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Reviews for A Creative Solution

By : cristinstar
  • From ANON - on July 24, 2016

    This story is so good! You just had to stop at the end of such a steamy scene. I hope you haven't abandoned the story.

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  • From ANON - TabbyCat on April 10, 2016
    Wish this were updated. Hope you are well.
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  • From ANON - lina on March 11, 2015
    Hi, I know you didn't update long time and maybe you don't plan to, but your story is one of the best, which I've read...really good work. I hope you will continue in the future :)
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  • From ANON - EEvans on July 31, 2013
    Come back! Come back! Please don't leave it there! Your family and friends promised they'd prod you into writing every few days---it's been weeks! Hope you're okay!
    EEvans (new posting name for a previous reader, btw)
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  • From ANON - j on October 31, 2012
    oh my sweet god that was so damn hot!!! cannot wait to read more!
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  • From ANON - kappak on October 26, 2012
    I don't usually review fics, but this one is one of the few to inspire me to respond. Your ability to write convincing desire is refreshingly delightful. The tension between d&h is palpable. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - SarahWhitman on October 26, 2012
    Are you coming back?? :( It's been nearly 3 full months since you've updated. I hope you are alright. Please drop us a line to let us know you're well.
    Waiting more-or-less patiently for more,
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  • From ANON - Selena Malfoy on September 23, 2012
    I'M DYING FOR MORE!!! Please update soon! xoxo SM
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  • From kazfeist on September 21, 2012
    Wow! You've added to the story since I last visited the site! Still think it's Veela!Draco going after his Mate at long last, and hoping for a happy ending. Can't wait for more. :D
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  • From RRose on August 26, 2012
    That was very intense! I liked how even the reader didn't know fully what was going on between them with her touch being reciprocated. Can't wait for more :)
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  • From ANON - SelenaMalfoy on August 12, 2012
    I'm dying for your next post!! I love the story you've created and the details are so beautifully written. Adding small plot thickeners (Draco's strained relationship with his family, Blaise using house elves, etc.) really make the story more intriguing and complex. They make me want to know more and keep reading. The naughty bits help a lot too! You do a wonderful job writing the love scenes. They're extremely detailed and perfectly erotic!! I can't wait to read what happens next! xoxo SM
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  • From ANON - TJ on August 07, 2012
    Holy fuck. That was hot.
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  • From ANON - SarahWhitman on August 05, 2012
    Oh and I nearly forgot: 1. I don't understand the reference in the chapter title. 2. I loved the quote at the end. Great idea to include one, and it's quite appropriate too!
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  • From ANON - SarahWhitman on August 05, 2012
    As I sit here pondering what in the world to give you as feedback, it occurs to me that, among the many emotions vying to be recognized within me at the moment, prominent among them is this deep sense of WANTING. I have no idea what it must be like to be under the snare of such a charismatic man, let alone the beauty and sensationalized torrent of emotions and reactions that one could experience with such a man. I can very much feel for Hermione and have often, throughout this fantastic fiction of yours, felt as though her thoughts could be mine, had I been in her shoes. (Amusingly enough, occassionally a thought would cross my mind and then not two seconds later I would read that same thought cross hers!)
    Your writing is so full of description, passion, suspense, LIFE...that I am truly transported from my average, some-what lonely existance into the lives of another and I am truly quite honored to have the priviledge of reading it. I am so very pleased that you have returned to writing. My face lit up with excitement upon seeing a new chapter posted. (And I do hope RL is treating you kinder these days, author dear!)
    As for Hermione and Draco....ah me. How I feel for them both. Something tells me it will not be quite as easy going as Draco seems to think. (Being a Malfoy, he is arrogantly sure of himself and his control over the situation, isn't he?) I do worry about Hermione and her fragile heart. (p.s. LOVED the oxytocin reference, btw!) But if there ever was a doubt (and honestly who in their right mind would doubt it??) as to their compatibility--and if that kiss was not enough (again, how I WISH I could have been in her shoes then!)--there is NO DOUBT whatsoever of their compatibility now!
    Oh and I'm still highly intrigued by the whole blood magic/spilling of bodily fluids bit. I'm not sure what Draco meant to accomplish. Maybe a sign of trust? Maybe he intends to...IDK...mix their fluids? (And sneaky man--when did he start touching her, erm...well...THERE? And for that matter....has he actual touched her, aside from through her clothes? Because maybe...hmm...maybe it's like throwing down the gauntlet? Maybe he intends to see just how brave our Griffendor girl is? I mean, he's thrust a lot at her today (no pun intended! haha!)---she very neary hyperventilated at one point. Maybe he intends to see just how much he can get away with?
    Again, *fantastically fabulous chapter*!! One of the best so far, really. So maybe Draco's pouting did you some good, eh?
    Please come back soon with more! And many thanks to your beta! (p.s. it could have just been me but I think the spacing is off on the previous chapter)
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  • From ANON - SelenaMalfoy on August 04, 2012
    WONDERFUL! I love the detail. I can't wait to see where this leads. Thank you for coming back to this story!
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