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Reviews for Sister Healer

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From bloodshound on September 07, 2011
    She might not be twisted but there's nothing to say she can't bring it out or drive other people to it... or maybe make them manifest like they are. Sort of like a 'twisted' typhoid Mary.
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  • From bloodshound on September 04, 2011
    oh, dear. I dunno if she's twisted or something else, but she's certainly messing with Malfoy's head... not what he needs when he's having confidence issues and it just might make him hesitate and get his fool self killed. or worse yet, Harry.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 31, 2011
    Its official healer Alto has my fur, hackels, and tail on end. She makes me nervous.
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  • From SParker on August 25, 2011
    about #2...

    I swear Harry tumbles into trouble, the way a five year old
    would walk innocently into oncoming traffic. :-) You just
    can't leave them alone for a minute.

    ..and I sure hope Harry realizes he DID take off without
    telling Draco where he might apparate to.

    Now, one theory I'm thinking is 'a twisted with the ability
    to manipulate time'. It's plausible, but early in the game
    to be a concrete answer.
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  • From bloodshound on August 25, 2011
    you're welcome and don't worry about it. I've never believed in harassing writers for more. It usually does no good and pisses them off.
    Oh dear, how does Harry manage to do this to himself. They really need a quick way to call a partner.
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  • From SParker on August 11, 2011
    Hmm...the story has barely started & already
    something is wrong. Shall I come up with theories?

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  • From bloodshound on August 10, 2011
    more huh? Goody! *settles back to enjoy the new ride.

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