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Reviews for Intoxicate the Sun

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - kit on February 07, 2011
    *gasp* I literally did when draco actually sided with harry. especially since his first thoughts regarding Harry's idea seemed negative. Then again, I may have read it wrong and he is actually shocked that 'Potter' has actually come up with something that could make a significant impact on the wizarding world. It was nice to see Draco make his own decision. He's always been someone that has to be persuaded or frightened into actually committing himself to something. I found it kind of comical how he believes that he will be able to sway harry into doing what he wants with a bit of seduction and some outward support for his ideas. The development of their relationship will be quite interesting since I don't think Harry is as clueless to people's intentions as malfoy thinks him to be. I will admit that when they work with one another they are excellent at persuading others and dissuading doubts.
    I do see some drawbacks with Malfoy siding with Potter's rebellion thus not telling the ministry of his plans. Won't he be caught? Summers did say that their were other spies who would be reporting his progress as well as the rebellions, right? Also, since he seems to have become a true rebel, will he admit that he was a spy at the beginning? haha probably not.
    Anyways....I'm all over the place with this review. Theres just so much to comment on. I'm excited for the next chapter, like always. :]
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  • From ANON - kit on February 02, 2011
    Thanks for the speedy chapter update. It is nice to see that not everyone has fallen for Malfoy's charms. Not that harry was easily, but at least George/Fred are not afraid to call him on it. The interaction that george and fred had amongst themselves was uncomfortable( since one is dead) but also very amusing. Although, George does seem to know that while Fred did die he doesn't think that fred is gone. Its strange and makes me wonder if george really is just crazy or there is something more to that.
    so... seduction is the next step in the game huh?
    I'm not sure if harry will fall for Malfoy, the way he wants him to, since harry is pretty preoccupied with leading a revolution. I'm sure he'll also be more occupied once Hermione sends him proof of the necromancy. Speaking of which, I'm interested in who she will cast suspicion on.
    You weren't exaggerating when you stated that Draco and Harry's relationship would take a while to develop. At this point, if I didn't already know, i would not have thought they would become a couple. Different beliefs, stubbornness, and the dislike they have for one another. Even though it seems harry can get past the past better then Draco. I'm sure their will be a lot of tension and awkwardness before we read about there growing adoration for one another. Which I will look forward to reading.
    Ah.... harry now has the ability to take away spells. It is quite a frightening notion for a wizard. Thats a lot of power for one person. I can see why Ron was so uneasy about it when they were discussing it.
    Anyways......sorry about the long review. Just wanted to show my appreciation for the story.
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  • From Freada749 on January 28, 2011
    About Ch 7:

    Wow! Lots of good stuff in this chapter! Draco, ever the Slytherin, still looking out for himself but turning in a new and more interesting direction. I like. I am pretty worried about "the Weasley twins" though. What would happen if someone could make him remember that he's alone? The revolution would lose a huge piece. Taking away the ability to do a spell? Crazy dangerous that is! Let's hope they always point it the same way, shall we?
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  • From ANON - kit on January 28, 2011
    Another interesting chapter! I just couldn't read enough. :]
    Hermione took quite a risk to verify if the use of inferi was true. Its quite frightening to discover that that is indeed the case. Hopefully she'll be able to get out of their unharmed and without raising suspicion. After all, aurors are keeping a close eye on her and theres only a limit to how much hermione can imitate Desang.
    I'm wondering if the prisoners of azkaban (specifically lucius and narcissa) have been killed in order for the ministry to have a larger inferi army. quite disturbing...
    I'm curious about what harry is trying to do. what i got from the chapter was that he sacrificed his ability to do the reducto spell in order to be able to perform a more useful and rare incantation? I wonder what it can do. The interaction between Draco and George Weasley should be interesting.
    Well, anyways....I look forward to the next update!
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  • From ANON - purple-er on January 24, 2011
    This has the potential to be heart-breaking.

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  • From ANON - kit on January 24, 2011
    fascinating chapter update! I was thinking that with the Veritaserum test, Malfoy's true intentions would be discovered and then he may be used as a double agent. But that apparently was not the case. I found the interrogation to be quite interesting. Malfoy just couldn't help letting some snide comments slip through. I was wondering how the ritual disrupts the effect of the Veritaserum because the way harry was describing it, it seemed as though malfoy was under the effect. Could that be because Malfoy is a very capable actor or was he that physically drained from his counter-incantaion?

    I'm just admiring how Hermione is handling the situation she is in. Especially when she insinuated that Fred may still be alive based on the discovery that the ministry may resort to necromancy. Hopefully being a spy doesn't become too overbearing. Is the Head Auror planning on being upfront with Hermione and officially asking if she could spy on harry for them? I'm excited for the next chapter!!
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  • From SParker on January 23, 2011
    about #6...

    BANG the drum slooowly..awww hell just
    bang it fast!!! 'Cause we gotz ourselves

    ..and it goes without saying, I'm
    enjoying this.

    By the way, quatrains???
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  • From Freada749 on January 23, 2011
    Thanks for the reply. I really hadn't thought of it that way.

    About Ch 6:

    This whole thing gives me the chills, in a good way. The whole plot is balanced so precariously that even the slightest action could send everything turning in a new direction. I like it even if it's making me tense. I feel sorry for Hermione being so alone in the Ministry.
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  • From ANON - layla on January 22, 2011
    i like this story very much
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  • From mjmusiclover on January 22, 2011
    ahh very beautifully well written :D
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  • From ANON - Myra on January 21, 2011
    I have read many of your stories. they make me very sad most of the time, very lonely. But I love them, they are quite exellent, and your Characterization, especially Draco is pretty much perfect. I love the way you right him. However I find some of your storys frustrating, and that perhaps they drag slightly, though I do understand you need proper character development, sometimes its best to jump to the meat of the matter and quit the long dances, much as I enjoy them. I said you are amazing, and every time I read your stories a feel like a loser for trying to write ;)
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  • From ANON - Sivy on January 18, 2011
    I am kinda confused on why they didn't first see if they could just walk in, they weren't holding any threat against hogwarts... or ask Minerva if hey could come peacefully... or whatever. anyways, looking forwards to more updates!
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  • From dominique1 on January 17, 2011
    i only hope that potter changes the world again and that draco can have potter and his parents
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  • From ANON - kit on January 17, 2011
    another fantastic chapter! I'm interested to see how everything will play out with there being an unknown number of spies and characters whose intentions are well hidden. I loved seeing Ron taking charge and not letting his emotions get in the way of their mission, especially when they faced McGonagall. I'm excited to see how Draco's presence will effect the rebellion. Thanks again for taking the time to write this story! ^w^
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  • From Freada749 on January 17, 2011
    About Chapter 5,

    A written version of parseltongue? I'm not really sure how that would have translated unless a snake drawing patterns on the page with its tail would make up a written language. As much as I appreciated and laughed at Draco saying he'd become a Gryffindor at last I don't really think there's anything more Slytherin than using the truth to tell lies. Regardless, I enjoyed it immensely.
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