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Reviews for Sanctum Sanctorum

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Leania07 on February 26, 2012
    Hmm true, temptation is the root of all evil ~.^ That was a phenomenal scene and chapter! Seems like Hermionie just can't grasp what needed to be done; if poor Harry let himself feel regret over every death he caused, every life he took, he'd go insane or be extremely depressed at best. I enjoyed this chapter, and sure the fight with the phoenix was short (by some standards) but it was just a vessel for the magic. Fantastic job!

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  • From moodysavage on February 25, 2012
    I am super tired and can't really think straight... but that was really cool. I liked how Harry about lost himself and Draco reminded him to return to him. Everything... really really good :)
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  • From ANON - polka dot on February 25, 2012
    Hermoine is definitely coming out of this as a whiner. I feel bad for Ron.
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  • From bloodshound on February 25, 2012
    well managed har... heheh, for a prediction that horrified him in the beginning, this one is looking like something he can settle easily into. I wonder what they'll do with the parsel kids, can they be retaught english or another language... or at least to read it?
    I could feel a bit sorry for the apprentices who were most likely just doing what they were told, the healers though, nope, sorry mio, they deserved it and worse.
    i wonder what they'll do with the now squib moonstone.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on February 25, 2012
    about #34...

    Wow! O_o

    Now this was tha' s***! This is what I'm talking about scenes that
    make you sit up & take notice! You came with it, sat it down..and
    said 'How ya like me now!' ...and if you didn't understand that reference
    I can't help you.

    This was a VERY good conclusion to the climax, I don't know what else to say
    about it...did you eat some Wheaties before you wrote or something? :-)
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  • From ANON - dominique1 on February 24, 2012
    i so want harry to win and that all those people hurt for hurting the kids
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  • From Sablesilverrain on February 23, 2012
    Damn. This cliffie doesn't have another chapter after it.

    I may die of suspense. T.T
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  • From makochan0217 on February 22, 2012
    Very fitting end for Shroeder. He didn't deserve to live anyway. >> But, I am worried about Harry having to deal with the altered phoenix now. That's going to be very tricky. And what about those Healers? Are they still alive? It would be nice for them to actually have some people to take in because of this whole mess. I just hope that the children are okay. Draco doesn't mind that the prophecy is going to come true now, hm? And Harry's fine with that too? Of course, it just confirms what they've been going through I suppose. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From Leania07 on February 20, 2012
    Ohh, a fitting death for Schroder IMO. Quick and with out much thought. Seems like the main fight will be with the phoenix, or rather the wild magic that gets stirred up by the hatching phoenix. Looking forward to the next chapter, I've really enjoyed the ride thus far. ^.^

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  • From bloodshound on February 19, 2012
    well, the kids are safe at least, though i imagine they'll have all sorts of residue damage.
    Still, i wonder who or what that voice was. har was in close contact with one phoenix for quite some time, not to mention the tears cried into him, so it should be interesting to see how he interacts with these poor altered beings... oh and the dude responsible... please squib i fy him or something equally fitting. He's scum.
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  • From moodysavage on February 19, 2012
    oh...mygosh... just.... oh my gosh... That was freakin' awesome. Harry is freakin' awesome.

    Having so much power that it scares people... friends and enemies alike. And having to make the choice to protect others even at the cost of his own life... and doing what has to be done even when friends and lovers may or may not understand. I love this story.

    If you have never read it... you seriously need to read The Last Herald Mage series (Magic's Pawn, Magic's Promise, and Magic's Price) by Mercedes Lackey. Your Harry reminds me of the main character Vanyel. I have been in love with the story for years and have read it over and over.

    Your Harry... and Draco being the perfect counterpart... this is an amazing story. The plot is so well done and those little interactions between Harry and Draco woven throughout... like how Harry was backed up against Draco had such an intimate feel to it. *sigh* Really awesome :)

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  • From ANON - SP777 on February 19, 2012
    about #33..

    Dammit to HELL! O_o

    Lomona, where inside your brain did you THINK it was a
    good idea to end it there???

    All I can say is you better come wit' it next chapter. I want to see
    some fire power & why Harry is the most powerful wizard in the
    wizarding world.

    Is that right? Wizarding World?
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  • From makochan0217 on February 17, 2012
    I wish that Hermione would learn to prioritize her lectures and realize that she doesn't know everything about Harry and that not everything that Harry does that's dark is Draco's fault. I'm guessing she didn't know just how bad things had become for Harry before Draco showed up. Stupid Gryffindors thinking that all Slytherins,and Draco in particular, are evil and they are the epitome of good. >< It irks me. I'm glad that Adam is safe in his little bubble. But a phoenix egg? Immortality? When are people going to understand that in order to become immortal you have to sell your soul. Just ask Voldie... Oh, wait, they can't. *snicker* And just how is Harry going to get rid of that egg? Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From Leania07 on February 13, 2012
    Oh interesting idea there! Threw me off, since I didn't think a phoenix egg would be much bigger than a penguin's egg, and I had the mental image of an ostrich egg or larger. This isn't going to be a story where Harry has his magic "burnt out" is it? I always pout at those simply because IMHO a magical core would be tied to a person's life. Completely gone (a.k.a. burnt out) they would wither away and die (could take years); however having it "locked up" to where its still there but just inaccessible wouldn't cause such a thing. Not that I'm telling you how to write your story, just my opinion.
    Another good chapter, and I'll be waiting for the next.

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  • From ANON - SP777 on February 12, 2012
    about #32...Grammy Time!!!

    Wow! O_o

    There was a lot going on here, but this was really well put together.
    I like the fact that Draco & Harry are slowly becoming in sync with
    each other....Harry is the epitome of action & Draco is the voice of

    Now, the friends need to get their heads out of their butts & accept
    what's happening before them. All in all, very good chapter...
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