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Reviews for His Actium

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - AngelArchive on September 22, 2011
    This seems fun and changeable so far. I want to see how far you can flex this.

    His Actium is good.
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  • From Eowynselixure on September 15, 2011
    All in all I loved the idea that you explored here but I thought many things were confused and unsatisfactory. Like for instance the fact that Robards reason for wanting to take down Draco was not the plausible one of having a rival business but the rather pathetic "because I hate him." Perhaps you were hinting at prejudice against Malfoy for his past actions but you didn't build up people's prejudices against him well enough within the story for it to work. This is just an example but overall I feel the story wasn't very well rounded and poorly finnished. I'm sorry to have to say this about one of my favourite authors but I am being honest and I'm sure many people did love this story.

    *Eowyns elixure
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  • From Ataraxia on August 14, 2011
    This was a fantastic work. Really well-written. Harry's inner dialogue was amazing and the way you tweaked his personality was beautiful and totally believable. I loved Fovea; I have a conure who shows ALL the same behaviours. Every time Fovea pooped I laughed to myself; to love a bird you have to put up with a lot of shit.
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  • From bloodshound on August 14, 2011
    Harry the bait. *grins.
    This story finished off vert nicely and I'm glad draco has come to see his unrealistic view point. They can try for a true relationship now. *raises a toast to them.
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  • From SParker on August 13, 2011
    about the end...

    That was good, it ended just right..with no questions
    lingering. Now, we just need a sequel about the bird! :-D
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 07, 2011
    Wow this was an emotional chapter. Talk about tension.
    Both Draco and Harry have some strong viewpoints. The conversation that they had was...akward. Draco struggling to find the right words and Harry loosing his temper. I hope they can find a way to understand each other, because their both right in a way. While it is understandable that Harry does not want to wallow and is sick and tired of hearing the same accusations, it is also understandable that Draco 'misses' the more warm and care-free harry from school, after all, the current Harry can be a bit cold and sometimes even creepy. Perhaps Harry must find his inner-child again ;-)

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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 06, 2011
    about #9...

    Damn, that was some heavy conversation towards the
    end, with Harry laying it down on the line. I think
    I see what is wrong with Draco & part of it is his
    fascination that he has with Harry, but the problem
    is he still sees Harry as the young man who always
    took the moral ground & would NEVER..EVER..taint
    himself in anyway.

    Now, he has to wrap his pretty lil' head around the
    fact Harry is now a different type of animal.

    About that fascination, I think it built up subtly over
    the years & he saw Harry in a certain way, as the perfect
    Gryff', now he has to readjust.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 01, 2011
    about #8...

    Hmm...sounds like it's about to get tricky.

    ..and of course, the meeting between Fovea &
    Draco was humourously priceless. :-)

    'humourously priceless'..yeah they do sound
    weird together.

    I'm not sure if I asked, but did you have a
    bird once?
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  • From bloodshound on July 31, 2011
    i know he feels har has a lot to make up for but draco is sure being a demanding, insecure lil brat, ain't he.
    at any rate, i hope this gamble is worth it.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 18, 2011
    about #7..

    Okay, I know how well cockatoos can talk, but I have to
    admit that was a tad freaky for a second. :-)

    I see you 'projecting' through Harry here, though it IS
    a good scene between Harry & Ron, with Harry trying to
    convey how he feels about the situation & trying to let
    his friend know that all of this was HIS choice & he's not
    that little boy anymore from Hogwarts.

    ...and he's not going to have that picture perfect family
    EVERYone expected him to have. Hell, he might try to have
    a different type of nuclear family.

    (I'm getting tired, to a certain extent)
    well now, looks like you have email coming...
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  • From bloodshound on July 17, 2011
    grins at Fovea's antics and can totally understand where you've come from with putting off the last in wolf and fox series. You've got plenty on your plate atm and have every right to be a bit tired (honestly, i don't know how you manage to keep up with all you've got going on as it is.) Still, i look forward to it when you find some space and energy in your shedual.
    draco is a bit erratic atm. I look forward to hearing what Draco asks.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 11, 2011
    Not much to say on this one.

    1. So, I'll ask this...the name Fovea, where did that
    come from? Was your bird named that?

    2. At this point of the story, I can't see you utilizing
    the 'game' I wanted you to have H & D play...sooo do you
    think you could use it in some other story?

    3. ...and what's the deal on the 'Fox & Wolf' trilogy???
    I'm beginning to think you regret even starting it!
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  • From ANON - vuurvlieg on July 10, 2011
    I am a big fan of (most of) your stories.
    Even when it is a story line or premise that I do not typically enjoy, your outstanding writing style draws me in anyway.
    For me, the biggest accomplishment in your fics, are the character portrayals. Harry's and Draco's characters are always so fitting and believable for each situtation you land them in.

    "His Actium", though, while an outstanding story and far better than anything I could come up with myself, confuses the hell out of me. The main comments in the first chapters related to Harry's career choice are about him sleeping with so many people and what that makes him, rather than the effect his job has on the seduced victims. I find it just very hard to believe that Harry would, not seduce, but break people's hearts, especially when they might be innocent. This was touched upon in later chapters, but it is still hard for me to understand. The fact that Harry wants to hang Zabini for sth that he practices himself, I also find a bit strange.

    What confuses me in the latest chapter is Harry's guilt concerning what he has done to Draco. I mean, Draco obviously knew what he was doing. It didn't seem as if Harry's real intentions transformed Draco in a sad little kitten. The following sentence I also do not really understand: "At some point, he has to take care of himself, and I have to let him." It makes Draco seem a lot weaker than in the previous two chapters. Do you mean that he is/can not take(ing) care of himself now? And that he needs Harry's help in order to do what exactly? I can't really imagine Draco thinking himself not worthy of material things, either...I mean, it is Draco.

    I am not saying that I dislike Harry and Draco in this story, but that they...puzzle me. And I always like to understand everything ;-)

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  • From bloodshound on July 09, 2011
    YAY! loves being right. ^^
    so, can't wait to find out what Harry's new job'll be and what Draco has planned for him now.
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  • From Aerobabe9268 on July 03, 2011
    Hey :) This is Taragh McCarthy :) I'm actually on my account today ;D OMG I loved the last three chapters :D I knew that Draco was way too smart to be tricked like that!! :D I loved the sex scene and I'm glad that Harry is giving up being a Paid Whore ;) Hopefully, Draco will be able to forgive Harry and they can be together soon :D Can't wait to see the next part!! :DDD
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