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Reviews for Intoxicate the Sun

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - SP777 on July 29, 2011
    about #36...

    This was not what I expected, I thought there would
    be a more verbal confrontation, but it was more of
    a confrontation of 'trying to understand where the
    other is coming from...or where they stand.'

    Hopefully Draco takes the offer of help.

    It was a good chapter.
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  • From ANON - kit on July 26, 2011
    Everyone is going through such a frustrating situation. I'm not sure how Draco is going to handle his parents when imprisonment is out of the question and so is freeing them.
    Looks like Ron is going to have to step it up and become the new leader. seems reasonable since people don't trust Harry. I'm curious to see how the conversation between draco and the twins will go. should be interesting!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 26, 2011
    about #35...

    the Destroyer of Hearts...hmm, that sounds like
    a one-shot, what do you think?

    It's good to see that Draco's feelings are finally/somewhat
    true, now to convince the redheads.

    I think in order for this revolution to survive & go in
    the direction it needs, Harry needs to fade in the background,
    give his thoughts & opinions behind the scenes and have Ron be
    in the forefront, like it was in the beginning.

    I think when the time calls for it, Ron will find the words
    that will inspire & ignite the passion in people that Harry
    is capable of. He just needs to put all the unnecessary thoughts ...and
    uncomfortable feelings [Harry & Draco]..out of his head and
    get back to focusing on what was important

    I've been meaning to ask you, have you ever used your real
    name in a story on the sly?
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  • From ANON - Mehla_Seraphim on July 21, 2011
    I'm liking this fic more and more. God I want Pedlar to just go. She's so annoying lol.

    Have you ever written a fic where Draco had straight up wild magic like you normally do for Harry? I noticed you write a lot of creature Draco stuff, but not too many where it's Draco's natural strength.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 20, 2011
    about #34...

    1. A better theme song that has to do with...???...ooohhh...okay!
    *points at author* Gotcha! I think I'll look one up just for the
    hell of it. :-)

    2. I don't know, man, but this revolution looks like it's about to
    crumble around Harry's ears, though he wasn't trying to start
    one in the first place, he REALLY should remind folks of that.

    Uhh...DO you have a solution to this drama that keeps coming up,
    because you got me on the edge here, mah dear.

    Personally, the idea of letting Ron lead it was a good one, he IS
    still a good strategist.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 18, 2011
    about #33...

    Okay, Pedlar the Pill needs a theme song. I thought
    about "Jagged Little Pill", but that was too easy.
    Any suggestions?

    By the way, when will Harry & Clearwater face off?
    Will there be talks/negotiations?

    ..and will Hermione get her revenge?
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 18, 2011
    about #33...

    Okay, let's face it Pedlar the Pill needs a theme
    song. Anything comes to mind? I thought of
    "Jagged Little Pill", but that's too easy..and
    not entirely accurate.

    By the way, when will Harry & Clearwater face off?
    Will there be talk/negotiations?
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  • From ANON - kit on July 17, 2011
    huh! so now its all out in the open. Everyone knows Draco and Harry are sleeping together.
    Pedlar is so annoying. yeah, she has a slight point about Harry having favoritism when it comes to Malfoy but she is bound to be right about something when she criticizes Harry about everything.
    Will Harry really leave just because he is being told to?? If he does, which seems likely, will others follow him (The Malfoy's and Weasley's)? Cant wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - KcRae on July 17, 2011
    I'm already on your mailing list but just now checked out this story. Fantastic! I'm intrigued although I abhor Pedler. Sigh. Also, I'm very concerned about George's sanity. Well, see you next chapter.
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  • From ANON - warya on July 17, 2011
    o.m.g o.o =D =D =D =D

    I'm so happy for Harry! Thank you for updating, this has been one of the best fanfics I've ever read, I don't even mind waiting for updates anymore lol.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 15, 2011
    about #32...

    I find myself wondering when will Draco let himself
    go & WHEN will Harry put Pedlar the Pill in her place?
    Because she IS annoying.
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  • From ANON - Mehla_Seraphim on July 15, 2011
    I'm reading this. I like it a lot. But I hate Harry's "followers" lol. Good stuff. I think I prefer the fics where Harry is the one to kinda jump start their relationships.
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  • From ANON - Kendra1117 on July 14, 2011
    First I want to say that I have definitely NOT lost interest and love every second of this. :-).
    Second, I apologize for not reviewing but I have to make time to read, let alone spend time writing.
    That said, I ADORE your stories and when I see your name, it becomes an automatic bookmark on my iPhone home screen. Harry/Draco is the only pair I read and you do major justice for them as a couple. It is so hard to find others who like M/M stories-let alone H/D. I feel at home reading your stories.
    With this story specifically, I love your Draco. I can totally see him that way-torn between what he thinks he should do because of family obligation and personal desire. Pedlar is so annoying but needed for this story to help Harry prove he can do what's needed for the revolution. Too often there are stories (and good ones at that-I see their point as well) where Harry is more submissive and Draco is the domineering personality. I come to find in my head that Harry has overcome so much after DH that he won't be that submissive anymore. I see them more as equals and I can see them respecting each other more of they are equals. I tend to find that them in your stories. Thanks for being AMAZINGand for letting me get my H/D fix on a regularly updated frequency.

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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 11, 2011
    about #31...

    NOW, we're getting to the heart of things, finally [...and
    the fact you must be watching certain movies that deal
    with lightning too many times]! :-)

    I don't know if you made your decision of how Harry is
    going to approach this, but I'm all for him making the
    decision of leaving. Because of the simple fact, I had a
    feeling that was the direction you were going.

    I've become so used to you writing about him having wild
    magic that to put him in such a situation seems like a
    natural next step in a story like this.

    I don't know what else to say about it. Harry being a
    powerful wizard transcending to different plane of
    existence, almost like Merlin....almost I said. Anyway,
    it's sort of...poetic in a way?

    By the way, am I the only person reading this...or the
    only one reviewing right now??? O_o
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  • From SParker on July 04, 2011
    Awww...damn you caught that? :-p
    about #30...

    1. "Not that I'm in a position to criticize you, not when I love a woman who's been hit with
    the Imperius Curse or something worse and is probably on the verge of betraying us as we speak."

    Okay, did I miss something? When did he figure that one out? Was it that letter?

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