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Reviews for The Marriage of True Minds

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From bloodshound on July 30, 2011
    Ahhhhhhhhhhh POOH! *pouts and crosses arms. The Dursleys always get off scot free or pretty close to iit in your stories. Damn Harry's tender sensibilities. just once I'd love to see a little Dursley roasting... even if they didn't end up crispy critter, just golden brown. :
    harry sounds like he doesn't overly mind Cissa's manipulations and if Luc is present I hope he behaves at the bonding. ^^
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 28, 2011
    about #48...

    1. Yeah, that
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  • From ANON - Payge on July 28, 2011
    I really love this story, you've done an awesome job of evolving their relationship from enemies to lovers.
    The characterization is awesome, does feel like how Harry would be under a marriage such as this.

    Thanks for writing!
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  • From WynterRose on July 28, 2011
    Okay...since LJ is acting up....I decided to just review here (well that and I was in my acct here and decided to see what was new in the H/D category haha)

    DOUBLE REVIEW!! 47'/48ish (at least the 7/8 part...37 Yeah, that's it...

    As usual, bedtime story! I'm getting better though, it isn't 2 am!! woohoo!! Just 1. WOW! I loved the burning of the beast. I love the cobalt ring. I still wanna see the ring.

    What is Lucius up to? Okay, so he is asking for forgiveness...I get it, but I may end up questioning his every move - especially after the whole trying to take Draco's heart out and everything.

    I love that Hermione/Ron/Draco are acting practically normal. You can sense their "normal" tension, but you can see that they are going to be able to work with it. Harry might want to sit and talk to Narcissa about some good spells that might teach everyone some manners or something along those lines.

    The Dursley's are still unfinished business. You know I'm still dying to see what Narcissa plans on doing to them...if nothing else, moving them onto the family land, you know...being the last of Harry's family and all, and letting them see how he lives while they get a "home" of their own kind of a pool house, only not quite so nice...and no pool boy for them!

    Yeah, I'm a bit tired, so strangeness comes out. I love the update! Simply awesome!! You are awesome!!

    love you!

    cyn aka cyn_ful
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  • From bloodshound on July 27, 2011
    She does rather, doesn't shee. Write brillient stories i mean.
    So Harry is currently a crispy critter, Draco, reluctantly, recognises were Luc is coming from and the bond still isn't quite fixed yet.... oh, and they are very definately still getting hitched. that a basic over view of thiis chappie to date?
    Cissa rocks... and is a rock. What would Draco do without her. ^^
    I hope Luc learned his lesson, becomes less of a twat and is re admitted to the family. No fun being an outsider in your own home. I'm sure Cissa misses him, despite his twat ish tendencies and behaviour.
    the reactions between Ron/Mio and Draco make me grin and yay to Draco for getting Harry to rest rather than plot. ^^
    Looking forward to more as always.
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  • From ANON - polka dot on July 27, 2011
    aww, they are at that sickeningly sweet stage. sigh
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  • From NightLo on July 27, 2011
    This is a good start: the beast being killed, possible re-establishment of father-son relationship as well as some merry time...BTW when will Harry talk about Dursley? Will he invite them?
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  • From Freada749 on July 27, 2011
    About Ch 48:

    "Yeah, that's the smile I want to see for the rest of my life." Awww... *melts*
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  • From ANON - Lumcer on July 25, 2011
    I absolutely love your imagination! I have a fear this story has just about run its course... Unless you have another twist in the making. Thank you for all the updates and I'm sorry it took so long for me to check back in with this story.

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  • From MyaMalfoy on July 25, 2011
    OMG You are awesome!! Thank you for updating!
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on July 25, 2011
    so is Harry Crispy now, hehehe
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  • From magentah on July 24, 2011
    Oh, this entire scene was SO much better than I had even hoped. Thank you as always! I hate leaving the same "I loved it!" review every time, but, well, you keep writing such great stories. :)
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 24, 2011
    about #47...

    You know I cringe for Harry everytime he confronts
    that monstrosity. But I'm glad he did, with help
    from his husband of course.

    I'm also glad you took up this theme for the story,
    which I know you felt was cliched, but I was hoping
    you'd see that people really don't mind visiting an
    'old' cliched theme, as long as you put a different
    spin to it.

    ...and I'm talking about 'the Harry & Draco are bonded'

    Anyway, keep up the good work...
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  • From luvdreams on July 24, 2011
    Yay Harry! I was so worried about him!
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  • From Freada749 on July 24, 2011
    About Ch 47:

    This was a great chapter! There were so many things I liked about it but most of those things were to do with the mind bond. It was really intersting to me that, while Draco said that spouses were one person he couldn't get through the flames. Was this because the marriage bond was forced and happened after the beast was already attached to Harry? Your description of Harry's mind was definitely engaging and believable which is no small feat when his state of terror was so extreme. Well done! *applauds* The interactions between Harry and Draco at the end of this chapter were very sweet and I love the "I chose you" cobalt that made the rings smooth. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
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