    Hmmm ... dark? No. Hot? OMG YES!!! I just love to see Snape so absolutely dominate and kinky! Gods, the man can shag me in his classroom any time! I would be more than happy to take Hermione's place. hahaha

    As much as I love your smut scenes with Lucius and Snape, I miss the Arthur smut scenes. He's such a sweet man and I think he and Hermione deserve each other. I know things get worse before they get better but I seem to be very impatient to get Arthur and Hermione together forever!

    And don't worry about the slow updates. I was taking three condensed classes this summer and it was the equivalent of taking five normal classes. RL comes before fanfiction--no matter how much I may want to have faster updates.

    As long as you don't abandon and you tell us what's going on, I'm happy :D

    Keep up the good work!

    Lots of Love
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  • From StillHorny on March 20, 2011
    It may have taken a while, but it was definately worth the wait!!!!!

    I love that Lucius in now taking a turn at Hermoine. Apperantly all the MEN want her and all the BOYS are shit out of luck.

    Desk sex is one of my favorites. Thank you for allowing Lucius the honor of 'taking' Hermoine on his very large, ostentatious desk. It was HOT and STEAMY!!!

    Please don't make us wait too long for the next chapter!?!?!?!
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  • From lunababy44 on March 19, 2011
    Oh, almost forgot..........

    I definitely think you should write more HG/AW stuff... I agree with your other fans... they are very underwritten, and you put them together very nicely... I love LM/HG & SS/HG and all, but I agree with 'koolgirl18' they need to kick Lucius, & Severus behinds and go make babies together... oh... but first he needs to divorce Molly... or, something... I'll leave that (and everything else of course) up to you...
    I definitely think you are one of my favorite authors for fanfiction EVER!!!
    I'll read everything, like the greedy witch I am, LMAO!!!
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  • From lunababy44 on March 19, 2011
    This was an EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT UPDATE... I loved the lemon in it, obviously... But it still makes me wonder what will happen between Arthur and Hermione... I just hope you wont make us wait so long for the next chapter, lol... heheheeeee, my greedy eyes want more story food, and you must feed them, lmao... for now, I think I'm going to go and re-read some of the earlier chapters...
    *runs off*
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  • From newtothis on February 01, 2011
    interesting story, i hope ron and hermoine become friends again, then she start to really worry that she lose him harry and ginny when they find out everthink
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  • From NutsAboutHarry on January 28, 2011
    Oh man oh man oh man I love this fic! I want Lucius and Snape to get his comeuppance and for Hermione and Arthur to be happy. PLease say this is going to happen!
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  • From ANON - Dawn on January 28, 2011
    Gah! Remarkable!!

    Okay, I hate you for bringing Lucius into the mix and coming between poor Arthur and Hermione... but I love you for bringing Lucius into the mix, because he is one of my favorite older-wiz partners for her. It's just like when you brought Snape in... another excellent older-wiz partner.

    Still, Arthur gets no love in ficworld (often, literally!) and I feel I must complain on his behalf here. Dammit, this is an HG/AW fic!!

    That rant said, I still love ya, Remarkable, because you write so very well and capture characterization and nuance beautifully and excel at plot, pacing and straight-up porn. Keep writing! Go you!
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  • From Koolgirl18 on January 28, 2011
    Merlin what a bastard!! I'm not going to lie though--I absolutely love Lucius Malfoy and wouldn't mind seeing a smut scene with them.

    But at this point, I want Hermione and Arthur to kick Lucius' and Snape's ass and have babies together like they were meant to.

    Thank you so much for the update--I'll follow like the lost puppy I am (I DEMAND a smut scene the next chapter) lol

    Until next chapter

    Love, hugs, and kisses
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  • From ANON - Brittany on January 27, 2011
    OH.......... MY.......... GAWD..........
    Um, I'm not quite sure what to say... You had better not let Lucius ruin things for Arthur,& Hermione... and especially don't let him become the Minister for Magic... he'd ruin poor Arthur... and thats just wrong...
    But still... Very good chapter, & I soooo cannot wait for more!!!
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  • From StillHorny on January 27, 2011
    No smut, but definatly implied for future chapters. I love this series.
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  • From ANON - Brittany on January 20, 2011
    I would love to give a more detailed review..... but I decided to go with a more simple one instead.....
    Please put up the update soon... I want mooooore already.

    (P.S) I'm no professional beta, but if you ever need a back-up one, I'd love to do it..... Merlin knows I've read enough fan-fiction (I'd like to think I have some insight & talent, lol.)
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