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Reviews for The Marriage of True Minds

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From bloodshound on July 15, 2011
    ... *smirks. And, of course, i live for his aporoval.
    Loma you are evil. Now that they actually want to marry thy can't. Does this mean they have to ggo the other way after all? Or maybe do a little beast bashing instead?
    I hope Luc pulls his head outta his but soon. Cissi deserves better.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 15, 2011
    about #44...

    1. *singing & strutting* Mama Cissa's in the house...made her husband
    feel like a louse...mmm hmmm!

    You know, there is stubborn & there is ignorant...Lucius is just straight
    up ignorant. He's so busy scheming in the Great Halls of the MAnor that
    he has lost COMPLETE touch with the family he has left. Very sad...

    2. "You will change your mind with the veering winds of your pride and anger

    I would LOVE to use that statement in everyday life, but I can't. *sigh*

    3. You know I don't know whether to smack Ron...or smack the authoress for leaving
    the story there at an ABRUPT end.
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  • From NightLo on July 13, 2011
    Wow...such intense feelings and emotions towards each other, and I believe the iron band is not the only cause! BTW, has Lucius finally accepted Harry? Or is that a catch? Will Draco able to feel the 'threat'?

    Really anxious to see what Hermione reacts...
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  • From magentah on July 13, 2011
    It's been too long since I've reviewed! Many apologies--this is absolutely one of my favorite WIPs, and more frequently updated than any other. Recent developments are so interesting. I've mostly given up trying to predict where the plot is twisting and turning and am just along for the ride. Definitely hadn't thought of Laura's new angle, although it makes so much sense. I'm looking forward to seeing which ritual they end up going with. Is it wrong for me to hope they don't end up altering it to apply to two men? Ah well. Can't wait for the next chapter! I'm always wary when Lucius comes a-knockin'.
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  • From bloodshound on July 12, 2011
    Yes! harry is finally settling into thinking of the manor as home.
    Lol, I do like Laura and i think she'd be a great birth mother for their kids... and so the off spring problem is sorted. ^^
    Luc you twat, what are you up to now?
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 12, 2011
    about #43...

    I must admit I was tickled to death watching Harry's reaction
    to Laura, he was like Rikki Tikki Tavi...chittering madly while
    trying NOT to. :-)

    ...and poor Draco, he's like 'I'm trying to play peacemaker here!
    How did I end up in THIS reverse situation??'

    You know, me thinks you enjoy writing THIS story more than any

    Sooo, Lucius is trying to slink his way into Harry's graces?
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  • From ANON - Zip on July 12, 2011
    Sweet talk from Lucius? I am kind of worried.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 11, 2011
    about #42...

    1. He turned around, clasped Draco's hand and raised it to his lips, and waited until
    Draco locked eyes with him, frowning. Then he whispered, "Draco, will you marry me?"

    ...and the Harry & Draco fans around globe rejoiced, with MUCH fanfare, revelry AND margaritas
    of the HAPPY union! :-p

    Author: ...they haven't got married yet.. O__O;
    SP777: ...weeelll, then we will drink some more theeeeen! :-D

    I was hoping you would end it like that, 'course I had a speech in my head, but's
    allll good!

    2. Now, about the meeting at the restaurant...

    Harry: somewhat-composed, responsible adult
    Ian: generous, giving too rational adult [I HIGHLY suspect his a$$ at this point]
    Draco: fur bristling, snarling rabid wolf, with tail in the air & drooling jaws of DOOM

    ..and THAT was my impression of the meeting at the restaurant, nuff said.
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  • From NightLo on July 11, 2011
    Finally they get along like a real couple, with a real how would the Weasleys reponse to this? Ginny? Molly? Hermione? Any inclusion on how to get rid of the beast?
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  • From bloodshound on July 09, 2011
    THAT waas really sweet the way the proposed to each other. I hope ian finds someone nice. Thsi was something of a non starter for him. the effects of the various interupted bonds wwere interesitng.
    It'll be fun seeing what cerimony they settle on and whether luc tries to intervien again. They still have quite a bit of wrap up and issues to deal with.
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  • From NightLo on July 08, 2011
    This is a really good start, just hope whatever the Malfoys do will think about Harry's feeling before acting!

    Still waiting the appearance of Hermione and Ron and Lucius and the lead on the case...
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  • From ANON - Shulan33 on July 07, 2011
    YAY~! HOT lol

    loved it... even though i'm not a huge fan of draco topping i can deal. lol
    They are together and that is all that matters haha
    Though i was wondering about harry's scars... i guess he'd have to be propped up lol. ( The scars on his back i mean)
    I"M SO HAPPY ~!

    can't wait till the next chapter~
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  • From bloodshound on July 06, 2011
    Dammit, I want my spoilers. *pouts
    I'm glad Harry got a bit of his poisoned family life out in the oopen. Now that Draco is awear of the causes of some of Harry's behaviours, he can start helping Harry work on them.
    Even though nothing much seemed to happen in this chappie, why does it feel like a lot happened. hmmm.
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  • From bloodshound on July 06, 2011
    woah hot, hot, hot? I think so. Loma, you do brillient smut. that was awesome. they're so into it and each other.
    they still have a bunch of problems to sort but now they;ll have a steady base to do it from. Will there be any more bands for the ring or will four cut it?
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 05, 2011
    one of the best smex scenes I read.Worth waiting:)
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