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Reviews for Intoxicate the Sun

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - AlterEquis on September 09, 2011
    Hi there,

    I just started reading this story yesterday and it sure has me intrigued. It's really different from what I expected from the summary. Can't wait to find out how things will wrap up.

    My gues for the traitor would be Harry himself or Fred/George acting because it's the right thing in their head.

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  • From ANON - Anon on August 29, 2011
    Do you know that out of all your stories both old and new i think that this one may be my absolute favorite. While I will always love (and have a special place in my heart for) "I Give You A Wondrous Mirror" since that story introduced me to you and your work (which I have been following almost religiously ever since) this one, to me is the best you've written by far yet. Now I'm sure that you can (and probably will) come up with something greater (even if it is not in the same way as this story is great) but for now this will mostly definitely do as my favorite of your (and all H/D) stories.

    On this chapter: I am so glad Hermione is back with them. It felt a little odd her not being there. I mean I understood why she couldn't be but it still felt odd. Maybe she can help level the situation more or give a different perspective on things that we haven't noticed yet. I also wonder what Harry thought the traitor part of the prophecy meant. It will be very interesting to see how this all turns out. Plus I'm dying to know what that machine does and what Harry's plan is. So I can't wait for the next chapter. Ja ne ^__^
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  • From SParker on August 28, 2011
    about #44..

    1. I doubt Desang know that much about Hermione.
    Nooo...what I meant was, if Desang thinks Hermione is easy
    to 'get rid of', she has another thing coming. Because of
    the fact, Hermione was a member of the DA, her fighting
    skills is up to par & she's no pushover, even if she has to go
    against an Auror.

    I wasn't saying Desang knew about Hermione's past concerning the DA.

    2. You know, I've been thinking about the prophecy myself and
    personally, I believe the 'traitor' will be unaware of the consequences
    their actions will cause Harry. Out of good intentions, perhaps?

    ..and I think I know who it'll be.
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  • From ANON - semaphore on August 28, 2011
    Again, still reading, still enjoying. :)
    I can't really make up my mind about whether or not Harry is actually mad. I want to say no because I don't want him to lol but I'll see where it goes (and honestly, you have to kind of crack under that kind of pressure). I liked how he made Ron see the stag so that he gets a better understanding of the situation and also how Draco questions his own motifs. Am still a bit confused by the device with the loops but I trust you to clear it up soon :)
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  • From SParker on August 26, 2011
    about #43...

    1. If I tell you that Harry is truly starting to be
    unnerving to me in this story, that means you're doing
    a damn good job, with characterization.

    2. Hermione better watch her back, because Desang's got
    a pound of flesh she wants to take out on her. I think
    Desang needs to realize that she was once part of
    Dumbledore's Army!
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  • From ANON - kit on August 21, 2011
    sorry for not having written a review lately. V__V
    I'm still completely interested in the story, i just havent been able to read lately. *sigh* life gets in the way.
    Its nice to see that their are some people out there who dont think Harry is completely insane. I wonder what plan the rebel group and allies will come up with? Hopefully no one will suffer from any of the backlash if they succeed in removing the minister. Isn't Hermione in danger since desang had demanded that hermione be punished for impersonating her?
    By the way, i love your oc character, Greta! She is always so amusing to me. Even though she is related to umbridge, I find her to be sweet and carefree but always aware of everything transpiring around her. Not someone you should underestimate..
    anyways...until next chapter ^_^
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  • From ANON - semaphore on August 21, 2011
    Don't have the time for a proper comment, but I'm still reading and enjoying :)
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  • From SParker on August 19, 2011
    about $41..

    So, now it's a question of 'is he or isn't he..' crazy?
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  • From SParker on August 13, 2011
    about #40...

    I must admit you actually have me feeling apprehensive
    wondering what's going to happen with Harry & whether
    this will end 'somewhat' good.
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  • From ANON - anonanon on August 11, 2011
    Excellent! I personally find it impressive how you have two stories ongoing with elements of flame/fire and change in them revolving around Harry, and yet still keep both of the stories unique and separate. Excellent job!
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  • From SParker on August 10, 2011
    about #39...

    I don't know, it seems like everything has gotten..complicated
    in a way?
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  • From ANON - semaphore on August 10, 2011
    I just stumbled over your stories a few days ago so I haven't reviewed anything as of yet, but I've enjoyed everything I read immensely so far :) [I also have to admit I don't really like the review system on this site (and since I don't have an lj account, feel free to email me :)]

    Intoxicating the sun stands out, tho. The sheer volume of it, and the detail and effort that are going into this story are amazing. I love the complexity of the thing and the fact that it deals with more than 'just' a revolution (and all the political and moral implications that come with it) or a love story or the concept of dark/wild magic but with a combination of . It seems to me that you've gone far beyond the HP universe but rather created one of your own with the wild magic and the introduction of what the prophecies could mean.
    What's also great is the characters, every single one is three dimensional, if that makes sense, and has more than one side to them. I'm fascinated by George/Fred teetering on the edge of madness and by the multitude of Draco's motifs (and changes of motifs!), and I'm grateful for your depiction of Ron because usually he just doesn't get enough credit ;) I think what adds a lot to the characters is the shifts in perspective so that you can understand what each of them is feeling and thinking, making it all the more interesting.

    The only thing which is puzzling me slightly is that, correct me if I'm wrong, Harry's parents aren't mentioned, not even in relation to the prophecy. It would seem logical to me that he would consider the possibility of meeting them if he leaves the earthly world, but maybe I missed something (reading late at night and as much as possible in one go does that :P) or you've got your reasons; either way it shows again that you've gone beyond the mere fandom.

    Another thing- Harry's and Draco's relationship. It's refreshing that the trouble they have accepting the attraction to each other doesn't come from 'oh dear, I might be gay' but from entirely different reasons, but then again, being part of a revolution doesn't really leave the time to question one's sexuality.
    Random things that I like, or rather, enjoy reading, are the carrier pigeon (such a brilliantly simple idea) and Hermione's struggle with the Imperius curse, the description of how to overcome the hounds by sacrificing the fox and Narcissa's loyalty towards her husband which makes her turn away from her son even though it seems to me she doesn't really want to.

    I could point out a thousand more random little details but I'll just finish with a question for now cos I've noticed that there are an awful lot of women in powerful positions (on both sides of the revolution). They outweigh the men where it is usually the other way round, no matter what book you read or film you watch. Mind you, I'm not objecting, being a woman myself ;), I'd just like to know if it's intended or just coincidence.

    Can't wait for the next part!

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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 06, 2011
    About #38..

    Boy o' boy and man o' man...I dunno, did
    that duel do more harm than good, because
    now people will be scared of him.

    ..and I think it IS a good decision to have
    Ron take over leadership, for more than one

    You know I have this vision of Harry ascending
    up to the heavens, when this is all over, in
    a burst of flames worthy of a phoenix, not
    looking quite human. In a vision of red & gold...

    Know what I mean?
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  • From ANON - MewMew2 on August 06, 2011
    Outstanding job! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this wonderful story with your readers. Please update once more when you have the time and inspiration to do so.
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  • From ANON - purple-er on August 03, 2011
    It's getting difficult to keep track of all your stories, especially the ones that are part of a series and I'm looking to continue where I left off months ago :/ Do you have a master fic list with all your stories on one page? If so, then please ignore this humble request by someone addicted to your stuff. Thanks.
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