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Reviews for Fear, Silence, Wisdom

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From bloodshound on April 28, 2011
    Yay sequile! I always wondered what would hapen after that. Dunno why you did it but I'm glad you did. ^_^
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  • From Angelkitty7888 on April 24, 2011
    Wow.... thats all i can say! i just read the first fic before i rad the sequel and i wasnt sure if i'd like it... But youcreated a wonderfully dark and inviting world for this! i loved how in the first fic Harry was fighting but at the same time kinda going along with it and dealing. But i liked this one much better... Honestly reading them in quick succession like this was amazing in itself because i loved how your Draco came to terms and had such a simple yet philisophical thought process and how dark it was while still being a (fairly) happy ending. Harry's struggle to accept it and to understand his new role in the world is moving and deep. Your Ron and Hermione were pretty in-character to me with their motives and thoughts in both fics and i'm proud that you kept to Hermione knowing when to back off and deal with Ron. And that sex scene was incredibly dark dirty and HOTT!!! It touched on those little thoughts and fantasies we all have in the back of our brains and pulled them out into a beautiful and sexy package... Here's hoping you might one day write a 3rd fic for this AU with how Harry and Draco move forward with this and find their place in the new world order!! Thank you for your continuing wonderful writing and for all you do :) You are one of the Authors i check practically daily and read immediately when i see new chapters or one shots (btw Inter Vivos is an Epic Fic Masterpiece)
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  • From cynaga on April 24, 2011
    You, my dear, are a very good story teller and this was a lovely one-shot.
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