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Reviews for The Prisoner

By : Nerys
  • From ANON - Aria on May 22, 2011
    Updates?? I miss this story
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  • From ANON - lauren on May 22, 2011
    i wish you would update this story! such a cliffhanger!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 14, 2011
    OMG CLIFFHANGER!!! Freakin A this story is so good!!! I was so bummed that you're putting the Apprentice on hold until you finish this story but once I started reading I got tooootally hooked!! I'm a sub and masochist too so I absolutely love Hermione & Voldemort in this fic its soooo hot! Is she going to get pregnant?? Because Ron will know its not his now aahh! XD
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  • From Kohomologia on April 06, 2011
    How much longer? I mean, I check every day, absolutely sure there will be an update. And nothing. I know it's fun leaving us waiting after raising so many questions, but, good lord, have mercy :)
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  • From StillHorny on March 28, 2011
    OMG, you MUST tell us (your hapless readers) exactly WHAT number Seven is?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I loved that Hermoine blew off all of Tom's ideas. Too bad about the one where she would be the dominate and he the submissive*OK, only minorly*

    I wish you had a picture of the dress!

    More, please.
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  • From ANON - Elisa on March 26, 2011
    Now listen, my dear. Seven is a great, great number (right, my Lord?), BUT, eight is better. Shut up, Voldemort. (Green light, but I'm still alive. No, Nerys, I really am, but not because you can get away with such insolence, but because of my Horcrux. Seriously, I dreamed tonight of killing someone. Pray it's not you, MUHAHAHA. Sorry.)
    Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. I accidentally found you had a new story and guess what, all seven chapters in one go, my eyes are dying and so was I, but only from pleasure:) Really, you are amazing - but come, leave such a cliffie? Number seven, my ass:/ Me needs more. Pleeease. Please. Please. Mm, this scene where He almost strangles her... Reminds me of the one in Bittersweet. Oh my. Why isn't there a man like Voldemort for me? Why? Really. Makes me depressed;/

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  • From Kohomologia on March 20, 2011
    I enjoyed this chapter. It left me positively curious about 'number 7' thing. I'm pretty sure, though, it has something to do with Tom's overenthusiastic reaction.
    I wonder, as well, how can Hermione guarantee what he will and will not do - that is, what made Madame Moirae's mind wheels spin, before she understood fully what Hermione ment.
    And then, there is a question of what were the options Hermione declined, like 'Diluted Fairy-Wing Draught'.

    Good one. Do update soon. :)
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  • From thexdarkxlady on March 19, 2011
    I am so excited about the update. I check here about five times a day for one. I absolutely adore this story, I love Tom and I just have to know what Number Seven is before I go mad! Wonderfully written, wonderful suspense as well!
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  • From mrequecky on March 15, 2011
    Ok, ok, looved. Now, what's a seven???
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  • From TheLadyMiya on March 14, 2011
    Yaaay, you updated :D Haha, poor Hermione, walking around in the forest wearing heals. Been there, done that...
    I wasn't aware that three o'clock was the Witching Hour? The only thing I new was Midnight being Ghost hour. At least that is what we say here. Funny thing how those things came up. I heard a lecture on mentality history about just sleep and what people thought about sleep. Before electricity, people usually went to bed when the sun set and went up when it because light. Since night can be very long here up north, sometimes people was in bed for a longer time than they needed. Then they would wake up in the middle of the night and being somewhere between awake and asleep (you know, if you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep, but you are too tired to go up). But back then, they didn't have the whole stress over "I need to sleep eight hours per night" so instead it appears they had this whole... almost mediation-state for an hour or so where they could have sex or just think. However, things can be scary at night and thus the whole concept of ghosting-hour appeared... or at least that was something I read. I'm not sure I'm explaining it very well...
    I like how you built up the tension from where Hermione groans about the name Madame Moirae (why did you choose that name, btw?) and until we find out what she actually does :P A lot of time to think up the most despicable thing ;)
    Hehe, I'm wondering what sort of business Voldemort had had to do with Moirae before. Since I doubt he have been married before, I'm guessing something else down the road of Dark Arts? Perhaps that is not very important for the story...
    I also like that Hermione is more worried about Harry's reaction to her marriage than Ron's. Mehe... it's very telling ^^
    Mehe, yes, Hermione is indeed one sneaky witch... promising that Riddle won't come after Moirae but no saying one bit about not coming after her herself ;) Clever witch indeed!
    I did tell you that you are SO EVIL for not saying what "seven" means. BAAAAAH. I wanna know, I wanna know, I wanna, wanna, wanna *throws tantrum*
    Haha, Mistress Riddle... that will indeed take some getting used to ;) I wonder how people will react if they find out... hm....
    The Manda- and who may that be? Someone of importance? Hmhm... curious ^^
    "His wrath would be unimaginable in all its ruthlessness" If I didn't know better I'd say Riddle is one hell of a drama queen overacting :P unimaginable in all its ruthlessness, indeed... And thinking about himself in third person... *cough*drama-queen*cough*
    "tight-fitting, tiny, itty-bitty dress," This really, really had me cracking up. Lovely, I can just see him goggling her... she must look delicious :)
    MAHAHA! His reaction when he opens the box is too sweet. Stunned! MEHEHE! Voldemort is stunned! Now we just need to know what the hell number seven is. Go and write more! Shoo! Stop procrastinating by reading and answering my review :)
    Loved the chapter :)
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  • From Popcornbandit on March 13, 2011
    Nonononono! You're evil! Pure evil! I knew someone who was so good at writing Tomione/Voldmione had to be and now I have proof!! *pouts*

    I cannot believe you gave such a cliff hanging cliffhanger of cliffhangerness!! *bawls* Whats Number Seven!? Obviously it has to do something in Hermione's favor! It can't be too bad though otherwise. . . I don't know! *pouts some more* Maybe Tom will be so mad at Hermione he'll leave her for me. . . Hmmm. . .

    Nope. *sadface* Oh well I guess this means I'll have to go pack to taping his face to my body pillow so I can go to bed 'cuddling him.'

    (Wow, how pathetic did that sound? Oh well.)

    Please update soon, oui? :D

    Your Aggravated and Curious Fan (stalker)
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  • From ANON - nitesfool on March 13, 2011
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  • From ANON - Cristina on March 13, 2011
    Just so you know ... I am blindfaithoperadiva on I just can't get a stinkin' user name ehre because it won't let me for some stupid reason ...
    I love this story. I wanna know what number seven is!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Fleur K. on March 13, 2011
    GAH! What is number 7?! What were the other numbers he wanted? I'm guessing something along the lines of "will obey everything I say" or something like that....but I am insanely curious. I really enjoyed the chapter, the marriage scenario was creative :) I'm kind of wondering if, due to the new bond, he will be able to escape prison somehow. I'm guessing the details about 7 are going to be discussed in the next chapter, are the other numbers going to b e discussed too? 7 has to be something a little more neutral, yet dangerous? Anyway, awesome chapter, I wish I could have seen the "holy shit" expression on Tom's face at the end :D
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  • From iheartskittles on March 13, 2011
    Ah! I can't believe you're leaving us here!! That is so mean! I loved Tom's inner caveman dialogue. I wonder if the first order of business when he gets out of prison will be to kill Ron. I mean, if he's upset that other men may have seen her in that dress, he can't be too pleased that Ron was married to her. LOL - "He should get her to tell him about her entire night and day; that wouldn
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