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Reviews for Intoxicate the Sun

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From SParker on March 06, 2011
    about #14..

    I can honestly say I have never read a HP story that
    had shadow hounds in it. Good to see different things
    every once in a while.
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  • From ANON - W on March 05, 2011
    Oh my god, I really didn't think the ministry would step so low as to use Dark Artefacts...

    I think the real problem Harry has is that both sides fight for something they think extraordinary important and to reach their goal, they both resort to bad measures. But while there is more than enough evidence of Harrys crimes (because he simply is more straight-forward) available for both sides, the evidence of the ministrys crimes is only on Harrys side or simply not there, as concerning the Artefact. So, when eventually one side wins, and I really hope it's Harrys revolution, the ordinary people could still think that the evidence has been tempered with, because there is no witness that doesn't belong to the revolution (at least no one who will talk...).
    I hope you don't mind my rambling, but I'm trying to see some kind of sense in those dramatic happenings. And I'm having problems characterizing the people in the story... Is George mad or something? Does he have some kind of mystic connection with Fred? Is Ron still supporting Harry? Will Hermione be able to stay strong with both her partner and her best friend gone missing? Which side is Draco eventually going to choose? And so on...

    But rest asured, you're doing an AMAZING job with this story and I can't stop reading until the very end, as always^^
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  • From ANON - kit on March 03, 2011
    sorry for my lack of review last chapter. V__V i just couldn't find any time to write one. Not an excuse though, I know. This lack of time makes me appreciate you more as a writer since your able to make consistent updates to multiple stories while also responding to reviews. You Are Awesome! onto my review....

    The ministry's examination of Harry is so skewed. I like the way you wrote it out since I could actually picture people thinking of the Great Harry Potter that way. Throughout the book, people's view on him has always fluctuated from thinking he is god to thinking he is the coming of another dark lord. Sadly, thats what fame does to people. Always getting misrepresented. I was shocked people would think that harry spends his extra time going into Azkaban, to torture prisoners for his sadistic pleasure. Even though harry never showed that type of personality at any other time besides the hunt for Horocrux's. I like how Hermione was able to maintain her facade even when the ministry was making shocking accusations. It was entertaining to see Malfoy making harry chase him rather then being someone who trails after him. It seemed to have frustrated harry that he wasn't able to get in contact with Draco that easily.

    Hm....the latest chapter was interesting to read about too. Especially since we got to see more into what kind of relationship Draco and Harry have. I like the depiction of each character as well. We can see how Harry doesn't really worry to much about his life and how he doesn't put much value into it. While Draco values his own opinion and strength, but knows that others don't. So when harry let draco perform the strangler on him. Draco seemed astonished that someone would willing give him so much power over them while harry didn't see it to be that big of a deal. I do wonder why harry has such a relaxed personality? Even when he is in a stressful situation, he seems to take it in stride. Is it cause he isn't really concerned with anything or is it because of his power, like a song thrumming in his heart, which makes him so calm. Because when his power was sealed with 'The strangler', we did see him have a moment of trepidation.
    Draco seems to be slightly disgruntled with himself. His main goal is to get his parents out of azkaban, but he finds himself yearning positive feedback from others, specifically Harry. I wonder how he'll handle his frustration in the following chapters.
    Well, thanks for the updates. I'm excited for the next chapter!
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  • From SParker on February 28, 2011
    about #13...

    That was interesting. Though I thought the
    spell would have been a bit more heavy hitting.
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  • From ANON - SamuraiSaaya on February 28, 2011
    I just loved that power-play in trust between Draco and Harry. Oh and fantastic, detailed description of what someone void of magic felt like; so detailed I swear I almost felt it myself. Great job!

    Please update soon, can't wait to read the next chap :)
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  • From ANON - SamuraiSaaya on February 21, 2011
    Wow, fantastic. I like to wait until your stories are finished to read them all at once, but I simply couldn't resist getting a start on this one. I really, truly am hooked on this. The story line is very much in depth, and I like the anticipation of a romantic relationship between Draco and Harry, and that it doesn't start off right away. I don't know how to fully explain that this story is so different for me than your other ones. I love it, just love it.

    The different point of views you are giving really add a whole new refreshing dynamic to the story. The suspense is what keeps me in avid anticipation. Not many authors can do that, but I must say, you are an expert beyond comparison. I just can't wait until Draco and Harry start to be romantically interested in each other. I suspect their love will be epic.

    I'm dying here. Please please update soon! :)
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  • From SParker on February 21, 2011
    about # 'heck-if-I-know..'

    Oooo...what's gonna happen????
    Sounds kinda kinky... ;-)
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  • From ANON - kit on February 18, 2011
    ah, its okay. My need for action was filled adequately enough from the last chapter. ^_^
    This chapter was left quite suspenseful. I'm curious to read about what Clearwater.....'activated' with the words "The fox is running. Blow the horn." She seemed quite skeptical (based on her personal diary) to resort to that. It must be pretty bad since she saw no problem in using inferi. I'm also a bit nervous about hermione since I think Desang may be guessing that she was the one to impersonate her. ahhhhh! so much uncertainty, makes me anxious in a good way.
    well, I'm amazed that your able to find the time to quickly update, not only this story, but the other ones you're working on. It's pretty incredible! This chapter must have been especially difficult since you wrote it in so many different perspectives while keeping everything methodical.
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  • From Freada749 on February 15, 2011
    About Ch 11:

    I love this chapter for the same reason I loved the last one like this! It's nice to get a bit more wholistic view of what's happening. I'm starting to worry about Harry even more now. Yes, it's great that he's making what might be called strides in magical theory with his control of accidental magic and the wheel concept but if he doesn't share the knowledge with more than just the five or so people at the top of the command ladder he's going to lose his following fast. He's isolating himself by going so far beyond his companions without helping them reach the same level. Draco, with his love of power and curiosity, is probably no help there but I do look forward to seeing a bit more of the "trust thing" that's going on between them.
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  • From ANON - kit on February 14, 2011
    As always, another captivating chapter! I chuckled at the part where " Draco whirled around and ran behind Weasley. At the moment, he couldn
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  • From SParker on February 13, 2011
    about #10...

    Uh oh...'Like a moth to a flame..'
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  • From ANON - W on February 12, 2011
    God, the way you described the fire... it was brilliant! It had me thinking of some ancient god come alive to take revenge. Great!
    I'm really curious what kind of fire that is. It certainly doesn't sound like anything that's familiar to me^^ But it was beautiful nonetheless.
    I realize that Draco is slightly addicted to power. But Harry's starting to sound slightly insane, and the way he was thinking of the world as HIS reminded me somehow of Voldemort, and isn't that a worrying thought?? Perhaps that's what you get when you play with things that aren't ment to be touched (Fortuna's Wheel or Horcruxes)...

    In a nutshell: great chapter (as always^^), thank you for sharing this amazing story with us, can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From Cinder1013 on February 12, 2011
    Great update! I love this story. Poor Draco has no idea what he's gotten himself into, does he?
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  • From Freada749 on February 11, 2011
    About Ch 10:

    You made that fire sound quite delicious and I liked it! I wonder about how far into the edges of magical theory Harry is getting mostly because Ron is a rather conservative guy and, as Harry thought in this chapter, he's the commander of the revolution's army. I'm starting to worry about what would happen if something caused them to split ways. Great chapter! I can't wait for more!
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  • From SParker on February 09, 2011
    about #9..

    Well, all I can say is...MAN!!! This is getting good! :-D
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