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Reviews for The Prisoner

By : Nerys
  • From ANON - somebody french on August 21, 2011
    You're back! Great! I don't know the details about your illness, but I hope you are fealing better.
    I was positive I reviewed this, but it seems not. I shall now atone for my sins.
    I enjoyed this chapter so much. Everytime I saw this fic , I kept screaming in my mind "What is number 7???!!!!!!"
    Of course Ron bails. And is stupid. "Oh! Hermione is very attached to the ring! I should lie to her and replace it with something I found in my pocket! That can't go wrong!"
    I actualy have nothing to say avout the Tom/Hermione scene. It just really flowed and gave information in a not-so-obvious way; wich is always great.
    Hermione won't be able to lie to herself much longer, but there is no way she will react positivly to Tom's last comment. He says she want's to be his, tells her he is going to shape her and that she is dark. That is everything she does not want him to say.
    And now, the traditional Update soon!
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  • From mrequecky on August 21, 2011
    Oh wow, loved this update a lot!
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  • From Relatela on August 19, 2011
    Yay! I'm glad you're back and well =) This was a greatt chapter and I'm looking forward to more =)
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  • From ANON - SARA on August 19, 2011
    After reading this story I wanted to read your others. However the formatting is very strange and I find it distracting. Is there a reason that the formatting is different.

    he list was titled Keepers of
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  • From ANON - Alassea Malfoy on August 19, 2011
    Alright, fantastic! I love how it went from her being triumphing to him. Mmm... I would have loved to hear our dear Tom speak Parseltongue. The way you describe it makes it... hot :D
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  • From Popcornbandit on August 18, 2011
    *worships* I love your story so much

    I was so happy to see an update, especially since I hope this means your personal life is doing better? :)

    And the chapter itself was phenomenal, poor Ron is going to be so surprised when he realizes the real reason why his ring is missing. *chuckle* Poor guy won't know what happened. :D
    I can almost picture Hermione with her. . . slave collar? xD
    *claps happily* I'm loving this story, can't wait for an update. :)

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  • From ANON - Liz on August 18, 2011
    This chapter just made my day complete. I'm so glad you're feeling better! (You are, aren't you? I hope so!) And I'm so glad, when I saw chapter 8 was up I almost fell off my chair! Words can't describe this feeling of glee. I love this story so much and can't wait for you to write more :D
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  • From silentsoliloquy82 on August 18, 2011
    Oh my goodness, you updated! :D I have been thinking what I should say in reviewing your stories, but could not come up with the proper words to express how much I adore them. You are one of the best writers with this particular ship in my opinion and I love all your stories. :) The last chapter was so seductive, sensual, and extremely vivid; I could see it clearly in my imagination. Voldemort got Hermione good when she thought she had outsmarted him, lol.

    (I apologise if this review posted twice, is being quite evil.)
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  • From iheartskittles on August 18, 2011
    So worth the wait! Thanks for the update! I hope things get better for you in the real world!
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  • From TheLadyMiya on August 18, 2011
    I get home from having finished my exam and the first thing I see is that you have updated?! THERE REALLY IS GOODNESS IN THE WORLD!
    Nope, I do not feel sorry for Ron. But I do think the scene is hilarious! And of course Moody have a story for someone who made the mistake of wearing his/her wedding ring! Oh, I sooo want to see how Hermione and Ron will bicker when she sees that he is wearing a new ring... although, I think he will have more reason to be upset since she is married to a new man. That kind of thrums it...
    'It's why you're so attracted to me.' - And the other way around as well, I think, Tommy-boy.
    What's the collar for? I don't remember any mentioning of a collar before?
    Huh, do you usually change POV in the middle of a scene? I can't remember, and it wasn't hard to pick up that it was Voldemort thinking after "my pleasssure", but I just got uncertain... Anyway, hoooot smut. Nice, nice, nice. I think I'd like to trade place for Hermione a little while...
    Oooh, the collar came with the marriage bond. Yeah, I got that... I wonder what it really says on the collar. More than "Property of Lord Voldemort". Which I don't think it says. Perhaps something like that, but not those words exactly. Probably Tom Marvolo Riddle instead ;) Voldemort just don't want to say that.
    Ooooh, well. Thank you for updating, I really enjoyed this chapter :) Good luck with the rest of the writing!
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  • From AlasseaM on August 13, 2011
    Aren't you going to continue? I love it very very much. Pwease, pwetty! :D
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  • From ANON - Siobhan on August 07, 2011
    This is amazing. I honestly havent been able to stop reading this! I cant wait to see Riddles reaction to Hermione choosing number 7. And Im curious as to know what the rules and details are for number 7. And I cant wait to see how Hermione deals with Ron.. things are getting so exciting!! Wonderful work :)
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  • From ANON - Liz on July 17, 2011
    Please, you have to update and continue this before I freak out! I've been let down with fanfiction so many times already, and I just want to be able to read an amazing story up until the end when it's fully finished. So please, write and update when you can :)
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  • From ANON - Gracie on July 04, 2011
    Update before I go mad!!!
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  • From Avivafae on June 22, 2011
    Will you be completing this story?
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